This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 563 Get down from the tree

"Xiao Yu, do you remember what I said?"

"Hehe, forgot? It shouldn't be. Let me give you a hint. It was about the period between the third test and the fourth test. It was also in this room. Besides you, there was a little comrade."


"The little comrade asked me, is Canaan a game? How did I answer?"

"You probably thought I lied to you then?"

"Well said, whether the game is a game or not depends on your understanding of Canaan. Human beings rely too much on the inertia of senses and thinking. They are used to labeling similar things with the same label and using their existing experience to set it. That's how it started."

"It doesn't matter whether Canaan is a game or not. On a larger scale, isn't life a game? The key is how we know and understand it, which is very important!"

"I found that until now you don't have a mature, rational and unified understanding of Canaan, and your thinking is still very chaotic. It is because of this confusion that you are at a loss. When facing the big fog, you appear like this. With that kind of contradiction, wanting watermelon but not wanting to give up sesame seeds, this is not acceptable."

"I agree that humans on Earth evolved from lower forms."

"The ancestors of human beings lived in trees at the beginning, and then the environment changed, forcing them to come down from the trees and live on the ground. The ground is naturally much more dangerous than the trees. In order to survive, they had to change their habits and actively adapt. Environment, learn to use and use tools... You see, is it similar to the current situation?"

"Humans on the earth have not evolved for a long time, and science is the same. This planet is like a greenhouse. It shelters the storms from the outside world, and it also makes you used to ease. Come down 'court, it's not going to work."

"I have said from the beginning that I am not seeking some kind of control. Your power, status, wealth, etc. have no meaning to me. When appropriate, I can even hand over the magic net to you."

"I never tell lies. The 20-seat roundtable conference is an attempt and an exam, but the answers you handed in are not ideal."

"During the 20-seat round table, you held the highest power, but what did you do?"

"Prying into the secrets of the system, trying to gain benefits for ourselves, fighting among ourselves, attacking each other, dragging each other back, all kinds of conspiracies and tricks, and even flirting with our enemies, have you not been wronged?

"You copied the offline ones to the online ones, and never made preparations for 'coming down from the tree'. You still treat everything online with a high attitude and arrogance, and you even lack the system temple and even me. respect."

"Don't rush to distinguish. This kind of arrogance is not about tone or manner, but subconscious self-cognition and online cognition. Therefore, the system temples cannot tolerate it. The 20-seat round table meeting lost their cooperation and lost de facto authority."

Hearing this, Yu Qingdong had a little different reaction from his obedient 'quail' state.

It was precisely because the 20-seat roundtable conference was reduced to a rubber stamp that it became the last straw that broke the camel's back. He also became a de facto prisoner from the so-called big boss of the umbrella company.

Some people want to hold him accountable for 'ball cheating', and start counterattacking and reckoning. They hate everything online, examine what he has done in the past under a microscope, and shout out the slogan of 'scraping bones to heal poison'. Call for 'drastic measures' against hundreds of millions of players and tourists.

Everyone knows this is impossible.

On the top floor of the red building, in the same room, still on the dark red leather sofa, Number Zero is like a young man next door, a fledgling college student, without seeing any meaning of ordinary people, relaxed, freehand, with a smile on his face... just like before .

"...Now I am going to fulfill my promise and give you two choices. The first one is to pretend to live in a tree, and I will give you a superficial peace. The second one is to completely get down from the tree and just follow the past Say goodbye, emancipate your mind, take the initiative to adapt to the new environment, restart the long-stalled evolutionary path, and your future achievements will not only be in this greenhouse, but the sea of ​​stars."

"Dong, chairman, I will definitely bring..."

"I personally hope that you choose the second option. Of course, even if you choose the first option, a change is a change. It is impossible for us to act as if nothing happened, and do the same thing."

"That's how it is, I'll give you three days, you go back first."

Yu Qingdong came out obediently, but someone was already waiting outside the door.

Yu Qingdong smiled at the bearded white man and stepped aside to let him in.

After entering, the man knelt down with a thud, a series of honorific titles in English words, such as the great, the highest, the only...

Ding Jian closed the door carefully, and Yu Qingdong quickened his pace and left here.

Outside the red building, people from all over the world were paying attention when they saw him come out.

Yu Qingdong's face twitched, and he was taken away by the two black suits posted up.

"I know the City of Angels!"

Meeting a bearded white guy is another story entirely.

Bei Gaoyang looked at the man who was extremely humble in front of him, and didn't think that the man respected him from the bottom of his heart.

His mood swings were not strong, far inferior to Yu Qingdong who seemed calm on the surface.

Of course, if you talk to them, it will not be two options for them to choose, and the last one will be directly asked to let them come down from the tree.

"You have cooperated very well with Kelemvor. I heard that you have found a way to make...uh, potions with weird things?"

"Yes, the great, the supreme, the only..."

"Stop!", Bei Gaoyang said with a smile: "You don't have to be so polite when talking to me, this is the hometown of my soul, let's talk according to the context of the earth."

"Uh... your will is above all else, obey."

"Okay, potion. I've read several recipes. It's hard for you to study so carefully. It's very good."

"Your affirmation is a great encouragement to us, but, Your Excellency..."

"If you have any difficulties, just say it. I came back this time to solve the problem."

"The big fog... We don't force it to be cleared, but the City of Angels is controlled by the monsters of the support system. There is no difference between it and the line, and it is even crueler than the line..."

"The City of Angels is out of your control, you want to take it back, right?"


"Are there any other problems?"

"...We also hope to return to the past. If possible, it is best to concentrate all the monsters in a few specific places, so that mysterious events and phenomena will not spread outward."

Bei Gaoyang was very disappointed, he still didn't want to get down from the tree.

"Today's meeting ends here!"

Ding Jian sent the bearded man out, ignoring the reaction of the people below, and asked people to close the door.

With great anxiety and excitement, he took advantage of his authority to sneak back and knocked on the concealed door bravely.

"come in!"

Ding Jian lowered his head and stood quietly in the corner.

"Today I have said more than I have said in the past two years"

Standing at the window, Bei Gaoyang looked at the pristine scenery outside the red building, "It's so cold at the heights, dancing to make clear the shadows, why is it like being in the world? I have feelings for this place..."

Ding Jian: "Teacher, I understand."

"What do you understand?" Bei Gaoyang turned around and asked with a smile.

Ding Jian raised his head boldly, "You are such a great existence, just like the selfless sun, you hope that everyone can face it positively, you don't ask for anything, but no one can understand your selfless and fraternal mind. "

Bei Gaoyang was noncommittal when he heard the words.

"People are always selfish. They are not forced to retreat. No one intends to leave the comfort zone. Some people don't want to lose the interest base based on old things, and some people fear the unknown brought about by changes... There may be dangers, but these are all possible. overcome."

"What about you?" Bei Gaoyang asked.

"I naturally hope to let go of the burden and look forward to everything."

"Is it you or you?"

"It's us."

"Oh, you're bold."

"Great you, you who are like the sun, you don't need to ask for any opinions. The monkeys don't want to come down from the tree, so they cut down the tree."

Bei Gaoyang was slightly stunned and then smiled, "It seems that someone disagrees with you."

As soon as the voice fell, the door was pushed open vigorously, "Please don't listen to such irresponsible remarks."

It was Yu Qingdong, but he was not the leader.

The smile on Bei Gaoyang's face faded.

Under tremendous pressure, Yu Qingdong knelt down, but the people who came in with him hesitated.

This kneeling made him feel a little more relaxed.

"Chairman... Please don't take Xiaoding's remarks just now to your heart. He has not been authorized to..."

"I told you three days, why are you so nervous?"

After speaking, wave your hand, and these people will disappear from the room and appear outside together.

"What do you want to do, what do you want to do?"

A middle-aged man grabbed Ding Jian's collar excitedly, roaring angrily, as if he wanted to eat him alive.

Instead, Yu Qingdong stopped talking and stepped aside.

Ding Jian didn't say a word, he turned and left after breaking free.

"You can't let this kind of person be in charge of such an important place, you can't..."

The middle-aged man looked around excitedly, "Can it be solved by a simple 'down from the tree'? What about those who can't adapt? How many people? How many families? What is the responsibility of us people? ? We can't just think about ourselves..."

They were all clichés, Yu Qingdong listened respectfully on the surface, but his mind was already on Ding Jianjian who left.

I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it.

Someone did something they always wanted to do but never dared to do.

What's more, he didn't expect that this person would be Ding Jian.

What courage.

It's a pity that there is no room for freedom now, otherwise I could have a good talk with him.

In a blink of an eye, three days passed.

Still in that room, that was the location. Bei Gaoyang picked up the 'petition' handed over by Yu Qingdong and flipped through it. It listed in detail the items that he wanted to be 'restored', and also ranked the priority and the extent of recovery.

What made it difficult for them was that in such a short period of time, they not only bridged internal differences and suppressed different voices, but also achieved consensus from all countries when Bei Gaoyang was impatient to meet other representatives.

There is some disappointment, but Bei Gaoyang doesn't mind, but after fulfilling their request, this last bit of 'love' will be exhausted.

From now on, the two will not owe each other, which is also a way for him to bid farewell to the past.

Yu Qingdong was still anxiously waiting for a reply. He hadn't heard anything for a long time. He boldly looked up and saw that the sofa was empty. this?
He didn't dare to move. He prepared various plans in advance, rehearsed countless times, and went through a strict psychological evaluation, but at this time, none of them worked.

His heart was beating violently, remembering the words that Ding Jian secretly passed to him before he was taken away, Heaven and man are at war.

Half an hour later, he realized that something was wrong, but he still didn't dare to act rashly. At this moment, it was dawn outside.

He looked out the window and saw a golden sun rising slowly in the dark night sky.

"This is……"

Someone opened the door and came in, yelling something in his ear loudly, but Yu Qingdong didn't respond at all because he was an idiot.

"...Where is number zero, where is number zero!?"

Someone anxiously carried him and shouted.

"Hehe, hehe..."

Yu Qingdong smirked.

"Come on, take him away!"

The golden sun rose to the highest point, and countless spots of light appeared on the earth. Under the golden sun, some began to howl and evaporate, and some began to nourish and grow, and finally meteors gathered towards the sky.

The 'stars' surrounding the golden sun shone, but finally merged into seven huge light clusters and descended to the ground.


Half a year later, the offline magic net was completed.

So far, the great fog has never happened again, but there are seven more "forbidden areas" on the earth. The continuous Great Wall isolates the restricted areas, and the restricted area is covered by giant trees. A figure, a 'mirage' like an asgard appeared...

There has never been any online news on the public information media, and all the facilities, functions, and order of human society have been restored on the surface. Under the constraints of the magic net, hundreds of millions of players are also considered to be "safe and secure".

In this way, ordinary people quickly recovered from the "fog chaos" of several years, and continued the rhythm of life before the fog. Going to work, studying, working, getting married, and having children, the blessings of 996 are still popular.

But these are just appearances.

One year later, the surface world and the inner world were formed!

A false lie made some monkeys think they were still living in trees, and a small group of people used this lie in exchange for benefits and time.

The two are like two lines that occasionally intertwine, running through the earth and human society and civilization.

Ten years later, the watch world took the lead in sounding the horn of attack.

As a result, they were defeated and defeated.

At the time of crisis, God, Jesus and other gods and Buddhas in the sky took the opportunity to appear and wantonly harvested the territory of the world.

Twenty years later, the balance between the outside world and the inside world has been achieved.

So far, Canaan has become an absolute taboo, only spread in the inner world.

So far, the mysterious rule has completed its parasitism on the earth, and the tentacles of the system and magic net are everywhere.

30 years later, the table world begins the colonization of Mars.

40 years later, the online defense of the Kingdom of God ended, and the first player with the professional title of level 9 [Warrior] appeared.

【End of the book】

Sorry, I have been reading books to find inspiration recently, and the ending is a bit slow.

The new book is going to write a fairy tale to challenge yourself, what do you think?

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