Chapter 60
"Hi everyone, I am the game producer and planner of Canaan. Yesterday afternoon, the second non-deleting test officially started at [-] o'clock. Many friends reported that they have been unable to log in to the game. They complained on the forum and sent a private message @我, All kinds of complaints.

It needs to be explained here. At present, with more than 1000 players in the first test, exactly 300 game devices have been distributed. The server can theoretically accommodate 8 players at the same time. The game time per person is [-] hours. If there are three shifts , considering that some helmets will never be activated (you can guess why), so every player should be able to go online and play the game.

It's just that the server has not yet reached the theoretical perfect value, so there are some players who are particularly unlucky, from yesterday to today.

Here I sincerely apologize to them, and please understand that we can of course strictly control the number of game devices, but everyone's enthusiasm makes us decide to challenge the limit with our best efforts.

Here is a little trick for everyone. Every four hours (in reality), a large number of players will go offline neatly. In fact, you don’t have to wear a helmet and wait to die. You can arrange the time reasonably, and the server will soon grow to the theoretically perfect value. Everyone can enter the game.

Finally, I wish you all a happy game. "

"Canaan Games official yyds!"

"Boss knelt down for you, please give me a helmet!"

"same request"



"Boss, they say you're an alien @drifttraveler."

"Support Canaan, support the game official, those people can stop, what's the trouble?"

"This game is awesome, @流浪的旅人, how did you make it?"

"What does it mean that some helmets will never activate?"

"The server will still grow... biological computer!?"


Bei Gaoyang found that this forum became more and more interesting, there were all kinds of strange posts on it, it was really pleasing to watch.

Watching the various sharing, complaining, clamoring, and cursing of players and cloud players is like watching a scene of vivid life, especially since the second test, the supply and demand relationships derived from various games have emerged one after another.

Game company recruitment, real currency acquisition of game virtual currency, mission guide post, monster spawning guide post, battle experience summary post, monster analysis post, treasure drop sorting post, map introduction post, advanced NPC fantasies post, hidden task guessing post ... There are also all kinds of cheating and unequal distribution of spoils, scolding, exposure, etc., both online and offline.

Not to mention the ones with the largest number of candles to pray, there will be a large number of new posts popping up as soon as they are refreshed.

Bei Gaoyang watched it with great interest, and learned first-hand information from these feedbacks, and made timely adjustments to the game content.

For example, the cooling time of speaking on the world channel and the limit of spending a certain amount of copper coins, as well as the banning of the team channel, the adjustment of the distribution mode of group drops, etc.

These are all details, they can be changed easily without major surgery, he couldn't have thought of them all beforehand.

In addition, the biggest "popular outrage" is that the players in the first test cannot pinch their faces... This is really unexpected, and it can't be substituted into the psychology of the players at all.

Is pinching your face important?
Well, judging from the feedback from the first test players, especially female players, it is very important, extremely important, so important that it affects the game experience.

Every player is his child, Bei Gaoyang is very tolerant towards them, and will try to meet their reasonable requirements as long as the system resource consumption allows.

Squeeze the face, the player's character's body can be adjusted in due course, the external appearance, height, fat and thin, comparison of facial features, etc., what you pay is nothing more than a little active substance and a little bit of system resources.

But it can't be given in vain, Bei Gaoyang asked Xiao Ai to choose a task flow from the material library, treat it as a hidden task, and send it to a few "advanced NPCs" under the situation of random events, and it was done.

"It's like playing a nurturing game."

Bei Gaoyang also had the feeling of "playing a game", which was brought to him by the players. He didn't expect the game he pretended to be so phantom, which made him full of confidence and full of expectations for the future.

In addition, he also felt that his connection with the earth was gradually deepening, and he was moving away from Canaan and the past. in.

There are 175 people online and 297 people in line. The surplus is gratifying. Another discovery is that the overall quality of the players seems to be improving.

The most outstanding performers are the first-test players. Through the system's "moisturizing and silent" training and continuous "optimization", their spiritual and soul qualifications seem to have absorbed part of it?

This is really a surprise, which shows that both online and offline players are growing. Although the game is fake, it has left traces.

[System Announcement: Online Patch 3 is completed, optimized content: 1. The speaking mechanism of the world chat channel has been adjusted. 2. Adjustment of team interaction rules and drop acquisition. 3. Further details of the anti-harassment mechanism. 4. First test the supplementary mechanism of the player pinching system.

Players are invited to explore and discover relevant content in the game. 】

"Ah, Xiaoyu, you can pinch your face now, and we can too!"

On the way of Du Shiyu's mission, Xia Miaomiao suddenly sent excited words, and then saw the system announcement, she let out a sigh of relief, and continued with her mission process.

"Thank you for your help, I feel much better.", Tailor shop, an NPC in the image of an old man took the quest item she got from the potion shop NPC, and her cough became much better, "This is what you need As a token, give him to a trainer who has changed his career, he can answer your doubts."

After the task was completed and the experience and prestige were obtained, Du Shiyu ran to the job-changing NPC non-stop.

The mage professional transfer NPC stood in a corner of the square, surrounded by many new players, and an old player who was the first tester was shouting for a piece of whiteboard equipment: "Look, there are short knives for attacking 2-4, and one for cutting goblins. The system The black shop costs 2 silver, but here it only sells 1 silver and 80 copper, don’t miss it when you pass by!”

"...The losers of the battle of gods will fall into the abyss and become a part of the abyss, and their believers will be eroded by the power of the abyss, not only deformed into monsters, but also become more and more crazy and depraved. The gods curse these poor People, the church calls them [White Ghosts], there are many [White Ghosts] and abandoned people tribes who are transforming into [White Ghosts] in the abandoned wasteland, this token is from them, you must be careful in future adventures, Let me know if you collect their clues, and I will reward you appropriately."

The mage transfer NPC didn't even have a name. After listening to his mechanical introduction of the world background, he received the task of the first transfer as he wished.

Proof of the brave!
So far, the task process that fell yesterday has been completed. Du Shiyu breathed a sigh of relief. There are still more than five hours to watch the game world, so she wants to rush to meet her best friend.

"Ah, failed again, Xiao Yu, I almost died."

"What's the matter, isn't it done yet?"

"The boss is too hard to kill. Now they want to form a level 6 player, and they also need equipment and attributes. They kicked me out."

"Ah, so difficult!?"

"Let's form a team to upgrade, go to the Murloc River, I heard that something is going to explode."

Du Shiyu was a little hesitant. She still wanted to make money to keep her status as the number one rich woman in the game. She didn't get online all day yesterday, so she was already far behind.

(End of this chapter)

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