This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 7 Players' first experience

Chapter 7 Players' first experience
Calmness is the basic quality for a mage. Bei Gaoyang can't remember the last time he lost control of his emotions, but this time, he almost "broken his skills"!

After the opening remarks, the players were stunned for a while, which was expected by him.

Just when he was about to guide the players into the reservation process, four players who were very close suddenly shot at him.

One reached out to touch his face, one grabbed the scepter in his hand, one aimed at the interspatial ring on his finger, and the last one even lifted the hem of his mage robe, looking inside...

Bei Gaoyang: ...

He subconsciously cast a [Resist Halo] instantly, causing these bold guys to fly out like kites with broken strings.


The players froze in silence.

Bei Gaoyang's face turned black, and he wished he could release another [Serial Lightning] to whip the corpse.

When these guys floated out in the state of souls, the players all exploded.


"Don't be afraid, it's picking up corpses... Oh, I'm resurrected, I'm resurrected!"

"...Looks like it's really a game!"

"This NPC is too awesome, instant kill, and the shape is also very cool!"

"Nonsense, look at the name on his head, it's still golden!"

"It's so real, I still can't believe it..."

"Hey, you guys, did you find anything just now?"

"Hey, is Ding Ding big, is there a mosaic?"



"Yo, there's a girl, I suddenly have a bad idea..."

Bei Gaoyang has been away from the earth for too long, and he really can't understand it, let alone agree with these seemingly "crazy" behaviors.

[System log: Player Young Milk Killer, Dynasty* Brother Toad, Professional Dad, Nameless Ye are forced to go offline]

[System log: Because of your words and deeds, the King of Utopia, Lord of the Abandoned Wasteland, Chief of the Rebel Legion, and great magician Ramsfield Bei Gaoyang has increased his dislike towards you. 】

"Ah, the favorability degree has been deducted!"

"I also deducted!"


"Don't talk nonsense, don't talk nonsense!"

"This NPC is so smart! Does it feel like a living person?"

"He's still angry, look, you see he's in a hurry, he's in a hurry!"

4 players were kicked off the line, and soon 4 players in the queue logged in.

The new players came up and bluffed for a while.

"The NPC was driven away by you!"

"Let's go, let's follow!"

"What to do, it's still good chicken jelly!"

"Me too, my heart is beating so fast."

"Really, I touch..."

"Ah, pervert, get out!"

Bei Gaoyang waited on the hillside outside the cave for more than ten minutes before the players came out in a panic.

As soon as they touched the vast world outside, they were all shocked and speechless.

Zhang Miao pinched her thigh for the nth time, her mind was dizzy, and she kept shouting in her heart, "It's true, it's true, I'm getting rich, I'm going to get rich."

What kind of black technology is this? This is clearly the high technology of Zentraedi.

[System log: Your task panel has been updated. 】

"Little brother, little brother, this way, come here"

The eldest cousin of Dynasty* was with several players prefixed with Dynasty, and Zhang Miao went to join them.

The big cousin couldn't wait to ask: "Look at the property panel, how much is the score!?"

Zhang Miao was so excited that she couldn't take care of many things in her eyes. Some familiar things were always in the field of vision, just like the operation window of the game.

There is a translucent role bar on the upper left, the mind opens, and a very familiar character panel pops up.

The left side is the character equipment column, except for the top, bottom and shoes, other parts are empty, and the right side is the attribute panel, which is divided into four parts and reads:

[ID: Second Brother of Dynasty*, Gender: Male, Camp: Rebel Army, Level: 0, Title: None, Occupation: Civilian]

[Strength: 3, Intelligence: 4, Dexterity: 2, Spirit: 3, Physical Strength: 3, Luck: Hidden, Comprehensive Score: 9]

[Health Points: 22, Magic Power: Unlocked, Physical Attack: 5, Physical Defense: 2, Magical Attack: Unlocked, Magical Defense: 0]

[Current status: normal, load 0/15, PK value: 0]

"Score... 9, how many of you!?"

"Haha, I haven't passed 10 either!" A player whose ID is Brother Dynasty*Ruoran smiled awkwardly, "My buddy has a score of 12 and a full strength of 5. How about it, isn't it good!?"

"Is 5 the full value?" Zhang Miao didn't have an attribute up to 5, and the highest intelligence was 4. Could it be that the initial attribute is random?
Brother Ruoran's complacent look is really hated: "Anyway, I didn't get more than 5 after asking around, and mine is still strength, woohaha!"

"Damn it, I'm going to cut my account and start over again." The eldest cousin looked deeply shocked.

"How much do you rate?" Zhang Miao asked him.

The big cousin didn't answer depressed, another player whose ID is Dynasty*Shaosha brother said: "He is 7, I am also 9 like you, I only have one item that is 4, and the fuck is physical strength, rub!"

"What's wrong with physical strength? Mine is intelligence!"

"Well, you are worse than me..."

"Physical strength should be health and weight, which is not bad. Intelligence, it must be skills and spellcasting, but I don't need it now, haha..." Brother Ruoran is really proud.

At this time, all the players were discussing, and those who had known each other for a long time and those who had newly hooked up, gathered together in twos and threes.

"This score should be combat power... It's so clichéd, it shouldn't be."

The eldest cousin still looked deeply shocked, and said angrily: "Who knows what the dog plan is thinking, shit!"

"I think it's okay, it's clear at a glance who is strong and who is weak!" Dynasty* pulled Zhang Miao and his eldest cousin impatiently: "Let's go, let's go, mission, mission!"

"Can you form a team?" Zhang Miao asked.

Brother Xiao Sa hurriedly followed: "No, we have tried everything."

Zhang Miao: "Then what's going on!?"

Brother Ruoran: "Maybe we have to wait until we change jobs..."

"No mission? How about together!?" A single player came up to him.

Brother Xiaosa pointed to the nickname ID on his finger, "Sorry, there is no place for the regular team."

"Wait a minute, let me look at the mission first." Zhang Miao said quickly.

There are two tasks, the first task is [Camp Construction (10)], collect wood 5, stone 5, reward experience 10, copper coins [-].The second task [Map Exploration] is required to light up all the areas within the red line on the mini-map.

The cave at the birth point is located halfway up the mountain. The area within the red line is centered on this hill, and the game field of view is only tens of meters.

The 25 players scattered like ducks (another one came online), and rushed in all directions, howling ghosts and wolves. Under the setting sun, every shadow was so cheerful and escaped.

"Wow wow... wow wow..."

"It's so beautiful!"

"At this moment, I just want to write a poem..."

"It's terrible, is it really a game?"

(End of this chapter)

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