This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 68 First Kill Completed

Chapter 68 First Kill Completed
In a blink of an eye, it has been five days since the second test started (real time).

Du Shiyu is doing a daily business, and the business is not bad. Ever since she knew about the deletion of files in the second test, no one is holding on to money like a miser, but this is not a good thing for her. The first enchanter, in the future It's hard to say without such good luck.

But most players welcome this. They didn't know how to play at the beginning, wasted a lot of opportunities, and took a lot of detours. If the file is deleted, everyone will have to start again, which is fair.

In this case, the test is a real test, and the acquisition in the game can no longer be the first priority, but experience and experience.

If you can master a trick or even a bug that other players don't understand, that would be the best.

In this case, the exploration of the game map starts to speed up.

The Lizardman Wetland, the Murloc River, and the Kobold Mine are basically these three places, and the monster spawning area around Novice Village has fewer people.

No one from Xinshou Village's boss still got the first kill, but it's coming soon. Yesterday, a group almost succeeded, and the boss went berserk when there was only the last trace of blood left.

Although the group is destroyed, all the skills of the boss are already known, the players are getting more and more skillful in cooperating, and the fighting skills are also decent, with a bit of "master" flavor.

Of course, this "master" is relative.

At present, the highest level of players is level 8, and the new players in the second test have also been upgraded to level 5. If they go online, they can basically do it twice a day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon, 8 hours a day (realistic), and the game time is 16 hours.

"2 Banks can't do it, I have a backpack."

A customer came to bargain, and Du Shiyu nodded. There are already other players who have become enchanters. The business is no longer the only one, so naturally it can no longer be the same as before.

After completing this order, the deposit finally broke through 1 gold, and there was still 50 silver left to buy the "Primary Weapon Enchanting Blueprint" in the system's black shop. Seeing that there were very few players in the square, she didn't want to waste time, so she gritted her teeth and messed up her body. sell everything to grocery stores.

She had collected enough money, but she was a little hesitant. Now that the price of the game currency is stable at 0.5 to 1, 1 gold and 50 silver are several thousand dollars more. Is it worth it to just buy a blueprint that is useless after the second test?
Can I change my job as an enchanter in the future?

"I don't know either, make up your own mind."

The buddy Xia Miaomiao has disappeared every day when she goes online, her level has already surpassed her, and she even got a green outfit yesterday.

"What are you doing?"


"Why mining?"

"I'm going to hire a blacksmith. A blacksmith can make equipment."

Speaking of this, Du Shiyu was even more shaken. Blacksmith materials can be obtained through mining, and other life professions can only be bought from system black shops.

"Take a look, a freshly baked dagger, attack 2-4, plus 1 power, only 50 copper, 50 copper"

Speaking of blacksmiths, a player who changed his job as a blacksmith was shouting for a new weapon. The price was very good, and several players surrounded him.

Outside the blacksmith's shop, the player rented a blacksmith's stove, holding a very sharp dagger on display.

White equipment, if you give it to yourself to enchant, the value will be higher.

Seeing this blank weapon, Du Shiyu suddenly became impulsive, thinking that he could earn enough living expenses for a few months anyway, and he was really unwilling not to gamble once.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he rushed to the daily necessities store to sell the blueprint that he had long wanted.

[Primary weapon enchantment blueprint, elemental thunder, note: additional thunder elemental electric shock damage and continuous damage, probability of obtaining special effects of paralysis. 】


Fortunately, I only bought one and bought what I wanted, and it was still a thunder attribute.

Looking at the blueprint, the magic pattern on it is more complicated than the one on the enchanted backpack. Looking at the requirements, the primary magic solution can be used, and there is just half a bottle left.

"Xiao Yu, are you coming?"

"I bought the blueprint"

"Ah, so much money, you... are too impulsive."

"It's an investment"

"Then hurry up and learn, and try to earn the money back before the test is over."


Du Shiyu would do the same even if the best friend didn't say it.

Du Shiyu took the seriousness of the postgraduate entrance examination and learned the magic pattern like a ghost drawing talisman.

These magic lines are real magic lines, and enchanting is also Canaan's real profession. The magic net just reduces the door frame and difficulty, half real, half magic net, so it can't be learned immediately, and it takes time and effort.

The rest of the game time is spent on this enchanting blueprint. Du Shiyu first draws on the ground, and then draws on the parchment with a quill pen, and waits until the game time is almost over before constructing this complicated magic circle. Type remember.

To be on the safe side, she also took pictures. When the game time came, she woke up in reality, and immediately took out paper and pen to copy on the paper.

The rented house was very quiet, and her buddy Xia Miaomiao went offline and saw her sitting there working hard, so she didn't disturb her.

"Really, with this energy, I graduated early."

She complained about her best friend, but she didn't feel much better. She washed her face in a hurry, ordered takeaway, and sat in front of the computer to browse the forum.

While looking at the guide post, he molested those cloud players, especially enjoying watching them scratching their hearts and lungs.

"Sapling, are you there?"


"Didn't you say that there is a roommate who can enchant weapons? I have a very sharp blank weapon, can I ask her to help?"

"Help is fine, my friend is a life player..."

"I understand, I understand, VX red envelope or Alipay?"

"Wait a minute, let me ask"

Du Shiyu copied the enchanting blueprint completely, and after comparing it with the photo, he let out a long sigh of relief.

This girl is so smart...

She held up her masterpiece, and the more she looked at it, the more satisfied she was. How did such a mysterious graphic be designed? It looks real. If there is a magic solution in reality, can it be like the one in the game... Sigh, what are you thinking? Well, it's really crazy.

After eating takeaway at noon, the fourth batch of players went offline neatly at 2:[-] pm. The two of them got lucky and got stuck and boarded the game.

As soon as I went online, I found that the World Channel was blown up.

"It's terrible, it's terrible, the Deep Blue family has won the first kill"


"Damn it, someone finally passed by"

"I'm already level 8, and I'm wearing equipment above white, but I still couldn't withstand the boss's ax yesterday..."

"The key is to cooperate, to cooperate."

"Can't wait to see a career change."

"Half of their regiment also died, so it's luck."

"It's sour, isn't it? You can do it if you have the ability."

The two quickly flipped through the system log.

keep scrolling up...

[System announcement: Kobold leader Tualatin Owo lost to the team led by his favorite Feng Linwan, and fell down with an unwilling roar. 】

[System Announcement: Congratulations to my favorite Fenglinwan for getting the first kill of Tualatin Owo, faction reputation +200, team members +100]

[System Announcement: The team led by the player's favorite Feng Linwan has passed the test of the brave, and the main thread NPC Rams Philbert Gao Yang sent congratulations, favorability +20]

[System Announcement: Tualatin Owo lost the treasure he guarded. 】

[System Announcement: Tualatin Owo has died, and the countdown to resurrection has entered. 】

(End of this chapter)

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