This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 72 Humanoid monster?

Chapter 72 Humanoid monster?
"Don't worry, the job change is on me, um, and your friend Xue Wu... Haha, it's so-so, I'm going to change to archer, long-range physical damage with elemental damage, ok, ok, that's it, um"

The big cousin ended the friend's voice with a licking smile, and a player from the same company next to him bumped his shoulder and asked with a smirk, "Are you good?"

"No, no, ordinary friends", the eldest cousin was still a little embarrassed, and the others all laughed and teased him, "No, don't be a voice actor"

"Seiyuu!", the others booed. One of the players said that someone broke out on the forum. It came out and made chicken feathers all over the place.

"Impossible", the eldest cousin quickly denied, judging from the process of getting along with the sapling, the other party must be a woman, at least a beauty above average.

"It's over, it's over, it's stuck"

The archers changed jobs to NPCs, and they stepped forward to talk to them one by one.

Soon it will be the big cousin's turn.

"This is... the proof of the brave?", the tone of the transferred NPC was procedural, and he said this to everyone, "I am very glad that you have proved yourself. For our common cause, I decided to let you You have embarked on the path of a powerful, glorious and sacred professional, but there is still a final test waiting for you, I need to go to the lizardman wetlands and bring back a complete feather of the flame bird."

[Whether to accept the mission: The Path of a Professional ([-])]


"Very well, you need to do it independently, the flame bird usually moves in the deep forest in the wetland"

After accepting the task, the friend channel began to discuss, the warrior needs to defeat a murloc elite independently, and only the mage needs to learn what [Meditation method] and sense the magic power.

Players from the company who were about to become archers went on the road together, the World Channel began to refresh the screen, and another team cleared the boss of Novice Village and got the certificate of bravery.

But this time there was no system announcement, not the first kill, only a green suit exploded.

It's a wristband. Wang Chaoyang is contacting the other party to see if he can take it.

The BOSS of Novice Village entered the countdown to the resurrection cooldown, the players saw hope, and began to invite friends to form a team, and the world channel was booming.

Cousin Lizardman Wetland has been there before, the distance is too far, it takes an hour to go back and forth, and he has to stop and rest in the middle to recover his strength, so there are not many players going there to spawn monsters.

On the way, everyone was singing, laughing, playing and chatting on the World Channel while admiring the scenery along the way.

The game time is 2:[-] p.m., the wind is sunny, the sky is as clear as blue, and the wilderness seems to be infinitely wide at first glance. Only in the red area outside the game area, there is a blurred and distorted haze, but it is no longer like the first one. During the test, the end can be seen at a glance, and the game map has become larger, which has already made players feel inconvenient.

Except for the monster spawning area, there are very few monsters in the wild, and occasionally a player who saw groups of players fled away.

Anyway, there is nothing wrong, and I use the identification technique to throw on the things I find on the way. Some of them can be collected, but the price of recycling in the black shop of the system is very low. There is only one kind of plant called [cotton and hemp], which will produce a kind of plant fiber rich in it. The fruit is useful to tailors, and the value is higher.

About weaving or something.

The furs of monsters are also valuable, especially those of murlocs. I heard that they can be used to make leather armor.

A mage wears commoner clothing, which has the lightest load, but without enchantment, has the worst defense.

The archer wears leather armor, the defense is not bad, and it can also be enchanted, and these two tailors can make it.

Warriors need to be forged, leather armor and metal armor can be worn, and the defense and load-bearing are also the highest.

"There's a wolf over there"

"I found out early, and followed us all the way"

"Good guy, level 9 elite, higher than BOSS?"

"Don't mess with it, it doesn't dare to come over"

A huge [Desolate Wasteland Demon Wolf] stopped on the far mountain, looking out with a pair of slightly glowing wolf eyes. It is said that many lone rangers died at the hands of this lone monster. The reason for traveling together.

This kind of monster is very intelligent, just like a real wolf, even smarter, if there are many players, it will not come over.

It would be troublesome if the job change task was to deal with it. It's not that no players paid attention to it, but none of them succeeded.

The discovery of the magic wolf means that the lizardman wetland is approaching.

Sure enough, after a few minutes, the moisture in the air became more obvious, the added soil became soft, and sporadic puddles appeared. Moving forward, the water plants began to flourish, the trees grew, and insects swarmed in groups. Flying up and down, one by one I don't know what the birds are, with different colors, chirping, and different shapes.

Some are in line with the cognition of birds, but some are like shrunken pterosaurs, and some are shaped like bats, but with a tail that can be opened... The big cousin first discovered the flame bird.

It's really like a ball of flame, the fiery red bird is only the size of a fist, flies fast and high, is very vigilant, and likes to prey on a big green insect.

The lizardmen who looked like loaches were basking in the mud between the puddles. When they sensed the arrival of the players, they rushed into the water like seals that spotted polar bears.

"This game is too hardcore"

"Yeah, every time I suspect that this is a real world, I can't imagine what kind of technology can build such a scene"

"Alien Black Technology"

"Then aren't we guinea pigs for experiments?"

"Stop talking nonsense, let's do the task"

Everyone walked carefully along the relatively dry and hard place. After going deep into the wetland, they soon found a team of players brushing lizardmen in a puddle.

I don't know how they managed to lure the lizardman out of the water, and the other party's ID was also hidden. When they saw them coming, they were very vigilant.

"Brother, how is the harvest?"

A company player whose ID is Ghost Foot Seven shouted over there.

"so so"

The response from the other side was lukewarm.


"How do these guys attract monsters?"

"It's a secret, I'm afraid we will find out"

"Isn't this place not as good as the Murloc River? Could it be something good?"

"do not know……"

"There are too many people by the Murloc River, and there are not enough monsters to spawn."

The game map is bigger and there are more ways to play. There are always some tricks to find that others don't know. Lone Rangers also have the benefits of Lone Rangers. Unlike them, information and gains are shared.

The company is also vigorously collecting this kind of information, and it also has no intention of publishing it. It is a commercial secret, he always said jokingly.

Big Cousin and the others only want to play games, and it would be perfect if they can make money while playing games, and they don't care much about the rest.

Seeing that there was no intention to let them pass over there, everyone was a little bit aggrieved, but the job transfer task is important.

Along the muddy path stepped on by the other party, all the way deep into the wetland, I found a large forest in the middle of the wetland.

A large number of flame birds are parked on the branches. From a distance, they look like pieces of flames burning on the treetops. Under the sunlight, they are colorful, just like a beautiful CG scene.

At this time an accident happened.

"Hey, why is there someone here?"

Guijiaoqi found a bearded man unconscious in a low-lying place under a tree.

"Player...ah, is it a humanoid monster?"


"Why are there question marks?"

In this way, the first encounter between the player and the Canaan natives happened unexpectedly.

(End of this chapter)

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