This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 6 Players' first experience

Chapter 6 Players' first experience
At noon the next day, Zhang Miao checked the time for the nth time, and felt that the days seemed like years.

Reason told him that this was impossible, and irrational emotions vaguely said: What if, what if?
Let his heart go up and down, and he was in a trance all morning, unable to do anything.



He held down his beating heart.

What to do, I'm so nervous!
There was still a lot of strange talk in the group, but it became quiet as time approached.

It seems that many people are saying: What if, what if!

After finally surviving until 1:55, Zhang Miao lay down on the bed nervously, took the helmet and put it on his chest, did some mental training, and then put the helmet on.

In the fully enclosed helmet, there was no feeling of shortness of breath, and there was only a countdown flashing in the dark field of vision. He stared like this, feeling a little dazed.

——If this is a prank, I'll fuck your whole family!
A helmet, a video, and a simple official website have shaken the most basic sense and common sense. In the end, it is still a turbulent heart that wants to believe, and even desires that this is true.

Finally - it's time to open the server.

It was still pitch black inside the helmet, and there was nothing! ?
That's it! ?
Huge disappointment just flooded into my heart, a line of glowing characters appeared at the place where the countdown disappeared.

【Connecting to the server...】

[The connection is successful, do you log in to the game? 】


It's fucking exciting, like a roller coaster.

But where is the select button?

Login to game?

Zhang Miao said silently in her heart.

A beam of light suddenly shot out in the darkness, shining on his "body", a strong suction made him get rid of some restraints, and plunged into this beam of light.

In reality, his body relaxed, he "slept" and lost consciousness.

The glare was not dazzling, Zhang Miao screamed silently for about two seconds, and a huge, bronze-colored door appeared in front of her, and opened slowly.

The next moment, he was in a dark, retro hall, a character selection turret sliding left and right with his attention.

Familiar and unfamiliar buttons appear on both sides of the field of vision, the input box is the name of the character, and various adjustment pointers and scales are the functions of pinching the face.

This, this, this, I am not dreaming! ?

Unable to speak, and even unable to perceive his own state, Zhang Miao's heart was still full of turmoil.

Races are only human races, and others are gray. As mentioned on these official websites, you can only adjust some details such as skin color, hair, eyebrows, etc. by pinching the face, and the face and height cannot be moved.

calm down!
Character Name: Dynasty · Second Brother

【Role created successfully】

Height, skin color, gender are defaulted, character creation is confirmed... everything is done in his consciousness.

On the selection stage, except for the human male character, everything else turned into nothingness. Zhang Miao rushed straight to the created character. At the moment of contact, the character's eyes opened, and Zhang Miao saw a pair of blue and dull eyes. pupil.

In the next moment, he felt his body again. There was a vast expanse of whiteness in his field of vision, and he vaguely heard people walking around and shouting...

"Really, it's actually true, ahhhh!"

"I... I... I'm over there!? Can anyone explain it?"

"This... this... this is not scientific!"

"Ah, so eerie, so terrifying!"

"I... I'm actually breathing... What kind of place is this, have I time-traveled?"

"...Is it the fourth natural disaster? Is it the fourth natural disaster!?"

Zhang Miao's vision first returned to normal, followed by hearing and touch... Then he found himself lying in a wooden box, hanging vertically on the wall.

Xiao Ai: "Master, the system resources are insufficient."

Bei Gaoyang was happily watching the first batch of players log in, and frowned slightly when he heard that, only 24 players had logged in, and the magic net was overwhelmed?

"Then let those who haven't logged in line up!"

The magic net needs to grow and needs the player's spirit and soul energy to reach the theoretically perfect value. The player's online time and investment will affect its growth progress. The first level of the magic net is only good.

Xiao Ai: "It is estimated that the 15th player can log in after 25 minutes."

Bei Gaoyang nodded, stood up and straightened the collar of his robe, ready to go out.

At this time, Zhang Miao had woken up from the shock and disbelief. The famous game IDs of the 24 players temporarily dispelled the doubts about the fourth natural disaster and crossing other worlds. He felt all over his body. , pinched and pinched, the real touch and pain made him suspicious of a dream.

The gender characteristics of each player are covered by a layer of mosaic, naked, and he is the same. Three female players are the first to find the clothes they were born in and put them on.

A starter outfit is placed right in front of the wooden crate where you spawn.

[Human male novice tops, defense +1]

[Human male novice bottoms, defense +1]

[Human male novice cloth shoes, defense +1, movement speed +1]

What a game! ?

Zhang Miao couldn't tell whether it was disappointment or happiness.

Damn, no panties?
At this moment, someone touched his or something.

"Hey, there really are!?"

"Damn it, big cousin, you pervert!!"

"Haha, don't be shy, everyone has it!"

"Wori, I'll kill you!"

Zhang Miao, the grandson of the eldest cousin of the dynasty, has seen it for a long time, and will ignore him for a while, but he didn't expect this guy... actually!
While chasing the big cousin running all over the hall, while putting on the novice outfit, the players all over the hall were like headless chickens, especially the three girls, who gathered together to avoid everyone vigilantly.

At this time, Bei Gaoyang appeared on the stage.

A ball of light is constantly above his head, and he is wearing a luxurious mage robe, which is still the robe he received when he was promoted to a great magician. He holds a luxurious scepter that symbolizes his status, and there are two lines of golden characters on his head: King of the Utopia, King of the Abandoned Wasteland. The lord, the leader of the Rebel Army, and the great magician Ramsfield Bei Gaoyang.

"My dear people!"

The noise in the hall disappeared immediately, and all the players stood still and looked over.

"Congratulations on waking up from the long journey!" Bei Gaoyang walked slowly, and in the eyes of the players, his whole body was glowing: "You have arrived in a dark and cruel world. God's minions control everything, including people's minds and souls."

"Confinement is everywhere. The creatures have long been numb and lost in the long and hopeless suppression. You must become stronger as soon as possible and take on the important task of liberating the whole world!"

"You are the glorious rebels!"

It took Zhang Miao a long time to close his mouth, the eldest cousin took the opportunity to push him away, and shouted: "Fuck, what a real NPC!"

(End of this chapter)

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