This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 77 Playing games is still long?

Chapter 77 Playing games is still long?

【...You carefully engraved the magic pattern, but accidentally shook your hand, the magic pattern went wrong, and the enchantment failed】

[Your equipment 'excellent dagger' is damaged]

[...You tried your best to guide the magic power to run along the magic lines, but unexpectedly, the spirit was low, the spell configuration collapsed, you suffered 11 points of damage, and the enchantment failed]

【Your well-equipped dagger is damaged】


[...You try your best, and finally successfully guide the magic power to complete a cycle, the spell structure is stable and constant, and the enchantment is successful]

[You obtained a breakthrough in the process of enchanting, spirit +1]

[Successful enchantment, enchanter's proficiency +10, obtain an enchanted excellent dagger]

[Enchanted excellent short sword, enchanted weapon, occupational requirements: warrior, equipment level 6, quality: green, load 3, strength +1, intelligence +1, physical attack power 3-10, additional thunder element damage 5-9, attack Distance 2 meters, special effect: paralysis, 1% chance to paralyze the target for 1 second, durability 14/15, creator: Xuewu Feiyu]

It finally worked.

Du Shiyu felt very tired and had some symptoms of "hypoglycemia". She handed the successfully enchanted dagger to a eager player beside her.

This player whose ID is the milk dragon catcher, paid a high price to find a blacksmith to customize 6 of the 5 whiteboard weapons, but failed. When the last one was enchanted, his heart jumped in his throat.

Fortunately, it succeeded, with special effects.

"Oh yeah, it has special effects of paralysis, and added a little intelligence attribute"

"Thank you, thank you, the craftsmanship is good"

"Here, give me the money", Du Shiyu endured the discomfort and issued a transaction invitation.

"... 8 banks can't do it?"


"Sister, take pity on me. You only succeeded once after doing it 6 times. I'm going to go bankrupt. I only have 8 silver."

"Less, less, less than one child will not work"


The milk-grabbing dragon claw reluctantly paid the money, and in a blink of an eye, he happily picked up the green weapon that had been successfully enchanted, and hurriedly went to test its power.

Du Shiyu couldn't hold on anymore and went offline directly.

In reality, she fell asleep before taking off her helmet.

This sleep lasted from morning to night, and her buddy Xia Miaomiao didn't wake her up even after calling her several times, she just helped her take off the helmet.

"Ah, so comfortable!"

After waking up, he was full of energy, stretched his waist, looked at the time, and found that it was almost 11 o'clock.

"Sleeping for so long?"

The sixth round was already online, and she put on her helmet anxiously, showing that she was in line.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, seeing no hope of going online, she took off her helmet annoyed and went to Xia Miaomiao's room to look.

Xia Miaomiao was in the game, and there was still unfinished takeaway on the table.

Missing 8 hours of game time, Du Shiyu felt a pain in his heart, and he didn't even get angry when he saw his best friend, "I know to eat takeaway every day, you are a pig, the refrigerator stinks."

I went out to clean the refrigerator, threw away all the spoiled things, and went out to take out the garbage.

The environment of the rented community is not bad, and there are security patrols in the middle of the night. Du Shiyu is wearing pajamas and wearing a chicken nest head, a little afraid of being seen.

How long has it been since you went to school?
It can't go on like this.

Don't die suddenly while playing games...

Eating and lying down all day, I must have gained a lot of weight... Hey, when was the last time I took a bath?
She touched her face, it felt very refreshing, and she didn't have any fat. She touched her neck again, and she actually touched her collarbone?

Du Shiyu's frame is small, she looks small but actually she is quite fleshy, her buddies say that she is very fleshy and her collarbone is naturally invisible.

Is it still thin?
She hurried back to look in the mirror.

In the mirror, her chin is pointed, her eyes seem to be bigger, and the fat on her stomach can't be touched. Her waist has become thinner, and she lost 5 kilograms when she weighed herself.

She looked at herself who had become a lot prettier, especially her darkened eyes, and she couldn't believe it.

Can you lose weight and beautify yourself by playing games?
This is too magical.

Is it an illusion?
She squeezed her face, and then went to touch her best friend's room, but Xia Miaomiao just went offline, "Ah, pervert, what do you want?"

Du Shiyu was stunned and asked, "Aren't you tired?"

Xia Miaomiao yawned, "It's okay, I'm not that sleepy"

Du Shiyu recalled that when she went offline, she would be so tired that she didn't even have time to take off her helmet, and said, "Miao Miao, I found a secret."

"What secret? In the game?"

"'s okay"

"What secret?"

"I found that we seem to have been... transformed by the game."


"Just become stronger and upgrade"

Xia Miaomiao rolled her eyes, pushed her away, and said, "Then how old are you?"

"I'm serious, I'm doing enchanting today, and I'm so tired after doing it, I can't hold on until the game time is up, and I've been sleeping until now after going offline"

"What, you didn't log in this afternoon?"

"Didn't you notice that I've lost weight, become more energetic, and...and...a lot of indescribable feelings"

"Thin? Didn't notice, you have lost a lot of weight, you have a chin."

The buddies didn't take it seriously, and Du Shiyu was a little anxious. Apart from the changes that were said, there were still many feelings that were not clear.

Xia Miaomiao's changes didn't seem as obvious as hers, so she didn't feel that deeply. Du Shiyu watched her walk towards the living room, her eyes lit up, "Wait a minute"

"What's the matter, you don't have a fever?"

"You didn't realize, you've grown up"


"Go and measure"

The two pulled out the ruler.

"[-] meters?" Du Shiyu was a little disappointed. She remembered that her best friend seemed to be this height before. Could it be her own illusion?

"How many?"

"[-] meters"

"It's not wrong, how could it be possible, I didn't wear height-increasing shoes... Ah, really, I have grown taller, Xiaoyu, a full 4 centimeters taller"

"did you……"

"Height increasing shoes"

It turned out to be the case.

This guy is really good at hiding things.

"Can you grow taller by playing games?" Xia Miaomiao was overwhelmed with surprise, "Quickly go to the forum and ask, does anyone else have any?"

It was already 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, the two sat in front of the computer, and Du Shiyu sent a post, and someone replied soon.

"Since life occupations can increase basic attributes? Is it true or not?"

"It's too exaggerated, can games affect the real body?"

"I also have the feeling of the landlord. The most obvious thing is the weight. I have lost weight and have muscle contour."

"I also broke through once when forging equipment, physical strength +1"

"...I went to learn boxing, and my progress was very fast. The coach also said that I was a genius"

"And I……"

"...I found that my memory and comprehension abilities have improved significantly..."

There were more and more replies, and many diving players came out and talked about their changes.

Cloud players also began to believe it.

An uproar!
As a result, this post became popular and was reposted by a large number of cloud players.

 12.13, don't forget history

(End of this chapter)

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