This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 562 Xiaoyu, I'm going to come here

It has been a long, long time since Bei Gaoyang sat expressionlessly in front of a group of bright multi-faceted crystals.

It is not difficult to condense the uniqueness of the magic net. After the 9th floor of the magic net, the definition and connotation of the magic net have been fully demonstrated. There is no "shortcoming" in the uniqueness. After evolving into a magical magic net, it is still transcendent and advanced to the divine level.

This is the last step on the altar, Bei Gaoyang's heart was ups and downs, as if he was saying goodbye to himself at this moment.

In his mind, there were countless processes, and the computing power of a supercomputer called divine power went through his whole life. In the end, he picked up the brilliant multi-faceted crystal and 'wear' it on top of his head.

In an instant, the entire Kingdom of God trembled.

Seeing this, the stars from the outer domain that broke into the Kingdom of God flickered even faster.

There are already hundreds of god clones sent by the human gods, and this is not counting the vast army stationed outside the kingdom of God.

There are also hundreds of incarnations of gods in the elven god system, and the transformed stars shine in the sky.

The battle between the gods is on another level.

In the eyes of Xia Miaomiao and others, they only saw the twinkling stars, the changing sky from time to time, and the glimpses of light blooming from time to time.

The rules of the Kingdom of God are extremely strong, even if it accommodates hundreds of incarnations of gods at the same time, it seems to be able to sustain it?
Of course, this is also related to the current "literary struggle".

What is 'Wen Dou'?

It refers to breaking into the interior of the Kingdom of God, looking for loopholes in the rules of the Kingdom of God, trying to shake and disintegrate from the inside, the competition is the background of the two sides in the mysterious law, it is a "literary battle".

There is 'Wen Dou' and naturally there is 'Wu Dou'.

If the text fight fails, there is only a strong attack left. The vast army outside the gods is just a hammer prepared to smash hard walnuts.

The stars are shining, even with a different kind of brilliance. Every shining is a confrontation of spiritual thoughts. A momentary confrontation may go back thousands of years, but in the eyes of Xia Miaomiao and others, it is just a blink of an eye.

Where there is confrontation, naturally there is communication.

Shaking the opponent's will to resist also comes from compromise deals.

The intruder offered a price to guarantee the continuation of the elven pantheon, to ensure that he would not offend Qiu of the Forest of Riddles, and he could swear by the River Styx.

The guardian is unmoved. Among all the relationships, the triangular relationship is the most stable. At this time, if you compromise and betray your allies, should you wait for the enemy to eliminate the powerful enemy before turning your guns?
As for the oath?

Hey, what is that? Even the Styx Oath, there are still ways to bypass it.

In this regard, the credibility of the human gods is zero, the dwarves have learned from the past, and the perfect triangle relationship was repaired with great difficulty, and the elven gods have an extremely deep understanding of Hill and below.

The lure failed, and the intruder's face changed to a deadly threat.

Well, you housekeeper dogs must fight against Lao Tzu, right? Be careful that Lao Tzu lets go of the magic net first, and destroys you first.

The answer from the Elven God Department is, come on, if you have this ability, you despicable and shameless robbers will wait until now, damn it, who can’t brag!

Coercion and lure failed, and the invaders began to divide and woo again.

The stars shine alternately, two by two entangled together, come on, what is the future of the elf god system following the fading west, after that, we will support you to be the god of all elves, the only god.

Don't use morality and loyalty to describe the relationship between gods, it's too superficial.

The decline of the elven pantheon is rooted in the characteristics of the elven race and the cultural traditions formed over thousands of years.

Civilization is declining, and unless it is reborn from the ashes, there is no solution.

In other words, the elves need a complete revolution, reshaping from the root of ideology, otherwise any means can only be repaired.

The tinkering papermaker can only get a lingering breath.

Is it more noble to be a vassal of the magic net and the skywalker than to be our vassal?
Do you really believe that a group of outsiders who have not completely washed away the breath of the undead can help the elves to a new life?
Come on, a good bird chooses a tree to live in, who can stop the tide, Hill's move is like a car, don't you really believe that the magic net system that doesn't even have a true god can defeat the Twilight Conference?
so many kinds of...

The exchange of spiritual thoughts is so fast, in the blink of an eye, the costs and benefits of various powerful relationships, trade-offs, promises and betrayals... the communication is complete without any omissions or dead ends in all directions.

As a result, while the green stars and red stars were shining, several green stars decisively switched to the red star camp.

Allies surrendered to the enemy, although they stripped them of their control over the laws of the Kingdom of God in time, they still carried some crucial "internal information" in the past. Therefore, after the kingdom of God trembled slightly, some cracks appeared in the void.

Xia Miaomiao and the others became the last link in the chain reaction.

The pressure suddenly increased, and the allies who were fighting side by side instantly became enemies. The moment the accident happened, the dagger stabbed from behind caused the loss of fifteen fortresses, and the vast number of enemy troops swarmed in, and the resurrection points were destroyed one by one. .

Xia Miaomiao was forced to resurrect in the fortress behind, and faced the angel army rushing up, she gritted her teeth and struggled.

Fortunately, the betrayals were only a small group, some fringe figures under Hill's command.

Under the angry oracle and curse of the lord elf god, these believers who betrayed the gods mutated one after another, were abandoned by the world tree, and became abandoned children, crying out in pain, just like when Rose rebelled.

But no one in the kingdom of God paid attention to their fate, coercion and temptation, division and wooing, achieved little effect. The depth and breadth of the magic net kingdom of God far exceeded the imagination of the invaders.

It is a boundless ocean, no matter how many boulders are thrown into it, it can only cause short-term storms.

It is true that this vast ocean does not yet have a unified will and master, it is slow to respond, and can only exercise its will and strength with foreign allies.

But in time, countless whales will grow up in the ocean. At that time, with its closed characteristics and uniqueness in its own domain, it is undoubtedly impossible to find the present opportunity.

Hill, everyone, are still obsessed with it, do you think I really have nothing to do with the World Tree?
Facing such an angry roar, Hill was not as relaxed as before. After the betrayal of his subordinates, he had already realized that there was a huge problem within the elves.

Forming an alliance with the sky-waders and accommodating heterogeneous elven bloodlines has already had an impact on the cognition of the entire elf family. The internal thinking is not unified, which is undoubtedly an opportunity for the opponent to take advantage of. The first step in the battle of destroying the gods There is already ground for implementation.

But now it is already difficult to ride a tiger, and it is absolutely impossible to give up halfway because the other party threatens his old nest.

After attacking the opponent's 'incompetent roar' without pretense, he did not forget to urge his allies again.

One hundred thousand hot!
Is your old man not done yet?

"Hill is in a hurry!"

Bei Gaoyang, who had just pressed the uniqueness into his forehead, smiled, and then, it 'shattered' silently.

In an instant, a star leaped out from the system temple, and a gigantic 'sun' slowly rose in the divine realm.

One will, one master, one self-contained sole authority.

Godhead 10, Godhead 11, Godhead 12, Godhead 13... the same to Godhead 16, beyond the induction of the incarnations of the gods.

The intruders were horrified, and hurried to evacuate in embarrassment before the owner closed the door and beat the dog.

The red stars left the sky of the Kingdom of God and threw themselves towards the many islands surrounding the Kingdom of God. The green stars in the Kingdom of God retreated one after another when they circled the sun and shone brightly.

On the ground, the invading army of angels 'withered' in an instant, and the invisible wind blew past, leaving behind dropped items all over the ground.

Even with Xia Miaomiao's current disposition, there was a burst of jealousy, but none of the hunted ones moved. Seeing that Huntian was not moving, Yukong didn't dare to move until the system prompted and most of the dropped objects were recovered by the system , a small portion remained as their spoils.

"Long live!"

Things of the fifth, sixth and even seventh ranks are just like the Chinese cabbage in geography, and they are readily available. Thousands of players above the fifth rank ushered in a gluttonous feast.

At this time, the sun disappeared into the sky, and countless Bei Gaoyang appeared in the deepest part of the temple.

A huge light curtain was formed, and the main body who walked out of the avatar walked into the light curtain, sat down on the highest god seat, and closed his eyes.

The number of avatars is still increasing, stepping out of the light curtain one by one, filling up all the god seats in a short while.

The exchange of divine thoughts was only for a moment, and the first avatar sent out appeared in the main material world.

The portal leading to the Earth's crystal wall system is constant, and the magic net of divine power has been strengthened and promoted to "eternity". The valve is controlled in the magic net, which is usually closed, but it is opened at this time.

An incarnation of Godhead 1 still exceeds the upper limit of the passage. The door is too narrow, and the quality of the passage is too thin (level 7 wishing technique). The "Book of Canaan" floated in the palm of my hand.

Touching the cover made of the skin of the ancient demon god Si Ming with his fingers, and feeling the 'innate divinity' and part of the 'uniqueness' sealed in the cover, Bei Gaoyang seemed to have re-acquainted with this artifact numbered 004.

"Are you satisfied now?"

He whispered to the Book of Canaan.

Then he listened attentively, as if he heard a hidden response left in the imprint of the ancient wilderness.

"Don't worry!"

he said.

After that, unfold the cover, and review the spell configurations you have invented page by page.

From the first wished travel spell...

Only then did he realize that it was not he who had snatched the Book of Canaan, but the Book of Canaan had been calling for an encounter with him.

A dark game left by the ancient innate demon god in the long river of time, it can only play a role when it meets itself, the soul of the foreign land.

The previous owners all used their lives as its nourishment and sacrifice.

Bei Gaoyang could feel its joy, joy and urging.

He readily accepted this surprise, and was naturally insensitive to the 'urging'.

With a flick of the palm, the divine power is the pen, and the divinity is the strokes, graphics, symbols, and handwriting...

All the divine power was poured in, and the door of prayer was transformed into substance, and it was difficult to expand the volume on the barrier of the crystal wall system.

When the size expanded to only accommodate the "width and height" of Godhead 1, Bei Gaoyang clapped his hands, sealed the Book of Canaan, and then threw it into the kingdom of God to suppress it.

Putting the unwillingness and roar from the ancient imprint behind him, Bei Gaoyang smiled slightly, turned into a shooting star, and threw it into the newly completed [Gate of the Crystal Wall System].

Offline, December 2027, 12.

As soon as the fog cleared, a blizzard hit the city on the seashore, close to the equator.

The climate has been abnormal in recent years, but this is the first time that this latitude and longitude has encountered such weird weather.

There have been only a handful of snowy days in recorded history, and there has never been a blizzard of this magnitude.

People had to put on thick winter clothes, braved the howling wind and the heavy snow like goose feathers to go out to receive relief.

But Blizzard also has benefits.

The sky and the earth were wrapped in plain, and the empty city was covered with a thick coat, covering the ugly and weird scars formed in the mist.

In an abandoned university campus, all the computers were turned on at the same time, cursors waiting for input flickered on the screen, and then a large server mainframe was woken up.

It was a huge, fleshy mass already deep underground, with tentacles attached to intercity data transmission cables.

Before an earthquake comes, snakes, insects, rats and ants are always the first to perceive. As the core of the weird thing born in the great fog, it predicts the coming of the disaster and frantically transmits its own data.

As soon as one percent of the essence was transmitted, a huge bronze door appeared in the sky.

The moment the door appeared, the blizzard stopped, and all the snowflakes stopped in the void until it slowly opened.

Everything began to tremble.

In the capital city, Yu Qingdong was awakened from his sleep by the rapid sound of the siren.

He turned over and sat up in a daze, before he understood what was going on, he was picked up by the people who rushed in and ran wildly.

"No, what's the matter?"

The face of the person who carried him up the conveyor belt was ashen, and no one answered his questions.

This is a violent trembling, and an invisible but heavy pressure appears on the 'top of the head'.

Yu Qingdong raised his head in shock and saw the ceiling of the base, then his vision blurred, and he saw the sky above the city thousands of miles away, and saw the bronze door slowly opening.

"This, this, this..."

Fortunately, the conveyor belt was still running, taking him from the basement floor [-] to the sixth floor, which was like a house arrest.

Stepping back into the office that once belonged to him, before he could feel it, the man who robbed him of his status and rights said, "Number Zero has responded."

There was a bang in Yu Qingdong's head...

When he woke up, the man was grabbing his collar and shaking desperately, the expression on his face was already distorted due to impatience and panic.

"Zero, number zero?"

" fucking wake up!"

"Zero, number zero, he, what did he say?"

" come here!"

Screens, computers, and the familiar WeChat ID of "Wandering Traveler", seeing it again is like a century of reincarnation.

Zero said: "Xiao Yu, I'm going to come back and solve your problems."


Yu Qingdong covered his mouth all of a sudden, with indescribable, complex, intense emotions and uncontrollable tears pouring down.

He cried.

like a pussy.

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