This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 63 Playing Games and Making Money

Chapter 63 Playing Games and Making Money
The highest bidder was only 5000 yuan.

Zhang Miao and the others were disappointed.

According to the current "exchange rate", isn't it less than 1 gold?
This is the first green suit, the attribute is still so powerful, 1 gold, and the whiteboard equipment sold in the black shop of the system is almost reaching 1 gold.

In fact, this is a normal phenomenon.

The current "exchange rate" is very abnormal, and it will definitely have to be lowered in the future. Even if this equipment is a set, it can only be used after level 10. Level 10, at least a week later, right?

What will happen in a week, is it still the first green suit?

Suits, suits, and complete sets can exert their maximum value. What is the difference between a single piece and ordinary green equipment?
Among other things, the big cousin's dagger has no occupational restrictions, can be used before one turn, has good attributes, and also has elemental damage and special effects. This is the equipment that players urgently need at this stage. If you sell it, it will definitely be more popular than this harpoon.

In fact, there are reasons why the current "exchange rate" is so high. One of the reasons is that guilds and companies like Wang Chaoyang are trying their best to collect "chips". Does Wang Chaoyang need money? The "national team" also has funds.The second reason is that the current players are very poor, copper coins are indispensable for quest upgrades, coupled with the need to change careers, and thus push up the price of copper coins.

Regardless of whether they are satisfied or not, Zhang Miao and the others are not easy to go back on what was discussed beforehand.

In the end, Wang Chaoyang bid 6000 yuan to get this piece of equipment, and Zhang Miao wanted to buy it for 60 silver, but he hesitated in the end because he still didn't want to reveal that he had a huge sum of money.

6000 yuan is divided between four people, more than [-] yuan per person, it was naturally possible in the past, but now... Shit, it is still cheaper for capitalists.

The four of Zhang Miao were dissatisfied, and the others felt that Wang Chaoyang had taken a big advantage.

He thought that Wang Chaoyang would use it himself, but who knew that after he got the equipment, he announced that you, all players in the company, whoever gets to level 10 first and changes to a fighter, has the right to use this equipment.

This was beyond everyone's expectations, and everyone screamed out of excitement, catching and licking Mr. Wang desperately.

The layout is small.

Zhang Miao realized the gap with others.

With such a dog bone hanging in front, more than 30 first-test players clamored to get the certificate of bravery, and the big cousin became popular because of his green dagger.

Zhang Miao is level 5, and it is still a bonus point for mages. It is because the big cousin must bring him, so that he can get into a team mainly composed of level 6 players.

He feels even more guilty for being so righteous, but now it's hard to explain clearly, which makes his mentality unbalanced and entangled.

"If you have money now, sell it to the company as soon as possible. After this village, there will be no such store." Waiting for the people from the World Propaganda Team, the big cousin whispered, "The props you need for the task of changing jobs are not Can I rent it?"

"Actually, I have money..."

"Don't be reluctant, 1 to 2 is too exaggerated, I will definitely drop in the future, don't let it fall into your hands."

"……let me think again."

"Actually, you don't need to change jobs in a hurry. Go and finish the task of the potion master first. After making the red medicine, Mr. Wang will definitely not let you sell it, and he will definitely not treat you badly. How much is it, money printing machine what!"

"There won't be such a good opportunity in the future, I'm worried for you"

Zhang Miao also knows these things, but he is afraid of falling behind when watching other people's missions upgrade, and he is afraid that others have changed jobs and his certificate of bravery has not yet been obtained...

What the big cousin said is right, you have to have a plan, be calm, be calm.

"Then I go to work first?"

"Hurry up." The big cousin pushed him: "You have to be smart when you play games, you are just too serious."

"Actually, yesterday..."

"Stop dawdling, go quickly"

Zhang Miao withdrew from the team, and was in a mixed mood to prepare for the inaugural task of a potion master.

Just then, the system announcement came.

[System Announcement: Player Yijiang Chunshuiliu is the first Potionist to work as a life profession, camp reputation +200]

Zhang Miao: "Ah!"

The big cousin stomped his feet angrily, "Look, look, the 200 reputation is gone."

"Why isn't Xiao Er?" someone said in the team channel.

"This guy is really... such a good opportunity wasted."

"200 prestige, shit, it takes 500 prestige to form a family, right?"

"Boss Wang is also collecting mission props. Now only blacksmiths are left and no one has changed jobs."

Just said this.

[System Announcement: The player's favorite Feng Linwan is the first blacksmith to work as a life profession, camp reputation +200]

"……forget it."

"Mr. Wang is awesome, Mr. Wang is mighty!"

"The family is coming soon, right?"

"Build gangs, build cities!"

"For the Alliance, for the Rebels!"

"Go ahead, hurry up"

Zhang Miao was very frustrated, and went to work like an eggplant.

In fact, this task is not difficult at all. I rented a magic furnace at the potion shop, and the materials can be bought. As long as I throw the materials into the furnace according to the recipe, and fail a few times, I will succeed.

[Ding, primary red potion successfully made]

[You have obtained primary red potion*1]

[Elementary red potion: restore 1 point of health per second, lasts for 30 seconds, repeated use is invalid]

Calculate the cost, the materials cost a total of 6 silver, can be made 5 times, fail three times and succeed twice, then the cost of a bottle of red medicine will not exceed 3 silver, if it is sold for 6 silver, most players can save up for a period of time, Buy a bottle or two.

This is money grabbing, all players need it, and it is a consumable.

Zhang Miao turned in the task to the NPC in the main thread, and successfully became a Potion Master. Wang Chaoyang quickly sent a message, "You have been employed? Congratulations... Are there any restrictions?"

"Physical strength is limited, and you can do it up to 10 times with full strength."

"Uh... In this way, the material company sells all the red medicine made to the company, and you count 50 RMB a bottle, how about it?"

In this way, Zhang Miao only has to put in physical strength, and can increase her proficiency, which is a good thing.


"Okay then, just make red medicine during your game time, don't worry about falling progress, we have changed jobs to take you through the level... Where are you now?"

"At the Potions Shop"

"Wait for me, come here."

With the red medicine, the success rate of brushing the boss is much higher. In addition, most of the first-test players have been upgraded to a level. If they are lucky, they will also have some equipment.

When Wang Chaoyang arrived, he bought materials worth 2 gold, and traded them to Zhang Miao. He said with a wry smile, "Copper coins are so fucking hard to collect. All the company's assets are in your hands."

Zhang Miao's system backpack still has 3 gold and 60 silver.

It can be seen how popular the copper coin market is.

There are already people on the forum who openly accept 1:2, but this is not much.

Ordinary players have become more "reluctant to sell", the enthusiasm for making money is unprecedentedly high, everyone is in a hurry, and there are fewer people talking on the World Channel.

It was really a race against time and a money grab.

Driven by huge interests, the game is not just a game, but a shortcut to making a fortune. The huge demonstration effect further stimulates the cloud players without helmets, and the surging urgency is quickly fed back to Bei Gaoyang.

(End of this chapter)

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