This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 79 The real job change

Chapter 79 The real job change

What is meditation? Meditation is to purify your mind, let go of your consciousness, and enter a state similar to meditation.

But, in this case, how to sense the magic power?

In fact, magic power is composed of elemental spirits of various natures. Elemental spirits are a kind of "dark matter" that is between energy and matter, life and spirit, has all their characteristics, and can be transformed into any form at will. ".

There was once a great mage who studied pure magic theory, and put forward a point of view that magic power is the ink in the pen of the creator, which is used to generate, describe, and construct all things, including the basic rules for the existence of multiverses.

In fact, the magic power is the divinity "volatilized" by the fallen gods of the abyss. After being transformed and reacted by the special environment of the abyss, it is fed back to the bottom energy of the material world.

At least that's how Bei Gaoyang understood it.

The meaning of meditation is to let yourself be in the state where you don't think, you don't seem to exist, and you don't seem to exist. In this state, your own spiritual power will naturally get close to the elemental spirits scattered in the world , as if a fish born deaf and dumb suddenly perceives the school of fish in it.

Without talent, it is impossible to learn how to meditate, especially for the vast majority of people in Canaan.

Religion's imprisonment on thought and low education level, combined with poor nutrition and physical condition, made the vast majority of Canaan's natives barred from this most basic door frame.

In contrast, players from Earth do not have these shortcomings. On the contrary, their thinking, consciousness, and soul are extremely active. Compared with the natives of Canaan, their knowledge and experience are in the sky and in the earth. This means that Each of them has a unique aptitude, and each of them may learn to meditate, as long as they can calm down and try a few times.

Back then, Bei Gaoyang knew it all at once.

Du Shiyu easily entered the state required by meditation, as if she was asleep and kept awake. She didn't need to deliberately, she felt that there were many, many, extremely small "fish schools" around her.

The "fish school" swims around her, is very curious about her, and touches her from time to time, hoping to get her feedback.

Some of them are cold, some are fiery, some are particles of light, some are piercingly cold, some are full of vitality, some have a decaying atmosphere, some are as simple and simple as the earth, and some burst like thunder and lightning... …

This feeling is so miraculous and so real that it is difficult to describe what happens without putting yourself in the shoes.

In such a state, Du Shiyu's spirit and soul underwent certain changes, as if a blind man opened his eyes and saw the world he was in for the first time.


I don't know how long it has been like this.

When she felt that the state had stabilized and no deliberation was needed, her consciousness was "layered". The first layer maintained the state of meditation, and the second layer started thinking activities.

She issued a "call" to the fish in her body.

The "fish" were very excited, rushing towards her, wanting to enter her body.

[System prompt: Congratulations, you have learned the meditation method and sensed the existence of magic power]

[System prompt: The career path ([-]) is completed]

[System prompt: Magic value unsealed]

[System prompt: You have 10 magic power, the upper limit is 100]

After a long time, until she felt tired from the soul level, this unimaginable exchange ended. The moment she opened her eyes, there was a faint flash of light.

She sat alone in a daze for a long time, touched her face and chest, and clearly felt a new thing flowing in her body.

Among the three professions, only the magician has the highest degree of authenticity, and the part of [Magic Net] only accounts for about 30%.

Because Canaan is based on magic, and it is magic that makes up the vast majority of the mystery.

If you want to become a professional who directly uses magic power, you naturally have higher requirements than other professions. Of course, for the balance of the game, [Magic Net] will devote more support to other professions. Within the framework of the game, which one is stronger? Which one is weaker depends on the specific individual.

Other people's career changes never have the "truth" of changing professions to mages, so that Du Shiyu couldn't get out of this "truth" for a long time.

"...Xiaoyu, why didn't you answer?"

"Little rain!?"


"I've called you several times, did you succeed in meditating?"




"Oye, why don't you hurry up and hand in the task, I heard that someone has also learned it, the first person to change jobs"

Only then did Du Shiyu wake up, and hurried to the position of the NPC who changed jobs.

"Very good, you have sensed the magic power and learned how to use spiritual power correctly..."

Thankfully, it was not preempted.

"...From now on, you are a noble and powerful spellcaster, I hope you..."

[System Announcement: Player Xuewu Feiyu passed all kinds of tests and became the first magician to become a professional, camp reputation +200]

The luminous palm of the transferred NPC was placed on top of Du Shiyu's head, causing her game interface to change.

World Channel:

"Finally someone changed to a magician, please guide me."

"Grass, shit meditation method, every time I want to sleep"

"Me too... Oh, do you need talent?"

"What kind of talent, do you think Shaolin Temple learns martial arts? It's funny!"

"Then how come others are successful and others are not?"


"Ask for the magician's skill description!"

Du Shiyu was delighted to operate the game interface, and glanced at it hastily before he had time to read the news from the channel of his buddies and friends.

At this time, a panting player came running, "Ah, you still got ahead of me."

This player's ID is "Mage is your uncle", and he is also an enchanter.

It seems that the bonus of life occupation to this occupation is true.

Enchanting for mages, forging for warriors, and sewing for archers, right?
"...wait a minute, let me see the skill description"

"Send the world, send the world, the first mage!" Xia Miaomiao was even more excited than she was.

The world channel is also full of news about Amway.

"... 4 skills, the first passive skill 'Elementary Spellcasting Specialization', plus 2 intelligence and 2 spirit, the effect of level 1 spells is increased by 10%, the casting time is reduced by 5%, and the cooling time is reduced by 0.5 seconds. The last three are active skills, Arcane Missiles, Fireball and Mage Hand"

"That's it, that's it, what about the skill description?"

"Yeah yeah"

"Uh, Arcane Missile has a casting distance of 45 meters, a level 1 magic attack power of 4-9, chanting for 1 second, invalid when interrupted, and a cooldown of 8 seconds"

"Fuck, isn't this distance too perverted?"

"The cooling time is so short?"

"The attack power is not high, but it is also stronger than the fighters. The interval between them is only 9 seconds, and they can output continuously."

"Bullshit, why don't you talk about fighters leveling A mages, and combo skills?"

"Soldiers are going to be kited, alas!"

"Soldiers charge"

"It's useless, the cooling time is so much longer than others"

"It's funny, you can KO with a set of combo skills when you charge close, okay?"

"So a good pair of shoes is extremely important"


"Fireball has a casting distance of 40 meters, a level 1 magic attack power of 15-29, causing full damage to the main target, and 50% damage to the explosion splash range, with a continuous burn effect, and the damage decreases from 30%. Sing 5 seconds, it is invalid when interrupted, and the cooldown is 45 seconds"

"Ah... This, this, the perverted attack, the crispy one is instantly killed, right?"

"Singing too long"

"It's okay, it's useful to spawn monsters"

"Main output damage"

"PK is not good, the day lily is cold in 5 seconds"

"And the hand of the mage, the hand of the mage"

"Uh, the mage's hand cannot be upgraded. The casting distance is 15 meters. Gather a shadow hand, bind the target for two seconds, cause continuous slight damage, the singing time is 0.5 seconds, cannot be interrupted, and the cooling time is 30 seconds."

"...I have nothing to say, the soldier is cool"

"What, let's see how it works, okay?"

"The chanting of 0.5 seconds cannot be interrupted..."

"Soldiers don't need to chant yet, instant cast!"

"Mage PK housekeeping skills, must be full"

"Yeah yeah"

"Buddhist players don't need it, the fireball technique is simply a humanoid fortress."

"There are orders, there are groups, there are controls, and there are outputs. Generally speaking, it is fairly balanced"

"I want to transfer Faye, Boss Xuewu, please ask for a meditation strategy"

(End of this chapter)

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