Chapter 76
"It's a pity, the first family was preempted"

"Isn't it for plot missions?"

"100 prestige per person... In other words, what's the use of it other than family prestige?"

"I guess it's prestige stores and titles and titles. Maybe you need to build a gang and build a city in the future."

"Stop talking, let Wang Ge build a family."

From Mr. Wang to Brother Wang, Wang Chaoyang knew that he had done a good job. In ancient times, there were generals who took the lead and lived with the soldiers. Today, there are people on the world's richest list who lead a group of game nerds who spend all day in the game and "do not do business". The nature is the same, huh, huh...

Senior NPC Edward accepted his application to establish a family, withholding 1 gold and 28 silver. After reading his lines with a solemn expression, he sent a system announcement that the Deep Blue Family was officially established.

The family page and functions are no different from the online games of Daluhuo. The upper limit of members of the first-level family is 1 people. It is online time, average level, etc., and the second is the completion of family tasks.

The most worth mentioning is the family residence. From now on, you need to rent a piece of land from the system to build it.

A main building of the family - the government affairs hall, a family member's online, birth, and resurrection point, this has blueprints donated by the system, and it can also be made by hiring system npcs, and the materials are a lot of money.

Then there is the family store, which sells some materials, blueprints and recipes needed for daily life and professional supplies.

[The player's favorite, Feng Linwan, invites you to join the Deep Blue Family, do you agree? 】


[Family information: The second brother of the player joins the family, from now on, everyone is a brother.]

"Welcome Junior"



"What about the family residence, 5 gold, why doesn't the system fucking grab it?"

"Let's all contribute a little, it should be enough"

Zhang Miao looked at the functions on the family page and found it very useful. After having a resident, it is convenient to go online and revive. There is an additional way to gain experience for family tasks. The recipes and materials on the family store can be purchased through family reputation, which eases the burden The pressure of copper coins.

[Family information: The second brother of the player donates 10 silver to the family fund and gets 1000 family prestige]

"Little brother atmosphere"

"Don't be stingy, donate some, you can't let Brother Wang pay for it alone?"

Only then did Wang Chaoyang say: "Donation is free, mainly because of prestige, and future positions will be determined by prestige."

[Family information: Players love Feng Linwan to donate 5 family funds and get 50000 family prestige]

"Hehe... Do you realize the gap?"

"Needless to say, Hao Qi"

"5 gold, never seen so much money"

"Brother Wang has been collecting copper coins. We only sell 5 gold coins, right?"

[Family information: The player's eldest cousin donated 20 silver to the family fund and gained 2000 family prestige]

[Family information: Player Xie Changting donated 5 silver of family funds and gained 500 family prestige]

[Family information: Player Ruoran donated 30 silver of family funds and gained 3000 family prestige]

[Family information: Player Er Niu donated 50 silver of family funds and gained 5000 family prestige]


Donating funds to refresh the screen, Zhang Miao didn't expect everyone to be so rich. Seeing the game currency of nearly 4 gold in the account, she didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Now that the copper coin has fallen by 0.3 to 1, he has a feeling that the stock is locked up. He doesn't know whether to cut the meat and leave the market or continue to hold it. Thinking about it, he is extremely entangled.

The upper limit of family members is 25, and there are still 9 company players who cannot join. Wang Chaoyang is busy arranging their whereabouts, or appeasing them and telling them to wait?
The eldest cousin and the others are still working on job transfer tasks, and the family has a lot of new things to do, and I am too embarrassed to ask them to help with the certificate of bravery, so Zhang Miao joined a wild group.

A soldier who has changed his job leads the team, and each person in the team has to pay money. 1 person, 1 silver, 24 people is 24 silver, which is really a way to make money.

But this person is too arrogant, he actually confidently wanted to hold down the boss by himself, who knew that teaching the boss two or three axes would not be able to withstand it, and the cooperation was also a piece of shit, so it failed unexpectedly.

In such a situation, they naturally demanded a refund. This first-ranked soldier refused to retreat, and he froze after making a fuss, and cursed and scolded the world.

Oh, so tired!

It seems that the family is more reliable.

"You haven't finished the job transfer task yet? Hurry up!"

He yelled on the family channel.

"This flame bird is really hard to catch, what if you can't shoot it?"

"Meditation, bullshit meditation, I want to sleep when I meditate..."

"Mage is the hardest one to change, sense the magic power, I'll go, how to sense it!"

"The flame bird needs to make a trap. I read on the World Channel that it is necessary to use a large caterpillar to lure them down before shooting. The aim must be good, because there is only one chance. This kind of bird is very smart and will not be fooled a second time. "

"Big caterpillar, what big caterpillar?"

"The name is Big Caterpillar, look for it in the woods"

"Thanks, the big caterpillar was found"

Zhang Miao had no choice but to take up the family task.

When the family does not have a residence, the task is accepted by the family NPC. This NPC hides in a corner, surrounded by people.

There are several clans created now. Those who can get 500 prestige at this stage are either guilds or rich bosses. The first test players who can join the clan are all level 7 and 8. They are almost all white clothes with basic attributes. .

Almost all the basic attributes of this level have been mentioned, so each of them has become very burly and sturdy. A master who has changed his job to an archer is holding a green weapon, and there seems to be a green armor on his body. , long legs, sharp eyes, it really stands out from the crowd.

You can do 20 family missions a week, rewarding family prestige, copper coins and experience. The first mission Zhang Miao took was to "teach the increasingly rampant slime" to collect a dropped mission item.

Just as he was about to go to work, Wang Chaoyang sent a private message.

"Do you know that enchanter MM, named Xue Wu Fei Yu?"

"Well, I know, what's wrong?"

"See if you can pull her into our family..."

"Her? It's okay if she's not a company employee?"

"It's best to join the company, neither willing nor forced."

"Old Cousin, his relationship is better"

"he hung up"


"Don't be careful with the job transfer task... You can contact her, she makes enchanted weapons for people in the square, and she is very popular"


Zhang Miao came to the square, looked over to the enchanting shop, and saw many players gathered together.

When I walked in, I found that Xuewu Feiyu pinched her face, she was much more beautiful, and she was concentrating on drawing complicated magic patterns on a dagger.

"It looks like you don't know what's going on..."

“Feels so real”

"This kind of magic pattern seems to have some kind of mysterious power, and I feel dizzy after watching it for a long time."

"I feel it too"

"Don't quarrel, I failed twice, the materials are all from Lao Tzu, it's all money"

Du Shiyu was so concentrated that she turned a deaf ear to the noises around her. Her hands were much more stable than in reality, and she traced the magic patterns as thin as hair on the dagger little by little, and then carefully carved them out with a rented carving knife. The texture is then drenched with precious solution.

While doing it, she muttered words, and naturally entered a "trance" state, feeling a lively and mischievous "little elf" attracted by herself, part of which responded to her own will, and attached to the engraved magic pattern... …

With a swipe, a green light rises.

[Successful enchantment, enchanter proficiency +10, get an enchanted excellent dagger]

[Enchanted excellent dagger, enchanted weapon, occupational requirements: warrior, equipment level 7, quality: green, load 2, physique +1, physical attack power 4-9, additional thunder element damage 3-7, attack distance 1 meter, durable 14/15, Producer: Xuewu Feiyu]

Du Shiyu was first surprised and then disappointed.

No special effects were made, only thunder elemental damage was added.

But her client is already very satisfied, with 3-7 more elemental damage, the damage of this dagger has been upgraded to a new level immediately, and it is still elemental damage, ignoring physical defense.

Happy to pay a commission of 10 silver.

There is such a successful example, other people are very jealous and crowded over one after another...

 On the first day of the week, please recommend and monthly pass
(End of this chapter)

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