This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 67 Enchanted Slime

Chapter 67 Enchanted Slime

With the Kobold Mine, players will inevitably consume a lot of time and energy, and the pressure on the monster spawning area will be greatly relieved.

But it is also necessary to find another monster to fill the monster spawning area, not for anything else, but for active substances.

Skeletons and zombies have no active substances to provide, and neither can the kobold mines that have been turned into copies. They must find a large number of creatures to act as them.

Where can I find it?
Bei Gaoyang got a headache.

What could reproduce more than goblins?

Goblins are already the lowest of creatures...

"Slime, my lord!"


It was Yaris who came up with the idea, the legacy of the Ottoman Empire, who has accepted the "players" his opinion, the unbelievable "undead". After seeing their number and growth with his own eyes, he can no longer The undead in the impression are simply equated with it.

This is a miracle race.

Miraculous growth and "reproduction" speed, fearless and immune to death, given time, maybe it can really shake the rule of the Church of Evernight.

As for the legacy of the empire, it is natural that it bears blood and sweat and deep hatred, and it does not want to fulfill the responsibilities of the bloodline all the time. After seeing the hope, it does not need Bei Gaoyang to do anything, and tries its best to plan for his career.

"Slime, that disgusting, slug-like creature, breeds in large numbers in some wet, low-lying, and magical areas on the wasteland. There is also a kind of demonized slime, which has certain toxicity. Its skin and The mucus secreted has certain value, yes, it can also replace ghost grass, which is useful in some herbal formulas."

Bei Gaoyang patted himself on the head, why didn't he think of it.

Slime mages will also breed, especially mages who have a large number of people eating under the command of the eternal mage tower.

This creature has a characteristic of eating everything, including human excrement.

Mages with land often use them to dispose of garbage that is difficult to dispose of, and some large human towns will also breed a large number of them, and they are used for similar purposes.

This kind of creature is too humble and disgusting, Bei Gaoyang really can't think of it for a while.

Yes, there could be no more suitable creature than this.

[Monster Art] solves the dungeon, but [Monster Art] cannot solve the monster spawning area. This is due to cost considerations. Forget it, for the sake of system surplus, I can only pinch my nose to find some.

"How about that deserted camp!?"

Taking Yaris with him, the great magician rushed to the area where the slimes gathered. On the way, he asked him about the abandoned camp.

"It's almost understood."

Yaris gave detailed information, which was much more detailed than Edward.

Bei Gaoyang was most worried about leaking secrets. After so many days of observation, Yaris believed that this possibility was extremely small.

"Has a third of them already been alienated?"

"Yes, they have nowhere to go, madness has spread everywhere like the plague"

Bei Gaoyang nodded.

If it wasn't for [Magic Net] that was about to cover that camp, he would have waited until most of the abandoned people had turned into [White Ghosts] before doing it.

But time waits for no one, the [Magic Web] is growing every moment, and it has almost touched the periphery of the camp. Besides, such a large area of ​​"undead" is active nearby, it is impossible for the professionals in the camp to not notice it.

If you don't go to them yourself, they may come to you.

Waiting is no longer the best option.

While talking, the destination has arrived.

This is a crater, and it is also an extinct volcano. In the low-lying part of the crater, a foul-smelling and turbid lake is formed. Due to the terrain, the magic power accumulates here. Over the years, maggot-like slimes naturally appeared and multiplied here.

These slug-like creatures are also easy to find. There are a lot of them near the lake and at the bottom of the lake in shallow water. Their surface is a "dirty blue" color, translucent, sticking to each other like snot, and slowly crawling around.

The demonized slime is at the bottom of the lake in the deep water area. It is colorless and transparent, and looks much cleaner. With the constant effect of [Water Avoidance], Bei Gaoyang led Yaris to the bottom of the lake step by step.

Grabbing one with the [Mage Hand], the demonized slime twisted and struggled in the transparent thug, sprayed out a corrosive [Water Arrow], and landed on the hand made of pure magic power.

"Well, not bad."

Ordinary slimes are fine, they can't achieve the purpose of training players, this kind of slime is okay, barely reaching level 1 and level 2.

"My lord, look"

Yaris knew what he was thinking, and pointed to a special enchanted slime in the distance.

This can only be regarded as an elite, with a larger body and stronger aggressiveness. It also has a terrifying and disgusting [wrapping] ability, which is to extend its slug-like body to wrap around the predators that attack it. Blocking the mouth and nose, drilling into the body...

Imagine that the players were tormented by them, and Bei Gaoyang was very satisfied. Later, he found a "King of Slime". He didn't know how long it had survived. The [Magic Core] had evolved in his body. It can be called a monster.

This can't be let go, it can be used repeatedly with [Monster Art].

Immediately, a magic circle for capturing and teleporting was set up at the bottom of the lake.

When the work was done, the power of the magic circle repelled most of the lake water, exuding a smell that slimes could not refuse, attracting a large number of demonized slimes to crawl into the trap.

There are also a large number of fish with strange shapes in the lake, most of them are fierce, and there are many monsters that have evolved magic cores like King Slime, but it is a pity that they cannot be used now.

"So be it."

Slime can never be killed. This kind of thing is like an earthworm. It can be divided into two halves and can grow into a full body. It is perfect for "training hands and courage".

After leaving, Bei Gaoyang found another Nightmare Swamp to replenish the already insufficient zombies and skeletons. Yashili looked at the [magic energy] rising from the surface of the swamp, and suggested: "My lord, this place can also be used as... er, dungeon What is it for?"

Bei Gaoyang glanced at him with a smile. It is a good thing for his subordinates to have such subjective initiative, so he said, "Of course I know, but take a look, can players with such a difficulty deal with it?"

Yaris shook his head.

"Wait a minute."

Goblins can't help it.

Although this kind of thing is everywhere in the wasteland.

The wisdom of goblins is very high. It is said that there was a country and civilization of goblins in ancient times. It is said that the business of that civilization was extremely developed, but it fell for some reason. It must be related to the war of gods.

Just like the orcs now.

When a god system falls, there must be a civilization and race collapse. The abyss is hungry, devouring wisdom, order and civilization, and imposing mutation, chaos and corruption on these defeated people without exception.

So, when will the fall of human civilization begin?

What role will your magic net and players play?

This can only be answered by time.

(End of this chapter)

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