This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 65 Guidance for Main Thread NPCs

Chapter 65 Guidance for Main Thread NPCs

"Erniu, Daddy, and Xiao Qi retreat to drink medicine to replenish blood!"

"Anyone who is not screaming is not allowed to move, stand up to the BOSS"

"Pay attention to range damage... dodge!"

"Hide well, surround him, don't let him rush out"

"Don't engage in close combat, start output from a distance"

"Attention to collision, attention to collision... It doesn't matter, only two hang up, and the remote continues to output"

"Melee combat! Quick!"

"Be careful……"

"Holy shit, all the shield fighters retreat to replenish blood, and if you entangle him in melee combat, don't be afraid of death."

"One-third of the blood, hold on!"


Land reclamation ended in failure again, and the BOSS of Novice Village was like an insurmountable mountain, standing in the way of changing jobs.

As soon as the team's silence was released, there were voices full of complaints, all complaining about the abnormal high attack of the boss, it would kill you if you touch it, and hurt you if you rub it, even if you have red medicine.

"Everyone, don't be discouraged. This time, we have made great progress. If we come a few more times, we will surely pass with better cooperation."

Naturally, Wang Chaoyang would not let this decadent atmosphere spread, and encouraged everyone loudly.

In fact, although the boss is perverted, if the casualties are not counted, the grind has passed, but it is too fucking incomprehensible to be kicked off the assembly line as soon as he dies, and everyone is tied up.

Don't dare to die, and you can't die. Once you die, it will be difficult to get online, and the game time will be wasted. Who wants it?
Wang Chaoyang is also aware of this problem and is trying to solve it.

"How about this!"

He clapped his hands and summoned his people to come over, "Everyone goes online at the same time, and leave half an hour of game time for the last brush."

"Unified online? It's good to be on the line."

"Only as many as you can get online. If you can't recruit people in the world, let some people change jobs first, and it will be easy to fight in the future."

"Yes, then we line up at 16 in the afternoon, which happens to be the fourth round."

"Count me in"

"And I."

"Okay!", Wang Chaoyang made a final decision, "Everyone line up at 16:[-] p.m., how many can get in, and the statistics will be counted at that time. If I don't go online, I will let Xiao Qi organize it."

This kind of care must be taken, the team is disbanded, the task of the mission, the money-making money is gone.

When Wang Chaoyang returned to the town, he first went to the potion shop to find Zhang Miao.

The potion is almost used up, it is really burning money.

He didn't know how much material Zhang Miao still had in hand. Today he collected another 60 silver. He didn't know if it was enough. He didn't care about this small amount of money. The problem was that it was not easy to collect.

There are still too few players. This is no longer a question of more money and less money, but that most players are beginning to "sell". It's equivalent to a mining machine... Ha, isn't this fucking bullshit?
It is not that game currency is not as good as Bitcoin, but that there is a fundamental difference in the difficulty of obtaining the two. In the future, game currency may surpass Bitcoin in one fell swoop. After all, the latter does not have an application scenario that can make people flock to it, but it is definitely not now, at least not now. It won't be possible until after the game's public beta.

Zhang Miao rented a booth, and the magic furnace sprayed out a blue spiritual fire, and a small tong pot was placed on the flame, and the pot was bubbling and bubbling.

Why is the main thread NPC also there?

He hurriedly squeezed in to take a look, only to hear the main thread NPC say: "...Pay attention to the nature of the material. The measurement on the recipe comes..."

"What's going on?" Wang Chaoyang asked a player beside him.

"This guy is lucky, the main thread NPC passed by, and somehow he started to guide himself."

"Hidden mission?" Another player asked in a low voice.

"do not know……"

"Try it." Bei Gaoyang finished the demonstration and stepped aside.

[Ding, you have been personally guided by Ramsviel, the potion master apprentice proficiency is 93 (+50), and you have obtained the [comprehension] state, and the success rate of making primary red potions within 30 minutes is +20%]

After getting a BUFF, Zhang Miao hurried forward to fill the seat, recalling the actions, steps and explanations of the NPCs in the main thread, and threw in the materials according to the gourd.

[Primary red potion successfully refined, primary potion master proficiency 94 (+1)]

[Basic red potion refining failed, junior potion master proficiency 94 (+0)]

[Primary red potion successfully refined, primary potion master proficiency 95 (+1)]

[Primary red potion successfully refined, primary potion master proficiency 96 (+1)]

[Primary red potion successfully refined, primary potion master proficiency 97 (+1)]

The onlookers envied and hated, red medicine has a price but no market, isn't this guy printing money?

Two players who had already changed jobs as tailors cleverly set up a stand next to them, pretending to sew a backpack, hoping that the main thread NPC would also come to guide them.

"Not bad, not bad!", Bei Gaoyang patted Zhang Miao on the shoulder, "You are very talented", then walked to the side of two apprentice tailors to watch them operate.

While the effect of the BUFF was still there, Zhang Miao refined the potion without raising his head. Wang Chaoyang hurriedly went to the store to buy all the materials he had, and donated all of them to him.

The two tailors inevitably made mistakes under nervousness, Bei Gaoyang frowned, "You can't be like this child..." stepped forward to guide.

All the professional players who have already started their careers got the news from the World Channel, and rushed back to the camp one after another, setting up a practice booth nearby.

That's right, Bei Gaoyang thought to himself.

Due to the high price of copper coins, there is a problem with the current "money liquidity". Players cling to the copper coins in their hands and stop spending easily, and no one even buys bandages, which causes the power consumption of the system to soar.

It is important to know that the output of life occupations is designed to reduce system power consumption.

It's like red medicine.

The materials used to make the potion already have a certain benefit effect, and the system is just redefined on the basis of the original one. Using the red potion to restore health is more economical than sitting on the ground to rest, and the latter is all paid for by system resources.

The same is true for backpacks. The backpacks sewn by players are real, and the system just adds some game functions.

Other enchanting, forging, equipment, and even occupations and occupational skills follow the same principle, half of the real, half of the magic net, and put a layer of magic net on top of the real, which is the current Canaan game.

More real, less magic net, power consumption will be reduced.

If there are fewer real ones and more magic nets, the power consumption will soar.

There is a problem with the economic system, which leads to the second situation, which requires intervention.

"Xue Wu, are you alright?"

"OK OK."

"How is the NPC guiding?"

"Added a little proficiency, but it's useless"

"Is that so... why don't you leave, your place has been taken by someone."


"Wait, I'll tell the captain"

Du Shiyu's business is not easy now, no one makes enchanted backpacks anymore, and she needs to buy the materials herself if she trades in RMB, and she doesn't want to.

Now the most popular one is Potion Master, a bottle of red potion sells for as high as 5 silver, and there is no market for it.

They were all fired by the studio, and they were all forced by the damn job transfer task.

Anyway, if there is no business, it is better to brush money.

Soon, the square was completely gone, and everyone seemed to be chasing after them.

There were fewer chatters on the world channel, and it was full of news about people accepting copper coins. The power consumption of the system did not decrease. Bei Gaoyang realized that the crux of the problem was still in the economic system.

There are not enough monsters to spawn, especially goblins and kobolds...

(End of this chapter)

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