With the destruction of the last resurrection point, the once-prosperous player city finally fell, and the established resistance no longer existed. The raging fire burned everything, and the army of the indigenous church swept across the city, searching for survivors from the ruins, and then Press in front of the ruins, light the fire, and throw these people into it.

This is the improvisation of burning, also known as the last 'mercy' of the heathen.

Only the flame can purify their sins and filth.

Most of the people who remained in the city waiting to be slaughtered were aboriginal NPCs. Players and tourists had either been resurrected to other places, or were on the way to flee in a hurry.

Aunt Xue was in such a fleeing team, with the dogs chasing behind them and the unknown destination ahead, they were hiding like mice, everyone's face was pale, like a frightened bird.

The remaining backbones of the Red Star Shining Gang swarmed to help Zhu Luo Hua Liu Shui climb to the highest point of the mountain forest, looking at the homes that were caught in the raging fire in the distance, all of them looked depressed and remained silent.

Luo Hualiushui heaved a sigh of relief when he didn't see the pursuers. He checked his communication channel and found that he hadn't entered the communication range of the friendly city-state yet.

After estimating the distance, his brows were furrowed, and there were still more than 20 kilometers to go. Usually, it was not a problem, but now it became a dangerous road that could drive him into the abyss at any time.

After being divided into parts, try to separate out as many suspicious soldiers as possible, hoping that they will attract the attention of the local dogs, and his team protects the vital treasure-the heart of the city, commonly known as the base vehicle.

After the system releases the expansion pack of Total War·Darkest Hour, City Heart will no longer offer exchange, that is, there will be nothing to lose. His guild, his city, and his hard-working management and accumulation will all be melted away. For nothing.

This must not be allowed to happen.

Thinking of this, his heart was as hard as iron, and he whispered a few words to his confidantes. After 10 minutes, Aunt Xue was forced to leave the brigade, walk out of the jungle, no longer hiding in hiding, and fled straight to another player city.

We are abandoned!

We are bait!
God damn Red Star Club!

Let's disperse and escape, if you escape into the resurrection range, just kill yourself...

After traveling not far, the fleeing team, which was mostly composed of tourists, dispersed in a rush. Aunt Xue, together with two familiar tourists and three intelligent NPCs, was forced to flee after seeing the dogs chasing soldiers behind them. Deviating from the escape route, he got into a burned plantation.

Half of the gate of the plantation was burnt, and the other half collapsed to reveal a hidden entrance. Six people got in in a panic, and found an entrance to the basement among the corpses scattered all over the ground.

The panic-stricken people got in, sealed the door behind the queen, and all of them collapsed on the ground, gasping for breath.

After a while, hurried footsteps were heard outside.

The dogs beat everywhere with spears and swords. Once they found something wrong, they poured grease on it and set it on fire. After a while, the fire raged again on the damaged plantation, and soon there were crying, begging, and screaming sounds. .

The 6 people hugged each other tightly, especially the three intelligent NPCs, who were so frightened that they almost fainted.

The three tourists were not much better, their teeth were gritted, and they could do nothing but resign themselves to fate.

The reason why they are so afraid is related to the current resurrection mechanism.

After the release of the expansion pack, the system made some major adjustments in response to the current complex security situation.

In the case that the marked resurrection point is destroyed, it is still based on the principle of the nearest resurrection, arrange players and tourists to the resurrection point within 50 kilometers. The premise is that there are resurrection times, the resurrection fee can be paid, and there is no more than 50 kilometers. distance limit.

Once this maximum distance is exceeded, players and tourists can only go to the nearest resurrection point in a ghost state...

Oh my goodness.

I heard that the ghost form can be blown away by a gust of wind, not to mention rushing, under the sun, it is impossible to walk at all, and you have to endure torture comparable to torture.

That's not to mention, ghost form cannot use free resurrection times, the reason is that the "cost" of resurrection in this form is high, the longer you wander outside, the higher the cost of resurrection, the system maintains this kind of revival for players and tourists form, consuming resources all the time.

Naturally, this consumption system will not pay the bill.

Finally, it is said that various dangers and accidents will arise in ghost form, such as being discovered by earth dogs, being captured by evil creatures, being...

The system is getting more and more "harsh", and the "Darkest Hour" expansion pack is released without warning. A large number of player cities have been destroyed under the sudden increase in the intensity of the war.

Now even resurrection has become so stingy and restricted, players and tourists are not without complaints, but the system is detached and more and more 'cold'.

If the system is a tree, the player is the fruit on the tree. The tree has too much control over the fruit, and the player has no other choice but to pinch his nose and recognize it.

I only heard that there was trouble with the operator, public server, and private server, and it was hard to get along with the system. What is it if you are full?
In this way, players become more 'serious' about death and resurrection. After the intensity increases, the playability also improves. Some players are forced to wake up from the comfort of life and death. game progress.

two hours later.

Aunt Xue carefully climbed out of the basement where she was hiding, and saw more than a dozen stakes erected in the open space not far away, with the charred corpses of intelligent NPCs hanging from them and several empty slings... She couldn't help feeling sad. Come, weep.

"you recognize?"

A tourist behind him asked in a low voice.

Aunt Xue choked up and nodded.

At this time, a scream sounded from behind. Looking back, it was Aunt Malik, an intelligent NPC, who had passed out.

"It's Uncle Malik!"

An intelligent NPC boy pointed at one of the charred corpses on the stake and cried.

The third tourist quickly covered his mouth, and looked around with frightened eyes, for fear that the local dog would hear.

"Go, it's too dangerous here."

A group of people staggered back on the road. Along the way, they kept seeing charred corpses left on the side of the road, with empty mouths and eyes looking at them.

"Why, why is this, why can't we live in peace?"

The third tourist was a scholar offline, and he was lost at this time.

"Damn the dogs!"

The young Jacob said through gritted teeth.

The scholar opened his mouth and let out a long sigh.

"Let's go!", the third tourist uncle urged.

Aunt Xue looked at the map, before panicking to give way, now she didn't know which direction to go.

"It's on my map!" said the uncle, "Northwest direction, hurry up.

The 6 people left the main road, and ten minutes later, the meeting point appeared on Aunt Xue's map, proving that the direction was correct.

"Who!? Who's there? Come out!"

As soon as he walked out of a mountain forest, the tourist uncle noticed a movement in the bushes in front of the left. He bravely shouted and got no response, so he took out a dagger with no attributes and leaned over.

The others watched him nervously.



A goblin pops out, then a second, and a third...

As soon as Aunt Xue breathed a sigh of relief, she heard a weak cry for help from inside: "Help, help!"

"Ah, it's Old Hu!"

Scholar Tourist yelled.

The uncle tourist just ran back and heard: "That old Hu?"

"It's the blacksmith, the one who just separated from us."

"How come, he followed the city lord and the others..."

While speaking, four or five goblins rushed over.

Three intelligent NPCs took out short knives to meet them. Aunt Xue was a little at a loss. She had never fought with anyone online, let alone a monster.

I can only watch five companions fight against five goblins. Fortunately, it's just goblins, so there shouldn't be any problems.



Seeing the young Jacob being smothered to the ground by the goblin's stick, Aunt Xue screamed and rushed forward.

"Cough cough..."

In Aunt Xue's arms, the boy kept coughing up blood, bleeding profusely from his forehead, "I really hope..."

"Jacob, Jacob..."

Aunt Xue was teary-eyed and didn't know what to do. The uncle tourist kicked the goblin down, jumped up and stabbed the goblin in the stomach, and turned around and shouted: "Bandage, bandage!"

"Oh, oh!"

Trembling, Aunt Xue took out the bandage...

"Not Class B, Class A"

Only then did Aunt Xue realize that she had taken the wrong one. Neither intelligent NPCs nor tourists could use Class B game props. She quickly dug out a set of 'real' bandages that tourists could use, and treated Jacob's wound.

"I, I really, wish, wished I was a spacewalker."

"Jacob don't talk."

Aunt Xue frantically treated the wound, and Jacob had passed out. At this time, the battle was over. The goblin left two corpses, and the rest fled.

The two players and the intelligent NPC gasped for breath. This kind of mob, which was not worth mentioning in the players' mouths, almost brought them a battle of doom.

This kind of monsters are all bullying and fearing hard. They couldn't escape just now, otherwise they would be lying on the ground now.

There is a goblin's lair in the bushes, a pot is boiling in the lair, and Old Hu is lying dying in the corner.

Aunt Xue forced herself not to look at what was cooking in the pot, and rescued Lao Hu.

"Those bastards took us as bait... they got separated soon... a bunch of goblins... everyone else died... poor natives..."

After Lao Hu talked intermittently about his experience after separation, everyone was silent, and they didn't have the energy to get angry, and they were all worried about what to do if they had two more burdens.

There are still 20 kilometers, it is really not good, forget suicide.

More than one person had this idea, but... Jacob and the others what to do.

Jacob, my little Jacob.

Aunt Xue molded the NPC boy's forehead, it was scorching hot, and she was so panicked that she didn't know what to do.

"Be a stretcher, and it counts as far as you can go."

Finally, the uncle tourist said.

It is really unbearable to let them abandon the intelligent NPC to "suicide". They are all friends who have been together for a long time. Regardless of the difference in identity, what is the difference?
The uncle and the scholar went to cut the branches to make a simple stretcher, put Lao Hu and Jacob on it, and five people carried them, and embarked on the escape journey again.

From noon until the sun was westward, the distance was shortened to only 8 kilometers without any risk, and the surrounding area was already the site of another player city. Aunt Xue was sincerely happy to see that there were bitter wheat fields waiting to be harvested on both sides of the road.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked on the main road, he saw thick smoke rising in the distance. The location was exactly the meeting point marked on the map, another player's city.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, not knowing whether to continue walking.

It didn't take long to struggle, and a dark wave of fleeing refugees appeared on the horizon.

The uncle was shocked when he saw this, "Go, go!"

"Where are you going!?" Aunt Xue was about to cry.

"Find a place to hide first!"

Lao Hu, who was lying on a stretcher, shouted loudly.

Everyone scrambled and left the main road, looked around quickly, "over there"

There is a village hidden in the northeast. What Lao Hu is referring to is not this village, but a building that looks like a brick kiln next to the village.


Old Hu said while coughing.

Everyone's eyes lit up, the mine is a good place, a slightly larger mine is like a labyrinth, go deep into the ground, find a corner to hide at random, and the hope of escaping is greatly increased.

Taking advantage of the distance from the fleeing army, everyone ran desperately to the mine. The young Jacob had already woken up. He didn't want to be held back at such a critical moment, so he stubbornly got off the stretcher and ran in front. .

Old Hu was embarrassed to lie down when he saw it, and he gritted his teeth and got up. Everyone threw away the stretcher, and the speed increased greatly.

"Resurrection point... gone!"

The blinking cursor on the map disappeared, indicating that the city at the meeting point had fallen, and the nearest resurrection point was gone, so even if you wanted to commit suicide, you couldn't commit suicide.

"Don't think too much, there is always a turning point, look at Jacob..."

The uncle used the stubborn young Jacob to cheer up his companions, and the group almost died of breath. When they ran to the village, they found that the building was already empty.

"They all went to the mine to take refuge."

The uncle pointed to the location of the mine and said.

"Let's hurry up too."

This is, the fleeing army has chased after him, and the target is obviously also the mine.

"not good!"

In the sky, a griffin rider of a local dog appeared. Everyone was scared when they saw the dead soul, and immediately ran to the mine in desperation.

Aunt Xue has never been so frightened as she is now.

If it died, there would be no place to resurrect, it would become a ghost, and then it would be captured by something... My daughter Xie Xiaomeng was not by my side, and she happened to be out on a mission the day the accident happened in the city.

If she was here, Aunt Xue would never be reduced to being used as a bait.

In the end, he was overtaken by the fleeing army.

The players rushed to the front, those with mounts rushed over like a gust of wind, and the sound waves behind them shook the sky, a mirror image of the end of the world.

"You... Aunt Xue!?"

A player riding a wild wolf ran over and came back, "It's really you?"

Aunt Xue knew him vaguely, as if he was Xie Xiaomeng's friend.

"It's too late..." The player rushed over and grabbed Aunt Xue onto the mount, and then rushed towards the mine without saying a word.

"Wait, wait a minute!" Aunt Xue shouted from above, "My friend..."

"You, you, take them in!", the man ordered around, and rushed into the mine without looking back.

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