This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 64 Canaan Company?

Chapter 64 Canaan Company?

Bei Gaoyang knew that his "game" was very popular, but he did not expect to be "popular" to this extent.

At this time, he was watching some news forwarded by "Xiao Liu".

"The metaverse game continues to ferment, and the eighteen-year-old youth went on a hunger strike for three days."

The news didn’t mention Canaan’s name, it only said that a high school student went on a hunger strike at home because he didn’t get the game equipment, begging the game officials to see his “sincerity”, and ended up in the ICU ward…

"Recently, there have been frequent violent crimes against access devices in the metaverse. A family of three...just because the son cheated with a fake helmet, and the murderer believed it was real."

[Picture: Crime scene]

[Image: Fake Helmet]

[Picture: The murderer was captured]

"Conspiracy theories are prevalent, and public opinion around the world points to the "alien conspiracy" and demands to find out..."

[Image: Metaverse (Canaan) graffiti with mosaics]

[Picture: Alien ET with the Chinese character Canaan as the background (PS)]

"At 3:8 a.m. on the [-]rd... Spokesperson Christina confirmed the existence of the metaverse and stated that she had... expressed serious concerns and reiterated that on major matters concerning the interests, safety and well-being of all mankind...the right to know the truth .”

[Picture: Press conference site]

[Image: Spokesperson staring directly at the camera sternly]

[Picture: Nasdaq metaverse concept stocks are green]

[Image: Metaverse (Canaan) graffiti with mosaics]

There are many more behind.

"What do you want to say!?" Bei Gaoyang didn't look at it, and asked directly.

"We have been under a lot of pressure. In all aspects, I'm afraid we can't help you hide it for a long time."

"Hiding it, why!?"

"...If your identity is exposed, what will happen is beyond your control. The worst result is...the public opinion and excuses for meddling, and your recruitment of players in the country may be restricted at that time."

Having said that, Bei Gaoyang couldn't help not paying attention to it.

At the end of the day, he's just an outsider with no roots on Earth and no way to deal with this "worst case scenario."

If the "game" is banned and the [Magic Web access device] is confiscated... the Magic Web is the only hope.

"Why did the 'worst-case scenario' happen?"

"This is very complicated to say, and the simple summary is that out of their respective interests...they have always held deep hostility and wariness towards us. You and you represent will make them worry...and cause them to Accelerated decline..."

What the hell!
Intuition told him that the other party did not deceive him with lies.

"The only way to satisfy them is to transfer Canaan to their territory and make them the main body of the players. We will not let this happen, and we will definitely take a series of countermeasures. None of these Lie it to you."

Be it in terms of emotion or identity, Bei Gaoyang tends to have extremely similar cultures and races, and reopening Canaan is unacceptable

——It’s really inexplicable, did I provoke you?
"What do you mean, what is the solution?"

"There is a preliminary consideration... The Chinese Academy of Sciences has come forward to admit that it has made a huge breakthrough in the related technologies of the Metaverse. It is too advanced to be displayed, and then set up a company to operate the Canaan game. The company belongs to you, and you can authorize it. We help with the operation, and we can also manage it ourselves, everything is done according to the formal..."

"This should be okay?"

"This company is a shield. With it, there will be room for manipulation, which will help reduce doubts and help Canaan's promotion and operation."

" let me think about it."


Bei Gaoyang closed the chat window and disconnected from the Earth Internet.

He mused.

You shouldn't have lied to yourself.

Of course, there must be exaggerations.

But the "worst case scenario" should be possible, when my so-called "alien" identity is exposed and someone has exclusive access to "alien black technology".

After all, it is still an interest.

Without interests, why should they resist such tremendous pressure for themselves?

This interest lies in this so-called "company".

This "company" is my own, but what do I want it for, money, power, reputation or status?
My own interests are in Canaan and the magic net.

So it is not difficult to choose.

Just give them what they want, anyway, I don't need it, and I don't care.

But there is no need to hurry to agree, just to whet their appetites, so that they will feel that they are easy to talk, and they will make more progress in the future.

Earth at the same time.

The hall was silent, and under a huge display screen, it was full of elites from various industries.

Among them, the people in the psychological assessment, behavior prediction, and plan-making groups were the most nervous, staring at the chat window with no reply one by one, with dry mouth and sweat profusely.

After repeated discussions, analyses, contacts, and evaluations, this is the first step of "breaking the ice" and is of great significance.

Naturally, there are enormous responsibilities and pressures.

One hour, two hours, three hours...

An old professor couldn't bear the pressure and moaned in pain while clutching his chest.

There was finally a sound in the hall, and there was a sound of "hum!", and discussions started.

"Lost, failed!?"

"I said to be cautious, alas!"

"Don't talk nonsense, you expect him to reply immediately? If you don't care, you will mess up!"

"Yes, it hasn't failed yet, and the other party didn't refuse!"

"But I didn't agree either!"

"Then wait!"

"Wait till when!?"

"It's only been a few hours, you old man, and you still say there is no chaos?"

"Okay, everyone, go to rest, someone is watching here."

Now that he decided to hang out for a while, Bei Gaoyang put this matter behind him.

[Magic Web] is growing, the number of people online at the same time has reached 230, and the progress is fast, but no player has successfully changed jobs so far.

But he didn't intend to lower the difficulty. The boss of Xinshou Village is just a whetstone.

“This time must pass”

"As rehearsed in reality"

"Everyone cheer up, don't make any more mistakes"

"First Kill, First Kill"

More than [-] employees of the Deep Blue Game Studio stepped onto the battlefield in neat steps. Everyone was determined to get the first kill this time. With the red medicine, everyone's confidence was full. Wang Chaoyang invited a "master" ", command in the team channel.

The beginning went smoothly, the boss was restrained by the group, the area damage was avoided, no one died, and a little bit of blood was output from the remote...

"There is a door"

"hold onto"

With the victory in sight, everyone was overjoyed, but it was too early to be happy.

The BOSS began to play cards unreasonably...

The rehearsed steps and formation suddenly became chaotic.

(End of this chapter)

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