Chapter 75

The ancient Greek physicist Archimedes had a famous saying: "Give me a fulcrum, and I can lift the earth." There is also a similar famous saying in Canaan, but it is based on occultism-give the archmage enough time, he will Can fill the entire abyss.

Whether it is lifting the earth or filling the abyss, there are artistic exaggerations, but they are all telling the truth.

The preparation time for spells is extremely important to mages. Whether there is time to prepare for a battle, the result may be very different. No matter how strong the professionals from the Church of Evernight are, let an archmage find out beforehand. But they didn't realize it, and it was doomed that the balance of victory would tilt infinitely towards the other side.

Standing above the destroyed camp, Bei Gaoyang chanted a mysterious incantation, activating the magic circle buried shallowly around the camp. With the automatic engraving machine, he could inscribe the huge and cumbersome compound magic circle in advance. When waiting for use, they are connected together, which greatly saves time and allows his combat effectiveness to jump to a new level.

After the huge and complex composite magic circle was activated, many magic effects appeared, changing the topography and even the spatial rules of a small piece of heaven and earth.

A large amount of magic power was extracted, and the space distortion covering the entire camp was formed.

Bei Gaoyang did not kill them, but imprisoned them in such a cage, which cut off the internal and external connections, and prevented the Church of Evernight and the gods they believed in from intervening after they found out.

A faint "demonic energy" rose up, and under the action of the compound magic circle, all the dead stood up unsteadily and were transformed into undead.

The undead are not forbidden to enter and exit this cage, so each of the originally powerful, faithful, brave and fearless fighters has become a new monster, and this place has also become a new spawning point for players.

As for those who are still alive, they can only linger in this cage, waiting for the players to grow up and harvest experience and loot from them.

But it is not feasible to transform this cage into a dungeon. The Kobold Mine is a lesson. Each of these Evernight Church professionals has very strong strength, and it is too cost-effective to transform them.

I can only make ends meet like this first.

This team of professionals and elite fighters is not here for him. There are also notorious slave traders among them. Many subhuman races in the abandoned wasteland are suitable sources of slaves. For example, kobolds are suitable miners. , if sold to the civilized world, the price is very objective.

So there are many big businessmen who started with this.

There are still many players around who have not dispersed, they are still talking about the big scene just now, the world channel is also very lively, the powerful strength of the main thread NPC is finally known to the majority of players.

A smile appeared on the corner of Bei Gaoyang's mouth, and he released the edited system announcement.

[System Announcement: Through the efforts of all players, the invaders of the hostile faction have been defeated by the NPC in the main thread, and the reputation of all players participating in this operation +50】

[System Announcement: New game map: Night Camp, new undead elite monsters: several Dark Night Cultists, new imprisoned professional elites, BOSS (the only one), defeating them will get rich reputation, main thread NPC favorability and Equipment and Materials Rewards]

[System announcement: Game map: The monsters in the night camp are too powerful, it is not recommended for players below level 15 to venture into it]

When this matter was over, Bei Gaoyang walked away.

World Channel:

"Let me just say, new map and new monsters, and there will be another stable spawning point in the future."

"Come on, the monsters inside are abnormally strong, each of them is above the elite level, and the level will not be lower than 15. How to fight the 15th level elite?"

"Team up to brush, can't you just come one by one?"

"Then you go, I won't go"

"Certificate of the Brave is missing 2, here are two remotes with bows and arrows, the second test is for beginners to climb, don't waste my time"

Wang Chaoyang turned off the World Channel and hurried back.

Seeing that the game time is almost up, he is a little worried. Don't be preempted by wasting so much time for a story mission.


[System Announcement: The player 'Tolerant is great' has passed various tests and is the first to transfer to [Warrior] profession, camp reputation +200]

The 200 prestige disappeared, and Wang Chaoyang was also annoyed, but with the prestige given by the plot missions, the prestige of forming a family was enough.

The honor of being the first professionally transferred soldier was taken away, and it would be a big loss if the first family to be founded was also taken away.

At the NPC where the warrior changed jobs, You Rong Naida changed into a shield and a long sword that can only be equipped by a level 8 warrior, and laughed amidst bursts of booing and envy.

"Boss You Rong, look at the skills, look at the skills"

Level 8 first-rank fighters look really impressive, they have grown taller and burlier, and their five senses and temperament have also changed significantly. People who watched it felt unbearably itchy, and they all speculated about the reason.

"Uh, a passive skill [Elementary Fighting Specialization], level 1 strength, constitution, and agility increase by 10%, can be combined with 4 kinds of flat A moves, form a combo, and use it with your thoughts."

"Let me just say, there must be an increase in basic attributes. In this game, if you have high strength, you will have muscles, and if you have high agility, you will have a well-proportioned figure."

"Scared, combo, the combination of four flat A moves, it's too awesome"

"A martial arts movie?"

"This is called a warrior!"

"Brilliant, awesome!"

You Rong Naida continued to show off: "Two active skills, one is [Charge], the first level is to launch a sprint to the locked target, during the sprint process, 1% of the life value is restored, and the damage received -5%. Causes damage equal to 20% of its own physical attack power, 40% of physical attack power damage to locked targets, 120% chance to stun the target for two seconds, charging distance of 5 meters, cooldown time of 25 seconds."

"Tank, love it, love it"

"This skill is not bad, it won't be kited by remote occupations"

"PK sharp weapon, with groups, with dizziness"

"So strong, warrior"

"The attributes should be stronger if you upgrade"

"Use attribute points?"

"Of course"

"Ah, you only get 2 points for leveling up. The basic attributes are not enough, and you need to upgrade your skills."

"That's why you need good equipment..."

"I also want to change my career as a fighter."

"The last skill is [Battle Cry], level 1, inspires battle frenzy, sends out a cry that shocks (interrupts) the enemy, causes group damage (small amount) within 2*2 meters of the target, and attracts a lot of hatred from the target, 10 % chance to stun the target for 0.5 seconds, the casting distance is 10 meters, and the cooling time is 2 minutes."

"This skill is useful, and it's easy to brush the boss"

"PK is also useful. It's a group injury, a group plus state, and an interrupt skill. It's abnormal."

"Are there only three skills?"

"It's already very powerful. Level A forms a combo skill, two powerful active skills."

"Some equipment also has skills"

"Love it, love it"

"I want to become a fighter"

"Brother Rong, please take me, please take me with you"

You Rong Naida took the opportunity to shout on the world channel: "You Rong's family is recruited, and they have taken job transfer tasks. The number of places is limited. The first test players chat privately++"

At this moment, another player successfully changed his job.

[System Announcement: Player 'Du Shilang' has passed various tests and is the first to transfer to [Archer], camp reputation +200]

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(End of this chapter)

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