This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 61 Sand Sculpture Player 2

Chapter 61 Sand Sculpture Player II

"Hello Ai V Wan, I would like to introduce you to everyone, a level 6 master, a veteran of our national team, Tie Jun, Tie Boss!"

"Wow, level 6!"

"Finally someone took us to upgrade!?"

"Boss Tie takes us to kill zombies."

Tie Jun greeted these "national team" teammates with a smile on his face, but he was muttering in his heart, how did the Chinese Academy of Sciences choose people, and why do they look at... so unprofessional?

The two men and two women were the ones he needed to lead today. Thinking of the tasks assigned by the "team leader and coach" Lao Nie when he went online, he felt dizzy.

They are all rookies at level 2 and 3, and some of them haven’t even brushed a monster yet. Tie Jun is their nanny all the time, and the two male players are just fine. Suddenly, the team channel is full of their screams.

and also……

"What are you looking at, kid!?"

Tie Jun slapped a teammate whose ID was Whirlwind Boy. This guy kept staring at the chest of a female player. Really, he didn't pay attention to the image of the national team at all.

"The captain didn't!" Liu Chongshang whispered aggrievedly, "In reality, she is an airport..."

Tie Jun understood immediately, and couldn't help taking a look at the amazingly large female team member jumping up and down... Well, his eyes widened, "So what?"

Liu Chongshang glanced at his mouth.

"Captain, help me..."

The female team member shouted softly, was chasing by the zombies and jumped around, and the snake spirit's face was beautified through the system, showing a delicate and artificial panic.

Another female team member is also a "beautiful frozen person", with long legs, a small waist, two peaks piercing the clouds, a face as big as a palm, a sharp chin that can be used as an awl, and a face of distance and reserve like a "goddess".

This is another extreme.

Serving several ancestors who have seen "blood", at least they know how to spawn monsters, Tie Jun finally completed the task.

When I went back to buy bandages and passed the gate of the camp, an NPC that I had never seen before suddenly appeared beside Tie Jun, stopped Tie Jun, and said, "Hey, compatriots, your appearance reminds me of someone."

Several people froze together, obviously it was a female team member of Game Xiaobai who was the first to react and screamed: "Hidden mission——" Then she pushed Tiejun away and stood in front of the NPC, trying to strike up a conversation.

Tie Jun's face turned black, and for the nth time he doubted the picky eyes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences...

It's a pity that the NPC didn't dump her.

Only then did the female team member excitedly pull Tie Jun's arm and push forward, "Quickly interact with him and accept the task."

"Hello, how can I help you?"

NPC: "You remind me of a person. It was a long time ago. It was a rebel named "Happy Ball". We teamed up and took risks together. Unfortunately... I have one of his here The relic, can you help me hand it over to Your Excellency the Legion Commander?"

"Happy to serve!"

"Thank you. By the way, help us ask the leader of the legion. Many dead heroes have been waiting for his answer."

[Whether to accept the task: the lost heroic spirit? 】

Is it really a hidden mission?
As soon as Tie Jun accepted the task, the NPCs slowly dispersed, like a shadow.

Looking at the mission supplies in his hand, it suddenly turned out to be a silver mask.

"Happy Bauer!?" Bei Gaoyang, who replaced Xiao Aixian, looked at the silver mask with a look of nostalgia on his face, "I remember that young man, he was a happy person, that was a long time ago, child Are you interested in hearing it!?"

"Ah, it's so jelly, I recorded it." The female team member with big breasts shouted.

"Original intention."

"I remember that he was a Moor, and he liked to laugh very much. His smile was like the sun rising in the morning, warming everyone's heart. He was still a brave man. At that time, I served with him under Lord Morse's command. Defending the Ice Fortress... Then tragedy happened, the church army captured the fortress, the god of the Moor fell, and all the Moors became ghosts." Bei Gaoyang looked at the lines prompted by Xiao Ai, his acting skills were full of magic, and he was completely immersed Into the role-playing, "...I have never forgotten them, I remember that oath, so I summon you, the fire of resistance will never go out, forever!"

"Wow, I suddenly have a sad feeling!"

"Yeah, yeah, it feels so thick."

"The world background of this game is by no means simple, and there must be a big secret hidden."

"The NPC stopped talking?"

"Etc., etc!"

"I'm sorry, I lost my temper. Would you like to do me a little favor, kid?"

Tie Jun nodded quickly.

【The Heroic Spirits of the Dead Complete】

【Obtain incense candle】

[Obtain offerings]

【Obtain the sacrificial text】

[Gain experience 10]

[Gain Faction Prestige 5]

[Gain Ramsviel's Favorability Level 2]

[Obtain a one-time functional item: Bauer's mask. 】

[Bauer's mask: use it to get a chance to reset the pinched face, not tradable]

"It's actually a face pinching prop!" Tie Jun desperately showed the reward mask to his companions. He thought it was a good thing, but he didn't expect it to be such a useless thing.

"Wow, it seems to be necessary to reset the pinch face."

"Yeah, yeah, old iron is lucky."

The two female team members obviously didn't think so, they stared at the mask with bright eyes, eager to grab it.

Tie Jun rolled his eyes.

"Boss Tie, where are you going?"

"At the end of the mission, we will pay homage to the heroic spirit, so you don't have to follow here."

world channel.

"Extra, extra, I just finished the hidden task of resetting the pinched face, 50 coppers, private chat++"

Du Shiyu had just made an enchanted backpack and was negotiating with a player. When she saw this news on the World Channel, she quickly closed the stall.

I had a private chat with this person named Yilian Youmeng, and the other party burst out the coordinates and hurried away.

"Saplings, watch the World Channel, someone has finished the face-squeezing task."

"Ah, I'm farming murlocs...I'll be right back later."

When they arrived at the place, several first-test players had already arrived, and when they saw that Yilian Youmeng was just a newcomer to the second test, they all bluffed.

"How do you, a second-test player, trigger the face-squeezing task and amuse us?"

"What are you doing, the task is half done!"


That Yilian Youmeng knew at a glance that her face had been pinched, and her breasts were really...wouldn't she be unsteady?

"What, what, what a liar, who said that I triggered it, it was triggered by my teammate, just finished it, if you don't believe me, ask my teammate!"

Liu Chongshang was full of black lines, thinking who are these people, and they have to come out to testify for his "national team" teammates.

national team! ?

He doesn't dare to declare it to the outside world now, and no one will believe him if he says it.

"50 copper, trust me and trade, there is a video to prove it!"

"If you dare to lie to us, kill until you surrender!"

"Cut, I'm afraid of you? Hurry up and give me the money, or get out if you don't!"

"50 copper, right?"

"The price has increased, 60!"


"Come on, come on, try to touch me!?"

" tough, it must be a dinosaur in reality."

"Ah, who are you talking about, who are you talking about, my mother is naturally beautiful, she has been a school beauty since she was a child, and she was specially recruited into the national team..."

Liu Chongshang covered his face.

The others peeked at each other.

"Wori, the national team!?"

"Go, go, liar!"


"It's not that bad."

"Get out, get out, there will be times when you regret it."

Du Shiyu walked away in frustration, "I don't need the saplings, I'm crazy", and then returned to her booth, "I sell backpacks, enchanted backpacks, 10 units of Class A equipment, 5 silver each... er , why is it you can't be cheap anymore, it's not enough cost..."

(End of this chapter)

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