Chapter 556 Reunion

On the Mage Tower, Xia Miaomiao stood in front of the window on the third floor, watching a group of players ecstasy brushing monsters in the 'Refresh Zone' of the Screaming Golem in the distance. Fighting against soul-attacking monsters, I can't help but think of the past, when I and my buddies were like them, staying offline for days and nights for a dungeon or mission, until they were forced to log off by the system.

Recalling the past eventful years, only sigh.

Anyway, she can't get back to the previous state now, and her mentality has changed, so she can't go back.

She is not interested in this "old game mode" method of spawning monsters, but she is very curious about the story and causes behind the new map. The ancient battlefield, whose ancient battlefield, why there are such walking dead figures?
Naturally, it is impossible for a mage tower in Nuo Da to have only one buddy. There are also alchemy apprentices from the gang, about [-] or [-] people. A girl acts as a waiter and entertains her on the third floor. At this time, a cup of bitter wheat drink is served. , put it on the coffee table.

The alchemy apprentice looked at Xia Miaomiao's back curiously. She was also a girl. How could she be promoted to a level 5 occupation, but she couldn't even pass the threshold of a level 3 occupation?

"Sister Sapling, drink tea"


The three-story mage tower has the living room of the best friend, and an interior layout similar to a hotel suite has a small living room. The general visitors are on the first floor, and only she can enter here. As the saying goes, it is called the guest of the curtain.

Ha ha……

The alchemist apprentice didn't know why she was smiling, but seeing that she was in a good mood, he took the opportunity to ask some questions that he wanted to ask a long time ago.

"Well... aren't you an alchemy apprentice? Work hard on this promising career, don't be distracted"

"I'm just curious, Sister Sapling"

"99% sweat plus 1% luck"

"That's enough? Level 5 occupation?"

"Yes, there is no shortcut to success."

"But I see that many people are working hard, such as..."

Chatting with a little girl is very relaxing, answering her 'childish' questions doesn't require thinking too much, looking at her little fan girl, Xia Miaomiao squeezed her chin narrowly while she was talking endlessly.

"Yeah... Sister Sapling, I like men."

Xia Miaomiao couldn't help laughing.

When Du Shiyu came in, she saw such a scene, which made her whole body relax, and the heavy pressure on her back seemed to disappear.

"What are you talking about, so happy?"

She came in and asked as she took off her soiled robe.

"It's nothing... Did you read the system announcement?" Xia Miaomiao asked.

"Well", Du Shiyu put on clean clothes and walked to the bathroom, "Wait for me for a while, wash first."

When she came out of the wash, only her best friend was flipping through one of her experiment diaries in the living room.

"Don't touch my stuff."

"Cut, when I'm a rarity, it's all ghost symbols."

Du Shiyu wiped her wet hair, and sat down opposite her best friend, "How long are you planning to stay this time?"

Xia Miaomiao stretched her waist, "I'm not leaving this time, I'm going to upgrade to level 59, and try to hit the sky."

"Level 6 occupation? You're quite ambitious. What about the stuff? Let me see."

Xia Miaomiao took out the Heart of Titan, a red prop in a black wooden box that exudes a special halo.

Du Shiyu carefully put on the gloves before picking up the wooden box, and slowly opened it to see that there was something like a pebble lying inside.

It looks ordinary on the surface, but after staring at it for a long time, I found that it has many cross-sectional phantoms. I don't know if it is an illusion, but Du Shiyu seems to see something 'familiar' from one of the cross-sections.

She slammed the box shut and took a deep breath.

"How about it?"

"There is a way."

"That's right, the red props, I just don't know how to use them."

"Wait for me to study."

"Can you do it? If not, ask your master to see if it needs to be appraised."

"No need to identify, I'll try first, if it doesn't work, I'll find the master"

"I'm just kidding, you can try whatever you want"

After being separated for a long time, people who are familiar with each other will feel strange. Xia Miaomiao feels that she and her best friend are not as "tacit" as before. The other party didn't catch a joke, and the distance suddenly widened.

Silence for a while.

"The 9th it considered a public test?" Xia Miaomiao had no choice but to find a new topic to dilute the slightly uncomfortable atmosphere.

"Well, in fact, the 8th test is already considered a public beta?" Du Shiyu picked up the bitter barley tea and sipped it, "It doesn't matter whether it is a public beta or not. No one can tell how many players and tourists there are now. As for Xinshou Village of our gang , there were newcomers logging in yesterday, unfathomable, what's the point?"

"You can't say that. Look at the system announcement. This 9th test will launch a 'complete virtual life system'. What is a complete virtual life? You don't understand?"

"What do you want to say?"

"What is missing now? Lack of marriage, children, the birth of newborns, the death of the elderly, the lack of a reincarnation, and it will be complete if it is made up. Apart from that, I can't think of any complete virtual life system."

Du Shiyu frowned.

If this gap is filled, all life, old age, sickness and death will be covered online, so what else is needed offline?
Just a body?
In her opinion, this is an act of pressuring online and encroaching on the offline "living space" step by step, coupled with the big fog and... what is the system going to do? Does it really want to keep players and tourists away? Online, stay in Canaan and become the same population as the natives?

"The announcement also said that the expansion pack for Total War: The Kingdom of Gods will be released soon. What do you think?"

"What can I think"

"Didn't I participate in a copy of the Star Battlefield once? At that time, I was suddenly pulled in. The decisive battle in the Kingdom of God should be the place I used to go."


"Look, Chun Shui and the others must have been notified, something big will happen soon."

"I'm not interested in that."

" is your research going? Oh, by the way, I joined the special disposal team, have you heard of it?"

"Well, we have a cooperative relationship with your headquarters."

"Also, I just saw Shenlong offline, it's Shenlong, not the big lizard online, the kind in the apotheosis story..."


"Just on the plane, a few days ago."


"The dragons have appeared, so will other things be far away? I really don't know what will happen offline...the revival of deification? Mysterious world?"

"Don't think about it."

"It's not that I'm thinking wildly, but...forget it, you're busy, I'll talk to Chunshui and the others."

Du Shiyu breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly stood up to send his best friend away, but he reacted randomly, "It's so fast, why don't we chat for a while?"

"No, I know you are a research lunatic, so I won't take up your time."

As soon as she left the mage tower, Xia Miaomiao slapped her forehead hard, and looked back at the mage tower, feeling a little lost.

After being separated for a long time, I tried my best to get back the feeling that I used to talk about everything and talk freely, but I didn't expect that "excessive force" seemed deliberate and awkward, and forced to find a topic. As a result, the two of them didn't care, and because of mutual accommodation, they separated for a long time A reunion meeting becomes awkward.

The result is that both of them are uncomfortable, both of them are under pressure, and they both seem to be deliberate, so...

Can not go back.

Whether it's the environment or individuals like her and her buddies.

Maybe that's the price of growing up?

Taking one last look at the mage tower, Xia Miaomiao waved at the third floor, then turned and strode away.

When I returned to the upper city, I didn't hide my identity anymore, and went straight to the inner city.

"Who are you, where did you get this gang badge, honestly!"

"Nonsense, you said you were a member of the gang, why have I never seen you?"

"What, you still want to force your way in? Come on, there is trouble here!"

In the end, he was stopped at the door. Although it was a misunderstanding, it also made Xia Miaomiao feel that after the 'family is big and the business is big', the atmosphere in the gang was not the time when she left.

"Who, who, who dares to cause trouble in the inner city?"

A player who looked like a deacon came out. Xia Miaomiao didn't know him, but he did.

A Jiling ran up, and after understanding the general situation, he scolded his head and face.

"You are blind, the gang badge can still be wrong? This is a small sapling elder, the list of gang members is clearly listed, won't you take a look?"

"Wrong, she... Her ID is hidden."

"Give her back, her, her, this is a little sapling elder, the number one expert in the gang, a level 5 occupation, you don't even recognize the level [-] occupation cloak, right?"

"...Level 5 occupations are a fart, and the responsibility is... It's not easy to work with the king of heaven."

"Damn it, don't think I can't do anything about you just because you hugged the deacon's thigh..."

"All right, all right." Seeing more and more people watching around, Xia Miaomiao hurriedly stopped.

"I'll deal with you later," the deacon's face changed completely when he turned around, "Sister Sapling, I'm a lion, I've played a raid with you before."

"It's you." Xia Miaomiao didn't recognize it at all, "Is Chunshui here?"

"Yes, yes, yes, I'm going to inform the City Lord's Mansion... Sister Sapiao hasn't come back for a long time, come in and talk."

Xia Miaomiao felt that she was an outsider. When she walked into the gate of the inner city, a person in the crowd shouted and asked, "Lion head, who is this big guy?"

The deacon wanted to please Xia Miaomiao, and he also wanted to show off, so he replied loudly, "This is our hall of fame elder, a founding member, the number one master of the gang, a fifth-level professional ranger, and the head of a little sapling."

"Wow, level five occupation!"

"I've always heard that there is such a big boss, and today I finally met him."

"A big guy is a big guy, and he looks extraordinary."

"Tsk tsk, this is the shot? People don't even bother to look at you."


The deacon saw that Xia Miaomiao's face was not right, and realized that the horse's ass was being slapped on the horse's leg. He quickly closed the door of the inner security, and led the way to the main hall graciously.

Along the way, he introduced all kinds of things in the inner city.

Xia Miaomiao looked at the inner city, which was comparable to Hengdian's filming base, with magnificent buildings, both Canaan style and ancient Chinese style. There were not many players, but it was solemn and solemn. She sighed in her heart, what a shotgun change.

It's like this in the upper city, but I don't know how it is in the lower city.

In a blink of an eye, more than half a year has passed, and time flies by so fast.

Except for the system tool NPC, there were no people in the main hall. It was like a large exhibition hall. Xia Miaomiao looked at the huge narrative painting drawn on the wall and found herself on it.

"This is the history of our gang, which is required by the system, hey, and me, Sister Sapling, look, I'm in the third chapter"

The third part is the period of the third test. I didn't expect this guy who wasn't even Ling Jue to be an old player of the third test.

"What about Chunshui and the others?"

" the City Lord's Mansion"

Xia Miaomiao was speechless, so why did you bring me in?
"Aren't Chunshui and the others coming to the main hall to handle the help?"

"What's so good about this place? How can the city lord's mansion be as comfortable... Uh, I just informed, and the reply said that I'll be there in a while."

Xia Miaomiao had no choice but to wait in the main hall.

This wait is more than two hours.

"...Maybe something is delaying"

This number one master is really difficult to serve.

There was nothing to say, and the deacon who said it felt embarrassed. He really had nothing to say, so he had to sit there in a daze. This was never a thing for an old man like him who was used to being greeted and sent.

So proud!
The deacon thought to himself.

"Forget it, I'll come back tonight."

Xia Miaomiao stood up and said.

It might be because of the system announcement, it must have been a mess, she excused others in her heart.

Alas, I originally planned to stay here for a while, explore the ancient map, mix up the experience of the last few levels, and then see what can be done with gangs for promotion to level 6 professions.

But now... things are different!
Let's go!

At this moment, a hearty laughter came in, followed by a series of hurried footsteps.

"Don't wait for the night, I can't wait, haha!"

"Spring water!"

Shao Bing led a large group of people in. Before they arrived, the familiar enthusiasm and laughter immediately diluted the strangeness of not seeing each other for a long time.

Looking behind him, Truth, Huaguoshan... and the guy Xinchun who got eternal life.

Chun Shui became 'fat', and the 'fat' ones were not the people, but the outfits, which were already full of the costumes of the city lord and earl, and the others were the same, all walking like dragons and tigers, looking like a pampered boss.

Everyone had a smile on their faces, but they were much more reserved than before. Only Chunshui was still the same as before, kind and honest, and his every move carried a convincing affinity.

"...I was busy with the system announcement just now, and I have been in a meeting. I am late, don't mind."

Chun Shui explained.

"Sapling, sapling, remember me?"

"Are you... vanilla pudding?"

"Isn't it just me, sapling, long time no see, I miss you so much."

Xia Miaomiao was a little unaccustomed to this enthusiasm, so she was hugged stiffly by the vanilla pudding, and asked, "Why did you join our guild?"

"She's about to become our chief's wife..." Brother Chun said in a strange voice.

"Help master..."

Shao Bing interrupted with a smile, and waved his hand: "I'll talk about this later, go, go to my place, let's celebrate."

(End of this chapter)

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