This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 74 Main Thread NPC vs Advanced Humanoid

Chapter 74 Main Thread NPC vs Advanced Humanoid

"Mom, it's me. Have you received the money I sent you? Well, well, that's right, a total of [-]...Of course I earned it. I didn't work on the construction site anymore. I'm looking for a job in an office ... Hee hee, the monthly salary is over ten thousand... Don't worry, I will definitely be able to turn around this time, and I will take you and my dad out in the future... What is there to stay in the ravine... That's it, I still have something to do Son"

After hanging up the phone, Hu Xinmin picked up the helmet and put it on again. After waiting for more than ten minutes, there was no sign of being able to enter the server.

He went to the next room to see Zhang Miao "sleeping" on the bed wearing a helmet, and sat in front of his computer to browse the forum.

There are already a lot of posts about story missions. Some players who have been offline update the big events happening in the game at the same time. After clicking on the most popular post, I found that it is a well-known "analyst expert" on the forum, who often publishes some useful work. Game review, but ridiculously, this guy is a cloud player.

The title of the post is: Analyzing the player's bonus points from the battle scene of the 24th-level thieves and humanoid monsters.

The following is the text.

Canaan official yyds: ... I guess this plot mission is the beginning of a series of major events. The first appearance of the hostile faction indicates that the big scenes like monster siege, city war and national war are about to start, and the time is short. It just so happened that the first batch of job-changing players were about to appear, and it would be unreasonable to stay in Novice Village any longer.

Judging from the various information and signs exposed before, the so-called rebels may be enemies all over the world, because the main thread NPC has said more than once that the Canaan world has been ruled by corrupt, depraved, cruel gods and minions, and people have become Numb and obedient, the background of the world is very grand, it makes people chill to think about it.

Let's see how terrifying the humanoid monsters in the local camp are, [picture], [picture], [combat video of a high-level NPC and a level 24 thief humanoid monster], this is a battle, it is clearly a martial arts movie.

Note that in the first half of the battle, that is, the vague ten seconds, two NPCs may be leveling A, until the end of the battle is the professional skill, the final word.

Senior NPC level A players can't even see clearly, what does that mean?
Explain that the basic attributes are not enough.

The first thing I want to talk about here is spirit. According to the official explanation, spirit is related to resistance, vision, attention and hit. ?
The second is agility, which is easy to understand, agility is related to speed and reaction, not to mention speed, reaction should be physical reaction and conscious reaction, and the cooperation of the two can participate in this kind of battle.

The third is intelligence. Don’t think that only spellcasting professions need intelligence. Warriors also need it. Said, the most important thing is perception and understanding. This explanation is too complicated. I tend to use intuition, combat intuition, danger intuition, etc. to characterize it.

All in all, it is the lack of spirit, agility, and intelligence that cause players to be unable to keep up with the rhythm of NPC battles, not the level.

Having said so much, what I really want to say is that each of the five basic attributes is very important, and you can’t add points to extremes, mages can’t fully increase intelligence, warriors can’t have all strength and physique, and archers can’t use all their strength and sensitivity. This is not the case before. Play those garbage games, this is an extremely realistic and complex VR holographic game, it should be as realistic as possible.

In reality, there are no weirdos with full strength and sensitivity, right?
A little insight for your reference.

"Awesome, I admire it!"

"Been taught a lesson"

"8 wrong 8 wrong..."

"It's a shame that the game official doesn't give you a helmet"

"Is this the proprietor's tow?"

"Don't say that everyone can still be friends with a helmet, but talking about a helmet is too much..."

Hu Xinmin also admired this guy, and thought it made sense. He really couldn't just add agility and strength.

How should I add it?
Then I thought, anyway, if I want to delete a file, I can experiment first. Someone will be able to experiment with the most suitable addition point in the later test, so I let go of my worries.

There are still a lot of posts about plot missions, and there is nothing to see when I click them in. I have seen all the pictures and videos, until a player who was hung up and kicked offline sent a post.

"Ah... I'm so fucking unlucky. I've already found the other party's camp. As soon as the system announcement was sent out, I was killed and offline by a mob that suddenly appeared."

"Old man, the plot mission is completed"

"It's done, find the camp of the humanoid monster and it's over."

"What reward, what reward?"


"Only prestige?"

"Maybe I need to open a dungeon. The main thread NPC is fighting against the high-level monsters of the enemy camp. I'm going through the plot, so I hang up, woo..."

"Wow, big scene?"

"No, the main thread NPC is fully dressed, standing in the air above the head of the humanoid monster, with blinding equipment all over his body, casting spells like missile bombing..."

"Fuck, fuck!"

"Are there any pictures or videos?"

"Wait, someone must hang up offline, and it will be there in due time"

Hu Xinmin also watched anxiously, wishing he could pull off Zhang Miao's helmet and ask him what was happening in the game.

The entire villa area was quiet, most of the company's employees were in the game, and the few that were posted were not in the same building, so no one wanted to complain.

Fortunately, the offline players appeared soon.

Shocked, the main thread NPC battled more than a dozen high-level humanoid monsters, and the scene was as explosive as a war movie.

Quickly click in to see.

Watch the first video first.

In the center of the video is a camp. Dark clouds over the camp, distorted lightning can be vaguely seen, and a vague figure can be vaguely seen in the lightning.

The video is full of yelling and shouting, the main thread NPC, the main thread NPC... foretells the identity of the fuzzy figure.

The shooting angle was not good, and it was always shaking. After it was clear, I saw a large group of humanoid monsters with red names on their heads rushing out of the camp.

Then came the second video.

The dense ball of light at the beginning of the picture... Ah, it's not a ball of light, it's an electric ball.

The camp had been destroyed, as if it had been carpet bombed, full of potholes and flames.

The electric balls are arranged in a matrix, floating above the formation of high-level humanoid monsters. A humanoid monster wearing a black robe and looking like a priest is praying. The noisy environment can't suppress the solemn and hasty prayer. Voice.

At this moment, those electric balls suddenly struck down lightning bolts, and the continuous lightning formed a dense forest, filled with electric light, rumbling explosions and earthquakes overturned the players who recorded the video.

The screen stops there.

The third scene is already the end of the battle.

The high-level human-shaped monster lay on the ground, but he didn't die. The main thread NPC had fallen from the sky, holding an extremely cool staff, wearing a robe full of aura, and the surroundings were constant. One, two, three, four...five The halo is still rotating like a gear that bites together.

The humanoid monster with the appearance of a priest was seriously injured, but she was still a good-looking girl. She was talking to the main thread NPC in a righteous manner, and kept vomiting blood.

Hu Xinmin couldn't bear it any longer. He felt that the main thread NPC was like a villain, and the humanoid monsters all regarded death as home, and they were righteous...

It's gone, I don't know how it ended in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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