This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 561 World Tree and Sunwell

Chapter 561 World Tree and Sunwell

The abandoned wilderness is extremely north, and the riddle forest is extremely south. The main material world is like a bubble, and a piece of land containing rivers, lakes and seas lies in the middle, so it is a "round sky and a place".

Above the land is the sky, and below the land is the "path to the secluded", the so-called "path to the secluded", all teleportation and traversal techniques are fundamentally connected to the "path to the secluded".

Of course, whether it is a round sky or a path to the secluded, they are all translations. In order to make it easier for players to understand, in Canaan's mystical narrative, they have no names, only mysterious symbols pointing to them.

Such mystical symbols are included in the structure of every teleportation array, and I am used to it, so I don’t think there is any mystery... This knowledge is that Xia Miaomiao walked out of the teleportation array and was really in the forest of riddles, this place in the extreme south , automatically comes to mind.

[Ding, found the forest of riddles]

The first feeling is quiet, quiet, quiet. The towering trees everywhere are beyond common sense. The trunk of a tree is like a wall, blocking the line of sight horizontally. The teleportation array is located on a branch of this towering giant tree.

The wide and flat branches are like a football field covered with bark, and the cumbersome magic circles seem to grow naturally on the texture of the branches.

The second feeling is that it is dark, dim, and gloomy. You can't see the sky from above, and you can't see the land from below. Countless branches and leaves intertwine, forming a complex and three-dimensional quiet world.

Is this the Forest of Riddles?

This goes far beyond the Fairy Forest.

A goblin forest is even more primitive than the primeval jungle of the Amazon. This place is like the Jurassic period of an alien planet—is it because the oxygen content is too high?

Of course, the oxygen content is just a joke. If you want to talk about different places that are abandoned in the wilderness, it's not that there are no places, but Xia Miaomiao can't describe them.

After being dazed for a moment, she shook her head, looked around, and found a tree house outside the teleportation array.

No one prompts, no one greets, she can only walk like this tree house.

Walking in, the tree house is simply a work of art, like a large birdcage that grows naturally, suspended one meter from the ground by thick vines, woven from the vines that grow naturally from the top to the bottom. Xia Miaomiao climbed up an elegant staircase and knocked on the door.

"Excuse me, is anyone there?"

It took a while before a pleasant voice came from inside: "Please wait a moment (translation)"

Xia Miaomiao shrugged helplessly, and stood outside the door to wait.

This waited for a day.

She is sensitive to the passage of time. Although the surrounding environment does not know why, and the light has not changed a little, she still feels the sun rises and sets. The feeling of the moonlight factor touching the skin.

Xia Miaomiao is very patient. She thinks that the test will start from the moment she steps out of the teleportation formation. It is nothing to stand around and wait. When she was promoted to Yukong, she stayed in the magical realm for two full years. .

At a certain moment, the door opened with a creak, and a tall elf in an emerald green floral dress appeared in front of her eyes. She or he, with a blank expression, looked Xia Miaomiao up and down and asked, "A spacewalker?"

Xia Miaomiao nodded quickly.

"come in."

Xia Miaomiao followed him into the house.

The furnishings and decorations of the small tree houses are all exquisite, and all of them reveal a simple and natural atmosphere. It seems that the elves dislike any traces of artificial carvings. Every table, chair, and every decoration is unique.

It's really pleasing to watch.

It's just that there is no sense of time.

"Fill... fill out a form!"

The elf handed over a piece of paper with a weird expression on his face, and what was even weirder was this form. The strong system style obviously didn't match him and the surrounding environment.


Xia Miaomiao agreed, and then stood there in a daze.

How can I write without a pen?
The elf didn't care, and after sitting down, he put on a pair of exquisite crystal glasses, and began to write and draw on a leaf like oiled paper.

Xia Miaomiao had no choice but to find something in her backpack that could be used as a pen, filled out the form crookedly, and handed it over.

"Leave it alone, let's go."

Is this over?

I'm here to complete the Tier 6 job quest.

"Of course someone will take you away."

"Then I..."

"just wait."

Well, Xia Miaomiao had to wait.

This is completely different from what was imagined beforehand.

This place is too deserted, so deserted that it makes people feel gloomy...

This wait is another two days.

Two days later, the elf was still writing and drawing there without changing her posture. Another elf came riding a unicorn with wings. He just glanced at Xia Miaomiao, picked up her form and looked at it. Take a look, "you come with me."


Xia Miaomiao asked a stupid question.

"world Tree."

This is going to the World Tree?

Xia Miaomiao thought she didn't know how many troubles were waiting for her.

"You are a fifth-level skywalker, you should have a mount, right?"

Xia Miaomiao quickly said yes.

The elf didn't care about it, he rode on the unicorn and flew into the air.

Xia Miaomiao quickly summoned her own griffin, stepped up and chased after her.

Fly like this, fly, see every stitch in the three-dimensional network world composed of branches, leaves and vines, incarnate as a small moth, and fly in the world of giants.

Too cold.

Not to mention the city, after flying for a day, I didn't even see a village.

There are only tree houses, scattered everywhere, and it takes a long time to see one.

There are not many animals and insects, and there are so many huge trees that seem to have sucked up all the nutrients, so that there is nothing but trees.

This is a different kind of barrenness.

Xia Miaomiao suddenly had such a feeling, and there was a reason for the lack of energy she felt before.

I heard before that there are twelve kingdoms of elves in the forest of riddles. She thought it was twelve kingdoms of elves, but now it seems that this is definitely not the case. What are the twelve kingdoms? There are so many giant trees, What should the world tree look like?
The answer was soon revealed.

Fly, fly, I don't know how long it took to fly, suddenly at a certain moment the field of vision was empty, and then I saw the sun, the moon and ten shining stars hanging on the sky.

Looking at it again, it is indeed a huge luminous tree. The so-called sun, moon, and stars are just twelve fruits hanging on the tree of light.

[Ding, discover the miraculous place: World Tree]

[Ding, discover the land of miracles: The Twelve Kingdoms of the Elves]

Xia Miaomiao subconsciously wanted to see what the World Tree looked like, but found that she couldn't see it clearly anyway, and even the idea of ​​"wanting to see it clearly" began to "lighten" and "faint" until it was completely erased from consciousness.

It is no longer different from the World Tree, and the Griffin has no memory of when it was put away. It landed in front of a bright light curtain and bowed to an elf wearing a crown.

"Moon Elf!"

The Crown Elf has a strange expression, like disgust, curiosity, longing,...

"What did you bring in exchange for the leaves of the World Tree?"

he asks.

"Heart of a Titan"

Xia Miaomiao took out the Titan's Heart contained in the black wooden box and offered it with both hands.

This is a red prop. Until now, Xia Miaomiao didn't know its use. Even if his buddies took it to the alchemist to see it, they only said that it was a kind of "eatable" thing, and it could be used on some secret medicine. But what kind of secret medicine and what effect it has, no one knows.

First-order white, second-order green, third-order blue, fourth-order purple, fifth-order orange, sixth-order red.

Starting from the fifth level, the system has rarely dropped the formed props. The existing fifth-level equipment, such as the bow of the dragon on Xia Miaomiao, is all made of fifth-level materials plus the corresponding alchemy formula. The system defaults to This should be the end of the drop-on-line, above level 6, there is really no hint at all, and it all depends on the player to explore by himself.

Compared with the sixth-level red props, the sixth-level formula and blueprint are more precious. Even if you get the former, you don’t know what it is for, but the latter is different. At least there is a direction to work hard.

This Titan's Heart is precious and precious, but without the formula blueprint, no matter how precious it is, it can't be compared with the chance to be promoted to Huntian, so Xia Miaomiao took it out without hesitation.

The crown elf took the wooden box and glanced at it. With a shake of his hand, the box and the heart of the Titan disappeared. With another pinch of the void, a piece of brilliance formed between his fingers, gradually solidified and dimmed, and turned into a palm-sized emerald green leaf. .

——This is the leaf of the world tree! ?

"take it!"

The crown elf handed it to her, turned around and walked into the light curtain without looking at her again, and disappeared.

Xia Miaomiao was a little dumbfounded holding the unremarkable World Tree leaf, but the elf who brought her said, "Let's go, Skywalker, let's go to the Sunwell."

"Ah, oh!"

He thought that even if he got the leaf of the world tree, he would have to make things difficult for a long time, but he didn't expect it to be so simple.

On the way to Sunwell, Xia Miaomiao was still thinking about the experience of the past few days, feeling indescribably weird.

Not only is this riddle forest weird, even the elves here are also weird.

What is the last habitat of elves, there are not many elves at all.

Up to now, I haven't said a single unnecessary word to her, and I don't even know the name of the elf leading the way.

The sun well is naturally a well-like thing.

Leaving the World Tree and the Royal Court of the Twelve Elves, and re-entering the Forest of Giant Trees, we went back and forth like stitches and needles. At a certain moment, the front suddenly became empty, and the Sunwell arrived.

There is no sun, but there is sunshine. If you look closely, the sunlight comes from a well.

The golden sunlight is extremely gentle and not dazzling. Bathing in it is like being in a hot spring. The first feeling is a strong breath of life.

The world tree gave her the feeling of mystery, a mystery that cannot be touched, remembered, or thought about.

Sunwell gives her the feeling of reality, the reality that is within reach, the reality that is extremely impressive, the reality that lures her and calls her to join it, and the reality that you can swim strongly.

Xia Miaomiao was shocked all of a sudden, her mind went blank, and she didn't even know when she was alone at the mouth of the well.

When he woke up, all he could see was the well water with strong sunlight.

The well water reflected her figure, without wind, there were countless ripples automatically, and each ripple intercepted a silhouette of her side, and suddenly, these silhouettes moved.

So, from the time when I first landed in Canaan as a player, I opened my eyes to see the world of Canaan for the first time, completed the task for the first time to gain experience and the joy of copper coins, took office for the first time, PK for the first time, and Killing explosive equipment... Countless firsts have appeared in such ripples.

The ripples are still flooding, endless, expanding without boundaries to the end of the field of vision.

At a certain moment, Xia Miaomiao threw himself into it, and with a sound of "Boom!", a nuclear bomb exploded in his consciousness, and hundreds of millions of Xia Miaomiao fell with the wind, like countless broken mirrors, reflecting silhouettes one by one.

In the mother's womb, when she was born in the delivery room, the first words she spoke: Mom, the first step of toddler distance...

The memories, experiences, symbols, and some kind of mysterious things that originated from the earth and another crystal wall system before being a player and space traveler melted in the sun well.

Xia Miaomiao disappeared, disappearing on the calm surface of the well water.

The passage of time is not known next.

At a certain moment, a piece of emerald green appeared on the surface of the golden well water, a bud grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, and long vines grew along the wall of the well, pulling out the tender buds and growing green leaves, Finally, it condenses into an emerald green fruit.

The fruit is bright and colorful, hanging tremblingly on the branches, increasing in size by multiplying every day.

One day, the melons were ripe and the stalks fell, the fruits fell to the ground, the vines withered, turned into ashes and dispersed without leaving any traces.

The fruit cracked open, and Xia Miaomiao, who was naked all over, walked out of it.

Her eyes were dazed until the text prompted by the system appeared on the retina.

A sharp light appeared in her eyes, and she remembered everything in an instant.

She raised her hands slowly, feeling something different, but she couldn't feel the difference there.

The palm of her hand was empty, and the bow of Longyin appeared in her hand. The previous touch was just an artifact, but now she felt that the blood was connected.

The invisible perception spread out 360 degrees without any dead ends, and received countless 'responses'. A large number of green shoots and vine leaves grew under her feet, and a green coat was woven in a short while.

The ID of a small sapling popped out above his head, Yukong's title was erased, and it was stamped with a gold frame and red font: Hunting, taking shape leisurely.

"Now that you're done, let's leave quickly!"

The elf who brought her appeared, left the words with a complicated face and stepped on the mount.

"You seem to hate me?"

Xia Miaomiao rose from the ground, gaining the ability to fly without a griffin.

The elf pursed his lips, acquiescing.

"Because I'm a spacewalker?"

The answer is obvious.

"Do you think I have sullied the sacred blood of the elves? Or the noble moon elves?"

Xia Miaomiao didn't need his answer. In the Sunwell, she had already received the recognition and the vital inheritance of heredity.

Just like the memory in genes and life codes, the acquisition of knowledge is like intuition, and also like the perception and enlightenment that can be opened at any time.

"Shut up, you dirty undead!"

Xia Miaomiao chuckled, "Forget it this time, I'm still in the story mode, remember to be more polite next time you meet me... This is for your own good."

 Prepare a new book, which will be updated in the afternoon or evening

(End of this chapter)

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