This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 78 Meditation

Chapter 78 Meditation

"We're running out of time"

After "suppressing" the enthusiasm brought by Canaan again, Wu Guodong told the person in charge of the public opinion control team.

The person in charge touched his bright forehead, looked at the blocked and restricted items on the screen in distress, and said: "We media is a trouble... Sigh, nowadays people really do everything for the sake of popularity. Three feet of waves, this time it’s all right, an earthquake.”

The Canaan game can change the real body, too scary, too magical, not worth mentioning, but there are such living examples, there is a natural factor for public opinion to ferment.

The topic is hot enough, and both parties in the debate have full ammunition, so they can only deal with it coldly, instead of leaving too obvious traces.

"Canaan Company?" the person in charge asked, Wu Guodong nodded, and the person in charge rubbed his brows and said, "But we can't decide."

Outside the office, people from the public opinion control team are still contacting major online platforms to warn those online big Vs through various cryptic methods, but there are always one or two hard-headed ones.

It is also necessary to distinguish who is one of our own, who is afraid of chaos in the world, and who is clinging to foreign countries... The situation is very complicated, it feels like covering a volcano that is about to erupt, and everyone is very busy.

"Uh, we already know the situation. Yanjing is stepping up preparations. You should wait for the news. It should be soon."

"No..." Wu Guodong said to the old superior on the other end of the phone, "You can't even make decisions in the department?"

"Now it's Tang Monk meat. Everyone wants to eat it, but I can't tell them the truth. It's very annoying."

After hanging up the phone, Wu Guodong was a little dissatisfied. The sooner Canaan Company throws out the doubts and the rebound, the less it will cause. It can stand the doubts of professionals and worry about thinking about it.

But these are all troubles of happiness. Wu Guodong's team has already discussed with the mysterious game producer. The two parties carefully, politely and carefully divided their respective obligations and responsibilities. Infinite possibilities for follow-up cooperation.

It is estimated that the difficult labor of Canaan Company will be delayed for at least a while, and Wu Guodong has no choice but to be a good firefighting captain.

At this time, the number of people online at the same time on the magic net has reached the theoretical perfect value of 300 people.

This is a moment worth celebrating. Bei Gaoyang specially opened a bottle of high-end red wine brought from the earth, and tasted it with Imperial Legacy, Yaris Osterdiman.

"This is called sobering up..."

Holding a goblet, leaning on the sofa in a leisurely posture, shaking slightly to demonstrate.

The basement floor is arranged like the layout and style of the hometown. In Canaan, it is completely exotic. The dazzling array of electrical appliances, furniture, blankets, and various modern appliances make people dizzy. Very particular.

Yaris, who was born in an imperial family, had never enjoyed the convenience and refinement of modern facilities. He looked at it with interest, but he was not sensitive to the "royal salute".

"Not bad", he took a sip and commented.

"The incident of the Church of the Evernight is a lesson and a signal. I am afraid that the days of peace are numbered, my lord."

"Uh..." It was rare for Bei Gaoyang to relax, Bei Gaoyang didn't think about these troublesome things.

"The players have appeared near Ram Town, and the abandoned people have found them. The contact between the two sides will happen soon. It's time to solve it, my lord."

This guy……

"I see, I will meet their Earl Baldwin in a few days"

Only then was Yaris satisfied, and turned to admire the exotic room.

Edward is a vampire, the forest fairy sisters can't communicate normally, and he is the only one who can talk to himself.

Sometimes, mages also need to chat with people, so as not to degrade the function of language.

Kobold camp, novice village boss fell down for the seventh time with an unwilling roar, and a large piece of luminous objects burst out with a "clang".

"Don't move!"

Gui Jiaoqi yelled and stopped several players who were about to move.

The 8th-level fighter of the first turn is still very intimidating. He holds a green one-handed ax produced by BOSS in his right hand and an enchanted green shield in one hand. He is covered with top-quality whiteboard equipment (plus two attributes). If PK is released, a child who has not changed his job can be solved with one axe.

A helmet that had never appeared before burst out, a pile of copper coins, a pile of silver coins, quest props for potion masters and tailors, a few pieces of ore, and it was gone.

The helmet doesn't need to be identified, and of course it's not a suit, it's just ordinary green equipment.

Guijiaoqi was very disappointed. The one-handed ax he got in his hand was also produced by the BOSS. It was dropped by the Slime King. Bidding within the family.

I thought it would be a suitable suit.

The things produced by the BOSS of Xinshou Village are getting worse and worse.

The first kill, the second kill, the third kill... All the way down, now even the suit is not given, will it be just a whiteboard in the future?
He cursed at the system for being stingy in his heart, and told people to put away the loot that exploded—these were the family's public property, and he couldn't take it for himself.

Most of the team are Level 5 and 6 players with the certificate of the Bravery. They have both the first test and the second test. Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao also got the certificate and are happily celebrating on the team channel.

For these two MMs, Guijiaoqi is still very enthusiastic. Enchanters, or talents who can enchant weapons, are all worthy targets there.

In the past, I chatted with the two beauties for a few words, and casually dealt with each other's thanks and tricks to the second-test players. When the team was about to disband, the old things were brought up again.

Du Shiyu: "Uh... I don't want to join the guild right now"

"It's not a guild, it's a family"

Du Shiyu looked at his best friend in embarrassment, Xia Miaomiao understood immediately, and said, "We are still in school, and we don't know if we don't have time to play in the future..."

This excuse is really perfunctory.

Guijiaoqi didn't try to save them by force. After disbanding the team, he took a team of family teammates to complete the task of changing jobs.

"Let's go, change jobs!"

"Xiaoyu, are you really going to change your job as a mage?"


"It's too difficult for a mage to change his job. You have to learn some meditation methods and sense magic power. It feels like practicing internal skills... Look who has successfully changed his job now. A person I know was going to change his job as a mage. I was troubled by this task, and finally changed my job to archer."

"Then his addition point is not wrong?"

"That can't be helped, the files are going to be deleted anyway."


Du Shiyu is still confident about changing professions as a mage.

Because she has already completed the level of sensing magic power.

In many times of enchanting, in the process of constantly practicing engraving magic lines, she seems to have gotten the knack of "meditation".

She didn't tell her buddies about this, if it was a misunderstanding, how embarrassing is it to speak such big words?

I came to the NPC where the mage changed jobs and had a conversation with him. Sure enough, I received the task of learning meditation and sensing magic.

This game is so hardcore.

She looked at the "cheat book" that recorded the "meditation method", and felt that it really seemed to be the case.

(End of this chapter)

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