Du Shiyu looked at the Mage Tower toppled in the fire, and his teeth were bleeding.

Xia Miaomiao comforted her, but fortunately nothing important was lost, at worst it would be rebuilt in the future.

Du Shiyu said with a look of 'despair', I have no money, and that is all my savings.

It was only then that Xia Miaomiao realized that the tower was built by her best friend, and when she looked at the building that was destroyed in the fire, she felt the same.

There is no time to complain about why the buddies are so confused, the damn Beamon and the Frost Giant chased after them, Xia Miaomiao protected the buddies and her apprentices, a group of more than 20 people fled to the depths of the ancient battlefield in a panic like bereaved dogs .

"Why don't you go downtown!"

On the way, an apprentice asked.

"The lower city is not safe. There is a taboo force in the ancient battlefield, which can prevent the divine power of the earth dog from invading."

Du Shiyu explained concisely.

Sure enough, once they went deep into the depths of the new map, the pursuers began to hesitate. When the lead color on the ground became heavier and heavier, an angel chasing at the front was 'stained' by the lead color. After struggling for a while, Turned into a humanoid statue.

So that's how those people look like monsters?
Then why are these people all right?
But now is not the time to worry about these.

After fleeing to a hill, Xia Miaomiao also came back, and the pursuers stopped two kilometers away and did not go any further.

The news came from the lower city that the gang finally held a resurrection point and is currently engaged in brutal street fighting with the enemy.

Naturally, the upper city could not be kept. God's punishment created a 'black hole' with a diameter of one kilometer. There was nothing left in the inner city, including a large amount of materials and goods that were too late to transfer to the lower city.

Fortunately, Chunshui didn't completely lose his vigilance. The real lair has always been the lower city, where [-]% to [-]% of the gang's wealth and supplies were in the lower city, and they didn't disappear in the sudden divine punishment.

If you have money, you won't have no power to resist.

You can hire allies from the system, you can issue regional plot missions to recruit cannon fodder, you can bargain with nearby player cities... In short, as long as you defend the lower city, you still have the hope of starting all over again.

But this time the dogs came in a menacing manner, without any warning beforehand. This safe rear paralyzed the nerves of most people. It was completely unexpected that the front line had calmed down, and the rear suddenly encountered such a heavy blow.

A group of people stayed on the lead-colored hill, surrounded by dark areas, vaguely saw in the dark distance, in the direction of the upper city, the outline of a huge colorful mushroom cloud was slowly fading.

"This loss is too great."

Huangtu hegemony is a dream, let alone Jianguo, thank God if he doesn't get caught up in the pot.

"I'm going to help, how about you?"

Xia Miaomiao asked her best friend.

"I'll go as well"

In terms of emotion and reason, Du Shiyu can't stay out of the matter.

"Do you remember how to kill someone?"

Xia Miaomiao laughed.

Du Shiyu equipped her alchemist staff, "What do you think?"

"Well, let us fight the enemy side by side."

The apprentices couldn't help much, and some of them were not even second-level occupations. Xia Miaomiao rejected their application for a battle. Du Shiyu asked them to protect the supplies they brought from the mage tower, and teamed up with Xia Miaomiao, and killed them again. go back.

An hour later, down town.

With a bang, everyone in the protective circle was stunned. Damage numbers popped up above everyone's heads, but the safety zone recovered their health. After a while, everyone's blood gauges returned to full.

A bimonkey beast lay on the protective cover of the teleportation array at the resurrection point, raised four heads of different colors, and slapped the transparent protective cover fiercely with one paw.

There was another bang.

It’s not enough to be beaten like this without fighting back. The alchemists of the guild finally repaired the center of the magic circle together with the cave wall. As the magic crystal was poured into the magic furnace without money, a huge amount of magic power was formed along the base plate buried deep in the ground. Countless spider web-like bright lines spread out, reaching the central node of the dome.

With the sound of "嗡!", the 6th-order French matrix, which was built with huge sums of money, was activated, and countless beams cut it down. The arrogant Bimonchi roared earth-shatteringly, and was cut into dozens of pieces by the beam, blood, The entrails, hills of body parts rained down on the resurrection site, giving everyone a bath.

Screams rang out.

Peace has been so long that even many players have forgotten how to fight, let alone the tourists who were born here.

Some of them saw such a cruel battle for the first time. First, they were inexplicably sent back to the lower city in the divine punishment, and then encountered a cruel siege battle. The majestic city wall made by the capital is like paper, and it will be broken if it is poked.

No matter how strong the defense line is, it needs people to defend it. From top to bottom, there is no mental preparation at all. Being able to hold the resurrection point is already the best result.

For any player city, the resurrection point and the teleportation array are the focus of defense, even the lifeline. The same is true for the resurrection point in the lower city. With the daily progress of the guard city, the materials and money spent on it are naturally a jaw-dropping figure.

If it hadn't been caught off guard, the situation wouldn't be as embarrassing as it is now. After the Fale matrix is ​​activated, the magic crystal hill stored nearby will be thrown into it. After the [Space Cut] of up to 7th order, a large piece of chaotic light will emerge from the center of the dome. The node was generated, and instantly expanded into a fog of chaos covering the entire lower city, and the [Chaotic Color Light], which was also as high as level 7, dominated the devastated lower city.

In the fog of light, the direction, force field, and even the strength and cognition were all distorted. Shao Bing took the opportunity to command the dozen or so regiments that had lined up to fight out, and fierce street fighting began.

In the light fog, one's own side was buffed, the enemy was weakened by interference, and a two-winged war angel lost the ability to fly. In cognition, there were enemies everywhere, venting their anger at a pile of ruins.

A large number of players rushed out of the protection of the protective shield, and faced a large number of enemies under the effect of spells, which confused perception and cognition.


"Come on!"

Shao Bing didn't even remember the last time he spawned monsters. As for how he got this amazing title and the level of 45, let's not talk about it, he was also leading the way at this time, wearing a purple professional suit, rushing majestically at the first place. One echelon.

The two soldiers collided together, and the sound was like a short explosion in an instant, and the sudden burst of spiritual light was as gorgeous as fireworks.

The same scene is happening in many player cities.

First there was a divine punishment beam of light, destroying everything around the main target, and then a large number of native troops emerged from nowhere.

The mainstream game area is in a state of complete emergency, wars spread all over the abandoned wasteland, a large number of towns were destroyed, a large number of farmlands, livestock farms and plantations were burned, and a large number of people under system management were burned, killed and looted... Players and tourists are nothing more than that, Even if all the resurrection points of a private server are destroyed, they can still be resurrected at other nearest resurrection points. Although this has caused huge delays and excessive population congestion, causing a certain degree of overload in the magic net in a short period of time, this is only Temporary phenomenon.

However, a large number of indigenous populations under the rule of the system were killed, and many of them have converted to the system gods, and their souls returned to the "God Kingdom" of the system temple in a short period of time.

There is no kingdom of God for divine beings, but the belonging of souls is the core essence of belief. If you betray or fail to properly place these souls, you will be cast aside by believers. This also violates the core narrative of the exchange relationship between beliefs, and it will also be said by beliefs. Backlash.

The existence of the temples of the system was also threatened directly. They were stunned at first, but when they came back to their senses, they had to ask the system for help.

Bei Gaoyang's solution is to first let the system temples use their own kingdom of God to settle the souls of believers.

As a result, in the system God's country, raindrops of light fell, turning into people who had just died in the material world.

Men, women, old people, women and children... relatives, lovers, friends, reunited in the Kingdom of God, hugged each other with tears of joy.

After that, they each shouted their own god names, knelt down in the direction of the system temple in gratitude.

But there was no feedback on faith-relationships.

So they all found out that they worshiped the wrong person, and in a daze, the system temples had to go off in person, take over this 'credit', and complete the responsibilities and obligations in the exchange of beliefs.

A mess!

Standing on the highest hall of the Kingdom of God, Bei Gaoyang looked at the chaos happening everywhere in the Kingdom of God with a gloomy face. At this moment, even Xiao Ai was in a state of desperation, and had no energy to care about what was happening in the main material world.

"Our enemies are brutal!"

An incarnation of Phils Egger from the Elf God Department stood beside him and said softly, "We have experienced similar scenes many times...the homeland was destroyed, the believers and people were howling in the fire, and the soul was in pain and Unwilling to return to the Kingdom of God, a lot of grievances accumulated, which in turn affected our own survival. Some companions became extreme and irritable because of this. Knowing that it was impossible to defeat their opponents, they recklessly launched a counterattack. As a result... ..."

"Thank you for your advice, Your Highness Phils, I will remain calm." Bei Gaoyang said.

"You have hundreds of millions of people, population is everything, and time is on your side. Be careful that human gods use this method to interfere with you and your companions. As long as the foundation of believers is not shaken, the gods can keep calm And respond flexibly, they actually have nothing to do to shake your kingdom of God."

"I know."

"I suggest that you find a way to relieve the resentment among believers. The destruction of homes, the loss of property and lives in a short period of time will have a huge impact on faith. Faith will ask why, and will ask its own gods to give an explanation and Answer, we must pay attention to this kind of resentment that all living beings converge..."

As a pastor, Phils has a wealth of experience, but he doesn't know that players and tourists are not elves, nor are they indigenous humans, and they will not have any "resentment" towards the beliefs and system temples. Even if they do, they will only Very slight, very easy to resolve.

He thought that after igniting the magic fire, the central hub of the magic net would not be able to wander, and the coordinates of the astral world would be exposed sooner or later, and he would encounter unprecedented pressure and offensive.

Therefore, Bei Gaoyang joined forces, united all forces that could be united, formed allies one by one, and did not hesitate to expose the secrets of the kingdom of God and the magic net, and asked them to stay in their own kingdom of God. It is expected that God will come soon. The group fight did not happen, and the first strike of the human gods did look at the mainstream game area.

But he knew that this was a normal battle of destroying gods.

The first step is to shake the foundation of your belief, generate and spread a lot of negative emotions in your belief, and let the pain and unwillingness of believers be transmitted to their respective gods, when the 'voice' of the convergence of consciousness of all living beings is loud enough , is enough to influence the other end of the thread of believers.

Therefore, it is often seen that in a jihad, the gods of one side suddenly lose their 'reason' at critical moments, and make a series of jaw-dropping actions, becoming angry, irritable and even crazy one by one. A clear mind already has a deep foundation.

Coupled with the fact that there are various problems lurking in the belief system of some gods themselves, such as the centaur pantheon, the relationship between their own believers is very unhealthy, and there are a lot of primitive, bloody and nonsensical things, which have already encountered the pressure of Mount Tai. The fragile line of faith collapsed, and the human gods packed them up, like slaughtering chickens and dogs, and let them lie in the astral world, turning them into eternal corpses.

The battle to destroy gods is also a battle to destroy civilizations. If one wants to destroy one's beliefs, one must destroy one's civilization.

And what bears civilization?
It's a lot of material things.

Burning, killing and looting is no surprise.

Once the first step is done, the second step will be staged.

Start the attack on the Kingdom of God.

At this point, the coordinates of the opponent's god's kingdom of God have been exposed, and under the frequent occurrence of faint tricks, let alone operating the laws of the kingdom of God without any flaws, there are really flaws everywhere.

No amount of accumulation is enough in the face of so many flaws.

The human gods will send a large number of avatars and high-end combat power to break into the kingdom of God, destroy the law and order in the kingdom of God, until they capture the temple and kill the real body of the god in the depths of the temple.

But if the first two are dealt with very well, it is very inadvisable to forcibly break into the kingdom of God and fight against it in the home field of the gods. At this time, the only way to go is to use brute force to attack.

But this path is something that is avoided in any battle of gods.

Because their beliefs cannot be shaken, the gods will have a steady stream of divine power to supplement, and the laws and order within the kingdom of the gods cannot be destroyed. The kingdom of gods is a strong bone in its own right. Forcibly fighting against such an opponent will inevitably be protracted and exhausted. It is the accumulation of both sides. Even if they win in the end, the price is often not worth the loss.

The battle of exterminating gods is easy to say. For the human gods, their opponents are no longer of the same order.

It's hard to say, if you don't start it, it's fine, once you start it, there is no turning back, so you have to be more cautious.

Under the shadow of the evening meeting, non-human races and gods were all trembling, and the unified vision was not far away. At this time, another skywalker system god popped up.

This gentleness, coercion, force deterrence and many other means have been used in turn, but none of them have achieved the intended effect. Seeing that it is about to develop, if it is not extinguished before it grows, should it be left until later when he is full-fledged?

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