This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 560 Huntian, Here I Come

A week later, Aunt Xue ushered in the ninth upgrade of the system in the deep underground mine.

9 tested!

Just like this, I passed through the war in a calm manner, not to mention offline, even online was calm.

Aunt Xue, like most people, didn't feel anything. Later, I heard that only when she goes offline and then goes online can she experience a "slight" difference.

She was going to go offline once, and the time agreed with her daughter had arrived. It was very difficult to meet her daughter in this chaos, hiding in the underground mine.

Unexpectedly, Xie Xiaomeng missed the appointment, and there was no sign of waking up in the game room. Considering the online situation, it might be at a critical juncture, and Aunt Xue could understand.

Leaving a note at home, telling her daughter about her situation so that she doesn't have to worry, Aunt Xue went back online.

After logging in, I did feel a slight difference physiologically.

Before she could recover, she felt a burning gaze around her.

Looking back, it was an orc player who had just logged in, staring straight at his chest, and lowered his head following his gaze... Aunt Xue screamed, and hurriedly covered her open collar.

Only then did she realize what the difference was. Aunt Xue blushed, and hurriedly left the place where the offline and offline were concentrated, and returned to the mine where she was hiding.

The young Jacob, Aunt Malik and Lao Hu were still together, and the others were separated. Under the relentless pursuit of the dogs that day, the people who fled into the mine were in a panic. The underground mine was like a labyrinth. As I ran, I changed and changed people.

Fortunately, the player riding a wild wolf who brought them into the mine, the astonishing thief whose ID is called wolf travels thousands of miles, took good care of her. The hiding large troops converged, finally found a suitable place yesterday, and launched the 'base vehicle'.

Most of the 'refugees' are still living in the nearby mines, and their emotions have stabilized, but there is a shortage of supplies, and many people have just begun to starve.

"Aunt Xue?"

"Well, Jacob, how are you feeling?"

"I'm is your world, the dogs didn't chase after you, did they?"

It is no secret to the aborigines and intelligent NPCs in the system that the space waders come from another world. Jacob has always been worried that the earth dogs will follow the 'network cable' to destroy the lairs of the space waders.

Aunt Xue shook her head with a smile, and stretched out her hand to touch the boy's forehead. Unexpectedly, Jacob's face flushed, and he turned his head away uncomfortably.

"what happened?"

Aunt Xue was a little confused.

"...Aunt Donit, you are so beautiful."

Aunt Xue thought of something belatedly, stepped back hurriedly, checked her body, and found that she was wearing surprisingly thin clothes, and all her exquisite body curves were exposed to the shy and curious eyes of the young man.

This made her very embarrassed, and hurriedly went to find her backpack, put on a loose monk's robe, and felt better.

"Aunt Xue is back? How about offline?"

Old Hu came in on crutches, "Nothing serious happened, right?"

"Everything is normal." Aunt Xue straightened the messy hair on her sideburns, and paid special attention to Lao Hu's eyes. She felt relieved when she found that there was nothing unusual. "It's just that the market is still deserted."

"It's better to be deserted, but you have to worry about it when it's busy." Old Hu muttered, "Come out, dinner is almost ready."

Aunt Xue agreed, and was going to help Jacob get up, but she turned around and felt apprehensive, so she asked Lao Hu to help the intelligent NPC boy who was still injured, and went out to help Aunt Malik first.

Aunt Malik was guarding a gurgling cauldron, surrounded by a group of people who looked like African refugees.

"It's time for dinner, it's time for dinner!"

Aunt Malik tapped on the rim of the pot and yelled.

Amidst the groans, these people got up one after another and lined up in front of the cauldron.

Aunt Xue went forward to distribute food, when she suddenly heard a female scream.

"what happened?"

The orc player who went online with Aunt Xue rushed out and looked in the direction of the voice.

"Help, come here..."

Aunt Xue was taken aback when she heard the sound, the orc player had rushed over, and after a while, a naked middle-aged man and a disheveled young woman were pulled out from inside.

"He...forced...he molested me!" The young woman complained, barely covering her chest's flash of happiness.

"I'm wronged, she's about to change the price she negotiated..." the middle-aged man raised his head in the hands of the orc player and shouted.

The tense atmosphere was swept away, and there was laughter everywhere. After Aunt Xue understood what was going on, she spat secretly.

The body is still the same body, but it seems that some kind of seal has been lifted. All kinds of feelings based on the secretion of male hormones, female hormones and hormones suddenly appear. This is not only reflected among tourists and players, but also among tourists, players and NPCs. Between the aborigines, it's like a chemical reaction, an extremely delicate feeling.

Aunt Xue was already beautiful when she was young, and her body scanned online was still ten years younger. Standing with Xie Xiaomeng, she looked like sisters instead of mother and daughter.

In the past, all the "fancy" things were psychologically satisfying, and the physical behavior was just to satisfy the psychological stimulation. Now it is different. This layer of "seal" is lifted. Suddenly, men and women are like magnets with different magnetic fields. , are attractive to each other.

This time it was physical.

This is the biggest difference that Aunt Xue experienced after she went online. Obviously, some people are already ready to try the new 'game play'.

It's just the first time this new 'playing method' is on the scene, it's not about pleasing each other, but buying and selling.

This matter was left alone, but the atmosphere among the refugees became a little different. Aunt Xue was distributing food restlessly, always feeling that others looked at her in a wrong way.

"you be careful"

Lao Hu privately reminded her, "Don't be alone with unfamiliar people in the future."

"What, you mean...impossible."

"What is impossible, this environment, this situation, and online, but there are no police and courts."


This is online.

Who cares?

In the next two days, the number of people around Aunt Xue really increased a lot, and many people came to strike up a conversation for no reason, even the orc player...

"My daughter is an elder of the Red Star Society, with a shocking level of 45"

"The Red Star Society has been disbanded, and the base vehicles have been blown up."

"The hall master of the Wolf Walking Thousand Miles in the Wind and Rain Building is my daughter's friend, and he will come to pick us up in a few days."


The "base vehicle" of Fengyulou was not exploded, and it has already been deployed in the big cave in front. These "refugees" all count on Fengyulou to live, and the deterrent effect is still there.

With such a 'background', those malicious provocations are much less, but the 'attention' received is not reduced at all.

"Wait a little longer, when the freshness wears off, maybe it will be fine."

Old Hu sighed.

"I'll protect you, Aunt Donit!"

Young Jacob puffed out his promise.

Fortunately, what my friends were worried about didn't happen. After finding that she was not easy to take down, those guys who seemed to be in the 'estrus period' quickly changed their targets. Soon, a pair after another appeared in the cave. That's right, 'Mandarin Duck', in the days that followed, I could often see their 'good deeds'.

Forced to endure this kind of live broadcast, Aunt Xue is fine. With this experience, the young Jacob is an eye-opener. On the one hand, he is curious, on the other hand, he is contemptuous. Don't they know chastity and shame?

I asked Aunt Xue privately, is the space traveler like this in their hometown?

Aunt Xue's face was hot and she didn't know how to explain it.

Lao Hu happily helped her out, saying that it was because everyone was depressed, so he used this method to relax and vent the pressure, and it would be fine after a while.

The young Jacob curled his lips. If he wanted to talk about stress and depression, who would have more pressure than them? Why didn't the aborigines feel like pussy cats everywhere...

The underground does not know the years, and another week passes without knowing it.

That night, Aunt Xue, who had begun to draw the curtain to isolate the outside world, was lying on a simple marching blanket, enduring the cat-like groans coming from outside, counting sheep and couldn't sleep, when she heard There was a movement outside to open the hole, and a person called her from outside.


"Aunt Xue, it's me. Wolves travel thousands of miles. I'll take you into the city."

"Ah, wait a minute, wait a minute"

Jacob and the others got up, their eyes were full of excitement, Aunt Xue tidied herself up in a hurry, opened the curtain and went out to see the wolf walking thousands of miles talking to that orc player, seeing her coming out, she took two steps forward, " Auntie, I have suffered a lot during this time, and now everything is arranged, I will take you into the city!"

"Thank you, thank you, Xiao Li, I have been bothering you all this time"

Lang Xingqian smiled and touched his scalp, "I am friends with Xiaomeng, so please don't be polite to me."

"Wait for me a moment"

"Well, you go and clean up, you have time."

When Aunt Xue came back, Lao Hu said jokingly, "The hairy-footed son-in-law pleases his mother-in-law, and we will enjoy the blessing."

Aunt Xue glared at him angrily, "...don't talk nonsense when you go out."

"I know, how could this kid pass the level so easily." Old Hu joked.

The few people packed up their belongings quickly, and they didn't talk nonsense when they went out.

It's embarrassing for the son-in-law to adjust a carriage to please his future mother-in-law. Aunt Xue took the young Jacob and sat in the carriage. Watching Jacob devour the prepared melon and fruit snacks, he felt the other party's intentions.

Leaving the refugee camp overnight, we walked through the maze-like mines for more than half an hour, and came to a large karst cave where many mines gathered. The "base vehicle" of Fengyulou was deployed beside an underground river.

A small earthen fence, a regular square, was overcrowded with players and tourists, and there was a congestion at the city gate, and there were people inside and out.

At first glance, it seems to be very popular, but this place has no resources, so I don't know how to build the city here, and how to support such a large population in the future.

"...the inner city can't accommodate you, so I can only wrong you to live in the outer city."

The wolf traveled thousands of miles to help Aunt Xue down, but when he woke up to avoid suspicion, he asked a female player under him to help him stand in front of a residential house in a narrow alley, he said apologetically.

"Are you going to stay underground for a long time, are you going to go back to the surface?" Aunt Xue asked.

"How can it be, the underground can't support so many people, and the surface still has to go back."

"Then this city..."

"The ground surface is not suitable for deploying the 'base vehicle'. In the future, the city will be built brick by brick. That's fine, the three caves of the cunning rabbit, and the old nest is still built underground for peace of mind."

Aunt Xue nodded understandingly, as long as they didn't lose the courage to return to the surface.

Fengyulou suffered heavy losses this time, but no matter how bad it was, the base car was finally saved, unlike the Red Star Club where she stayed before, the 'base car' was blown up, and the gang was actually disbanded.

My daughter Xie Xiaomeng still doesn't know where she is drifting, and she can't be contacted.

"Don't worry Xiaomeng, she has hope to be promoted to Yukong..."

Aunt Xue's daughter has always been her pride, but... well, she would never agree to Xie Xiaomeng finding a partner online, let alone marrying and having children. For the courteous young man in front of him, he could only secretly say sorry.

For this reason, he lived in the outer city dwelling in Fengfenglou.

Tourists are different from players, just like flower seeds, they take root wherever they land.

In the extreme north, the Guards descended to the city.

With the fall of the last frost giant, the remaining enemies in the city have basically been wiped out.

But looking around, the lower city, which was built as a fortress that would never fall, was in ruins, and there was not a single intact building in the city.

Thick smoke billowed, and the temple of the harvest goddess Tias collapsed in the fire. I don’t know how many times he was resurrected. After successfully falling to level 41, Shao Bing stood up and negotiated with the reinforcements from Dragon Island and the Forest of Riddles .

Xia Miaomiao sat on a half-collapsed pedestal to recover her strength, her eyes were blurred, as if she was not in a good state.

Suddenly, two contradictory scenes of extremely slow and extremely fast happened to her. I saw her getting up extremely "slowly", and in the process of standing up, leaving behind afterimages, bow and arrow, one arrow at a time Shoot to the sky outside the city.

The dome solidified by the thick smoke was like a thick dark cloud that was constantly in the sky, and the bright arrows pierced through it, and then there was a wailing sound, and a griffin and the knight driving it fell from it, and with a bang, they hit the sky. In the moat that has been dyed red outside the city.

There were feeble cheers from all around, Xia Miaomiao's figure swayed, and she sat down slowly, her eyes blurred again.

The system prompt to upgrade to level 59 appeared, and the corners of her chapped mouth curled up slightly.

"Ding, congratulations, you have realized the true meaning of power in the cruel and fierce battle, and realized the first line of enlightenment on the extraordinary career path..."

"...Please bring the props equivalent to the 6th-level occupation, go to the forest of riddles, get a leaf of the world tree, pass the test of the sun well, and get the certificate of the sky."


Xia Miaomiao stroked the texture on the Longyin Longbow.

I am coming!
"Miao Miao, I have passed the promotion test for a senior alchemist."

Just at this time, the best friend sent good news.

This is really double happiness.

"Is it still Sanye?"


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