Chapter 73

When the player sees it, it means that the magic net "sees" it, and it also means that Bei Gaoyang sees it.

Through the player's eyes and perception, this drowsy bearded man appeared on the display screen of the central hub of the magic net, and Bei Gaoyang recognized his identity at a glance.

Thief of the Church of Evernight.

This person is equipped with standard thief equipment, neat and tight leather armor with magic patterns engraved on it, the holy emblem of the Church of Evernight is on his neck, and some kind of vigilance and protection spells are constant. An enchanted magic dagger seems to be unconscious, but the body is in a tense state all the time, and it may explode when there is an external stimulus.

Before he had time to think about it, he immediately asked Xiao Ai to give the thief the corresponding attributes!
[System prompt: In an emergency, you have encountered a professional from a hostile camp]

[System prompt: The adventure mission is triggered, mission one: Persevere until the senior NPC Yaris Osterdiman arrives]

"Fuck, hostile camp?"

"Is this... encountering a humanoid monster?"

"What's the matter, man?"

The humanoid monster who was lying there just now suddenly disappeared. The players sensed the danger, but before they could take any action, they saw a white light rising around them.

"It's Lao Xiao!"

A player's body was protected by the system, and a faint black figure was disappearing, as if melting into the air.

"Everyone be careful"

Ghost Foot Seven reminded loudly.

As soon as the words fell, he felt a pain in his back, and then his eyes went dark, and he was kicked off the assembly line.

While others saw a ghostly shadow flashing behind Guijiaoqi, a white light rose, and a damage value of -271, which was not a critical hit, made everyone scream.

"What the hell, so fierce!?"

"Ah, it has been identified, I saw it, a level 24 thief, Church of Evernight camp"

"What to do, thief, run away"

In just a few words, another player turned into a white light, and this time he couldn't even see the opponent's shadow.

The remaining four people got together, one person was in charge of one direction, and strode back toward the way they came.

After a few steps, the eldest cousin suddenly felt something above his head, and looked up subconsciously, only to see a black light coming.
311, spike, crit.

The big cousin's head turned into a mosaic, the bones rolled down, and the body entered a protective state. The remaining three people collapsed and ran away screaming.

Can't escape very far, after two consecutive white lights, there is only one player whose ID is 'Haotian Supreme Supreme Only Wonderful Jade Emperor God'.

Seeing that he couldn't escape, he decided not to run away, while cursing the adventure mission as cheating, put on a defensive posture, and stared at the void in front of him.

A faint shadow emerged from the air, with a red ID on its head [hostile faction: Church of the Evernight Professional Rogue, LV24], looking at him with a pale face.


He couldn't understand what the other party said. Seeing that the other party was not in a hurry to make a move, his mind became active, "Li Xiao, Li Xiao", he tried with his tongue.

The other party said something babbling again, he wondered if there was a door, his spirit was shaken, and he smiled at the other party, "Nah, it's not good to fight and kill, what do you need to tell me?" , I am a warm-hearted person, I love helping others, what kind of intelligence, being a spy, helping the old lady cross the road, the best"

The face of the other party was even more strange. He stared at him for two seconds, then took out a very small scroll from there, and then tore it open.

A large piece of magical aura dissipated, and what the other party said suddenly became understandable: "Undead?"


Haotian Supreme is the only one who is overjoyed by the Jade Emperor God. Is there really something else to unfold, but what does he mean by undead? Are he looking for zombies or skeletons?

"I, I know, I can take you to..."

"You want to take him there?"


The senior NPC Yaris Osterdiman came. He was fully armed, with a light black radiance, holding a strangely shaped mace, and his face was covered by a visor.

Look at the thieves have disappeared.

[Adventure Mission [-]: Assist Yaris Osterdiman to defeat the invaders of the hostile camp]

"The boss of Yaris came just in time, and I'm preparing to be the second junior of Wang," the player said solemnly.

Naturally, Yaris didn't know who Wang Erxiao was. He stood there first and then suddenly smashed the hammer into the void.

Ripples visible to the naked eye spread, and a faint, cautiously approaching shadow stood out amidst the layers of ripples.

The thief's invisibility was broken, and he immediately launched an attack.

Hurry up, it's really too fast, it's so fast that the naked eye can't catch it, only the afterimage of it flying up.


The mace blocked the dagger, and it split at the touch, and the two entangled black shadows rushed to one place in the blink of an eye, and then "clang, clang, clang...", dense clashes sounded continuously, and on the soft ground, Deep footprints one by one, I don't know how many times they attacked and defended within a few seconds, -1-1-2-2-4-2... dense numbers of damage appeared densely on the two shadow heads.

The Supreme Being of Haotian and the only one, the Jade Emperor, were dumbfounded, pinched himself hard, and hurriedly started recording.
In the end, it ended with a large damage value. The thief was defeated, staggered and showed his figure, retreated a few meters, and flew backwards in a flash.

run away?

Yaris snorted coldly, and chased him out with the thickened black flames.

"Fuck, martial arts movie!?"

After chasing and fleeing, he was about to enter the woods. Only then did Yaris use the skills exclusive to paladins.

I saw his mace hammering each other, with a sound of "Ding!", everything "slowed down", then chanted (actually a blessing) a spell loudly, and finally pointed at the back of the fleeing enemy, and immediately brushed a bullet for the enemy. Layer "green paint".

The continuous damage, weakness and curse caused the thief to fall down screaming, and Yaris stepped forward with a hammer, creating a large mosaic.

[Adventure Mission [-]: Assist Yaris Osterdiman to defeat the invaders of the hostile camp, complete]

"Thanks for your help, I still need to search for other possible intruders, can you help me?"

"Very well, we don't have enough manpower, please gather some rebels to search along the area marked on the map, remember, don't act rashly when you find them, and don't alarm them"

[System Announcement: Player Haotian Supreme is the only one who has the Jade Emperor to trigger the plot mission: The slave hunting team of the opposing camp, the top 20 players can form a group to share the mission]

As soon as the announcement came out, World Channel exploded.

Wang Chaoyang quickly sent a private chat: "What's going on?"

"...Qiyu was triggered after finishing the work, the old cousin and the others didn't hold on, and hung up, haha..."

"Wait for me, don't group people first"

"Got it, got it, haha..."

After waiting on the spot for half an hour, Wang Chaoyang brought a few players from the company to find him, and they were all very excited after explaining the details.

What are the rewards for the plot missions? The humanoid monsters of the hostile camp are so powerful, can it be a bargain to follow the NPC?

"Leave a group, start a group"

As the team leader, Wang Chaoyang first recruited all the people who were online in the company, and there were still a few spots left. If he was not online, he would not be able to join for a while, so the bosses of a few guilds he knew joined in.

(End of this chapter)

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