Chapter 66 Copy
The solution is also simple.

One, release water, two, delete file.

Since the supply of currency is tight, it is better to increase the supply. Maybe other games will worry about currency depreciation, but Canaan does not need it.

Scarcity is the most precious thing. For a long time, the scarcity of Canaan will inevitably lead to the scarcity of currency. Too many people want to enter the game, and too many people see the benefits contained in it , besides, it's only the second test, and the money supply is only there at this point.

Even if it depreciates in the future, don't be afraid, it's just a virtual symbol of the magic net, and some of them can be recycled.

Deleting files is also imperative.

During the first test, the file was not deleted because the game was just opened, and a limited number of players were not familiar with the Canaan world, and they didn't even play a game.After the second test, there must be a large number of first-rank players who are familiar with and have mastered certain skills. At this time, deleting files will not have the previous problems, and you can start from scratch, reduce the power consumption of the system, and greatly speed up the progress of the third test and even the public test.

Once born and cooked twice.

[System Announcement: Dear players, in view of the tight money supply, the server has been adjusted. The main line, branch line, and daily tasks can regain reward money, and the probability of money dropped by monsters has increased by 100%. In addition, this test is to delete file, remind all players to pay attention. 】

"Fuck, I said the official will take action!"

"Second test delete files!?"

"What the hell is that?"

"Is there anyone who accepts copper coins? 1 to 3, 1 gold."

"1 to 1 copper coins, private chat++"

"Is this going to be 1 to 1?"

"Idiots only sell it, don't even sell it..."

"1 to 0.8 copper coins..."

"Wori, 1 to 2 copper coins..."

As soon as the announcement was made, the price of copper coins fell back. Not to mention the groans on the World Channel, Bei Gaoyang began to solve the problem of not enough monsters with his left hand.

This problem is much more troublesome.

Skeletons and zombies can be dealt with from the Nightmare Swamp. There are many in the Nightmare Swamp, but it’s just a matter of distance, and a few more runs can barely handle it. Goblins and kobolds can’t, they are almost wiped out.

Only a few solitary ones were wandering in the two spawn areas, and the nearby kobold mines were already within the coverage of the magic net. The kobold tribe with a population of thousands of people was devastated to the point of extinction.

Kobolds explode ore, and ore can be sold for money, so there are a lot of players who farm.

He had already thought of the method, and was going to make a copy of the Kobold Mine.

This dungeon is divided into two parts, one part is a place for mining and collection, and the other part is a training (leveling) camp by means of "rollback".

Now he is walking in the dark and dark mine, and he sees kobold shovels and baskets discarded everywhere. The large loss of young and middle-aged labor force has brought this tribe to the brink of extinction. The remaining old, weak, women and children are desperate and numb. Kneeling on both sides, waiting for the final sentence of fate.

The kobold chief and the priest watched the archmage slowly walking in with hatred. If it wasn't for the great disparity in strength due to scruples, if it wasn't for the tribe and some immature children, they would have long ago fought with this demon who eats people and does not spit out bones Fight.

"Who are you selling your ore to!?"

Kobolds don't do farming, they only deal with mines for years and years, but they always have to eat, so there must be a trade route in a kobold tribe, otherwise they will starve to death.

"Uh, that abandoned camp."

It can only be sold to those people, within a radius of fifty miles, where is the only fire of civilization left.

"I've already decided on your way out."

As Bei Gaoyang said, he stretched out his hand and pointed forward, and [Magic Net] immediately sent the boss of Xinshou Village.

"Look at him." The archmage proudly showed off his masterpiece, "No more fear, no hunger, farewell to pain, far away from death, it is simply a perfect way of existence, I am going to transform you into his s life……"


The kobold chief exploded in despair, and was suppressed by the [Magic Net] as soon as his figure swelled.

The remaining kobold priests were even more unbearable. [Magic Net] cut off his connection with [God Mao Qi], deprived him of his extraordinary power, and made him collapse on the ground like a cowardly old man, crying bitterly.

The big and small kobolds also cried bitterly. Some small kobolds raised their heads from their mother's arms, and looked at the great magician like a god in ignorance, with neither fear nor hatred in their eyes.

"Do you think he's dead?"

"Wrong, his soul still exists, he is still him."

"Stupid creatures, the body is just the appearance of life, the essence of life is the soul!"

"Forget it, forget it, I can't tell you demihuman races with limited brain capacity..."

This is already within the coverage of [Magic Net]. Bei Gaoyang doesn't need magic, he can do whatever he wants.

He began to mosaic stone slabs with magic patterns along the mines on both sides. The enlarged version of [Monster Art] covered the ground and extended all the way inward.

"You, you, and you..."

There were not many remaining adult kobolds, women, children and children were also pulled together, and all were driven to the center of the huge magic circle.

The chant begins.

There are too many transformations this time, and the materials obtained from the abyss are consumed in large quantities. [Monster Art] is a four-ring spell, and only the second layer of [Magic Net] cannot provide any help. The loss is real.

Bei Gaoyang swayed the spell-casting materials painfully, while carefully guiding the huge magic power to circulate on the magic circle.

With the automatic magic pattern engraving machine, he can divide a huge magic circle into different parts, and finally connect them together, which not only greatly reduces the labor intensity, but also greatly improves the accuracy.

The precision of the magic circle leads to an increase in efficacy and power, and the conversion is very smooth, regardless of the loss of cost.

after an hour.

The mine was finally shrouded in the cold magical aura, and became mysterious and cold. It was divided into two parts. The veins in the first half will recover slowly, and the second half will be closed. All the transformed kobolds are inside. It became a pawn dominated by Xiao Ai.

The dungeon is divided into three levels of difficulty, normal, difficult, and nightmare. The Kobold Chieftain and the Kobold Priest become two bosses that need to be cleared. The three modes get 10%, 40%, and 100% bonuses from the system respectively. Some of them The skills and attributes that they didn't have before are also given by the system, the principle is the same as that of the players.

In this way, a game scene integrating production and leveling and dropping treasures is completed.

The power consumption of the system has increased, but the liquidity of the currency has been resolved. One plus and one minus is acceptable.

Thanks to his stinginess, the system surplus has always been healthy, and the number of players online at the same time has reached 220, and the theoretical perfect value will come soon.

It is set that each player can only enter the dungeon 3 times per day (game), and the times are shared among the three levels of difficulty.

Open the mine first to allow players to mine. It is too monotonous to spawn monsters every day. The following dungeons have to wait for most players to turn around, otherwise they will die if they enter.

(End of this chapter)

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