This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 62 Odin's 3 Dent

Chapter 62 Odin's Trident
There are sand sculptures everywhere, especially here.

With the already well-known ID of Young Milk Killer, Qiao Shan approached the forest goblin sisters with a smile, and said to her sister Alice: "Dear lady, I have completed your commission. This is a token."

Since Xiao Ai's "thread" replaced the repetitive and mechanical work, Alice and Jabella had no specific tasks, but they couldn't leave the camp.

The two fairies who miss the forest are planting trees and cultivating flowers and plants on the top of the mountain. There are always some players trying their luck with them, but few people get the hang of it.

Qiao Shan was also lucky. Once he saw the two sisters sucking nectar and liked it very much, so he had an idea and collected some nectar in the wild and dedicated it to two high-level NPCs. As expected, he got closer and was able to meet them Let's talk.

Although the system did not indicate that the favorability has increased, and there are no tasks displayed, Qiao Shan has already seen hope.

From then on, whenever he had a chance, he would make friends with the two goblins, and every time he would bring gifts, such as flowers, honey, dew, bright and beautiful stones, fruits, etc. Finally, yesterday, he got his dream mission.

"Ah, you found her!?" Elder sister Alice said excitedly after taking the token from Qiao Shan.

Alice asked him to find a green shade fairy living in the wilderness, a magical creature similar to forest goblins, usually living in shady places with plenty of water and grass, with a token from Alice, and it was hard to find.

Speaking of this green goblin, it's really... amazing, barely wearing any clothes, a small one, with protruding front and back, has everything you should have, and the system didn't give a mosaic...

Alice looked at the token in her hand and burst into tears. She really missed the forest. The green goblin can get news from the plants, so she must know the current situation of the forest.

Alice crushed the token, and chanted a strange and pleasant spell. A little bit of light radiated with the crushed token, forming the outline of a green goblin.

Unexpectedly, as soon as this outline appeared, he pointed at Qiao Shan and chattered, his voice and momentum made people feel a little uncomfortable.

"How dare you insult my friend!"

Qiao Shan was shocked, "I..."

"You dirty, dirty undead, go to hell!"

Alice's furious hair stood on end, and when she pushed her hands forward, a bolt of lightning clicked.

[System prompt: You have angered the high-level NPC Alice]

[System prompt: Alice caused 199 points of damage to you]

【you are dead】

[System announcement: The player's young milk killer was punished by the high-level NPC Alice for the crime of obscenity, and obtained the title: Obscene person, wearing effect: luck -1, faction reputation +100. 】

"No!!" In the white light, Qiao Shan went offline annoyed.

The world channel suddenly became lively.

Grabbing Milk Dragon Claw Hand: Haha... This young lady is really unlucky.

Huang Feihong's Thirteenth Aunt: It's this guy again, he harassed me last time, but he doesn't know what he did this time.

Yilian Youmeng: Face pinching task process, whoever wants it, 20 copper.

Fighting tigers tonight: RMB accepts copper coins, the price is negotiable.

A River of Spring: Faction reputation 100?Are you sure it's punishment?

Flowers are not flowers, fog is not fog: Ask for the task flow of the title 'obscene person', the price is negotiable.


It is impossible to expect the player's three views to be normal.

"Stop watching World Channel!"

Wang Chaoyang said to the surrounding company employees, "How to solve this matter, we must come up with a charter today."

Zhang Miao, Big Cousin, Brother Ruoran, Xie Changting, etc., more than a dozen players, all of the company's online players are here, all guarding a system to identify NPCs, and there is silence.

Brother Xiaosa was surrounded in the middle, which seemed to be a three-court trial, but he no longer had the rascality of that night, and honestly took out the unidentified harpoon.

"Identify first." Wang Chaoyang's tone was very blunt.

Hehe... Zhang Miao sneered in her heart. Some people just don't believe that Prince Ma has three eyes. He thinks the company has nothing to do with him?A capitalist of his size would be stumped by such a trivial matter. He thought he could get something wrong just by denying it to the end?

[Odin's Trident (pseudo), quality green, two-handed weapon (set 1/7), occupation requirements: warrior, equipment level: 10, load 8, strength +2, constitution +3, physical attack power 10-21, Special effects: tearing, 2% chance to cause wounds to tear, continuous bleeding, durable 20/20.

Set attributes (not activated): 2/7, spirit +2.

5/7, Strength +3.

7/7, skill: Odin's bloodthirsty swipe, special effect: blood sucking, 10% trigger probability, absorbing 3% of the damage done. 】

Everyone was stunned, and no one spoke for a while.

"House, it's actually a suit!!", Xie Changting's eyes were red, how much can this thing sell for?

"This, such a high attack!?" Zhang Miao was also shocked. This is the highest attack weapon he has ever seen. The fly in the ointment is that there is no elemental damage, but adding 2 strength and 3 constitution is fucking abnormal, you know It only gives 2 points of free attribute when it is upgraded to a level, which means that it has been upgraded by two and a half levels in terms of equipment.

But the requirements of changing professions and the equipment level of level 10 made him feel cold again.

Warrior stuff, he, a quasi-mage with an intelligence of 10 and a strength of only 5, can't equip it.

Others were also in an uproar. This may be the first suit, and its attributes are also extremely powerful. After collecting all 7 suits, "Odin's Bloodthirsty Strike" is even more addictive... This is simply to open up wasteland for the dungeon. tailor-made.

Brother Xiaosa wanted to repent, but when he remembered the private conversation last night, he immediately became impotent again.

Wang Chaoyang coughed, but he wasn't very moved, "Let's talk about it, how should we deal with it?"

The only people involved were Zhang Miao, Big Cousin and Xie Changting, and everyone else looked at them.

Hsieh Changting immediately said: "I want it, I'm going to be a fighter, it's useful." Seeing that Zhang Miao was about to speak, he said in an almost pleading tone: "Xiaoer, old cousin, one of you is going to be a mage, and the other is a mage." If you are going to become a professional archer, give it to me, I have no money now, and I will definitely supply you in the future."

The eldest cousin hesitated, but Zhang Miao said, "How much and how?"

Xie Changting was speechless.

Brother Ruoran came up with an idea from the side, "Well, how about we hold an internal auction, the one who pays the price gets the interest, and if you don't owe it first, the interest will be calculated?"

"It's an internal auction, only the four of us are eligible to bid for the auction!" Zhang Miao immediately exposed his little thoughts.

Brother Ruoran smiled embarrassingly.

"You four are auctioning off, the one with the highest price wins, how about it!?" Wang Chaoyang asked.

Zhang Miao said, "Game currency is also okay?"

Wang Chaoyang nodded, "Of course."

Zhang Miao's heart was alive.

He has already sold the blueprints and mission supplies. He has 3 gold and 62 silver on him. This is a huge sum of money. Who can come up with this money now?

It's a pity that I can't use this thing myself.

Do you want to make a move?

"No, if you want to auction it, it's the world auction. You don't need game currency, I want cash!" Brother Xiaosha shouted.

Wang Chaoyang was noncommittal, and asked the other three people if they agreed.

The eldest cousin hesitated for a while and said, "Yes, yes."

Hsieh Changting nodded in frustration.

Zhang Miao felt regretful and could only agree.

Only then did Wang Chaoyang say, "Then the world auction, but let's say first, no matter how high the price is, the company will increase the price by 20%. You come to the auction, and I'm just supervising."

 Follow-up reading is very important, everyone, don't keep it to death.

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(End of this chapter)

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