Chapter 80
Du Shiyu posted her experience of changing jobs to the forum, and received the worship and thanks of a large number of players and cloud players, and closed the webpage contentedly.

"Xiao Yu, I'm going to change my career as an archer."

Buddy yells from her room.

If the door is not closed, one room can hear the other room talking.

"Ah, don't you add points for fighters?"

"It doesn't matter, the files are going to be deleted anyway."

"Why do you want to change your mind, the job transfer task for archers is not easy to do"

"A warrior is not as good as an archer"

"...Who said that, don't listen to those cloud players talking nonsense"

"Come and see, the archer is so handsome"

Du Shiyu rolled her eyes, slapped her nose as soon as she walked into her room, and said dissatisfiedly: "Can you take some time to clean up the doghouse?"

"I'll talk about it when I have time... Come and see"


Xia Miaomiao was watching the PK video of two players.

A warrior, an archer, the warrior is kited by the archer, and the archer's high agility dodges the charge over and over again. ], greeted in turn, the warriors with their head full of damage value, [combo skills] hit the empty space again and again, and finally fell down impotently and furiously.

"This doesn't explain anything, it depends on the individual's operation." Du Shiyu knew that her best friend was starting to look at the height of the mountain again. She always did this, and she had no persistence. "Your operation is poor, or a fighter is suitable for you"

"Look at how handsome the archer is, he can run fast, jump high, and his attack distance is farther than that of a mage..."

"Why don't you say that the damage is low? It's both physical and elemental. Both are good, and both are mediocre. Spawning monsters is like scraping."

"I don't care, it's just the archer, and I will help me with the job change task when I go online later."


"Little rain~~"

"Okay, okay, I lost to you"

"Oh yeah, you're so nice, I love you so much, what's for dinner tonight, I'll treat you..."

Just saying this, the doorbell rang.

Du Shiyu went to open the door, took a look through the cat's eyes, and found that it was a senior she knew.

"Senior sister, why are you here?"

"Wow, wow, Du Shiyu Xia Miaomiao, you guys are hiding here? The boss is about to fire you two, do you know that?"

As soon as the senior sister came in, she told them bad news.

Du Shiyu Xia Miaomiao: "Ah!?"

"Ah, fart, you two are too courageous." As he said that, he sniffed the room, and then looked into the room of the two of them curiously: "Canaan, is it Canaan, eh!?"

The senior sister is the assistant of the boss (mentor), responsible for the attendance of these graduate students. Graduate students of liberal arts do not need to be as rigid as undergraduate students. It is common to skip classes in the past, but this time the time is too long up.

"Looking at the virtues of the two of you, I know I'm scared now, that's enough, I won't tease you, the boss asked me to tell you two that the school is going to set up a research group about the metaverse, and the boss wants to get involved, if you two agree to join His team will guarantee you a smooth graduation, how about it?"

"What!?" Du Shiyu suspected that he had heard it wrong, "The boss is a macroeconomic researcher..."

"There is no economic problem in the metaverse? The subject is huge, and there are many places to study..."

Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao looked at each other.

"The boss knows your worries, don't worry, he will keep it secret for you, and will not interfere with your game behavior, just need your cooperation, provide some first-hand information and data, and publish papers in the future, you can also be the first How about the second and third author, there is still a close link!"

Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao said in unison: "Can you graduate successfully?"

The senior sister smiled and said, "It's a piece of cake!"

at the same time.

After failing countless times, Zhang Miao finally entered the state of "sleeping but not sleeping, waking but not awake" mentioned in the guide.

Once you enter this state, you will find that it is actually not too difficult. At best, it is just a layer of window paper, as long as you pierce it, you will suddenly see the light.

I sensed the magic power as I wished, and in the wonderful experience of blending with the magic power, I don't know how long it took.

The system prompts that the task is completed, he shouted excitedly on the family channel, and hurriedly went to find an NPC to change jobs.

"The fourth mage in the family, congratulations!"

"I regret it, I would have waited if I knew it earlier, alas"

"The archer is also good. Min Gao has a long range, but the skill cooldown time is too long."

"Low damage"

"I can't let you take all the benefits, the other two professions can't survive."

"Have you practiced PK?"

"I come"

"The coordinates are **"

The square in Chenxi Town was divided into three training areas. Several wooden stakes were erected in the training area where the archer transferred to the NPC. At a distance of about 50 meters, some players who had transferred to the archer were bending their bows and setting arrows, aiming at the wooden stakes. Pile exercises.

Hu Xinmin hit the wooden post with an arrow, and the skill [Bound Arrow] left a binding effect on the wooden post that lasted for two seconds, and the damage was -9.

He watched the [Charge] launched continuously in the training area of ​​the soldiers, leaving damage all the way like a tank, and finally left a double-digit damage value far exceeding his own on the "dizzy" stake, and pouted his mouth.

Gua Sha!
At this time, someone yelled on the family channel: "Fight!", and immediately many people asked for coordinates, and Xie Changting even sent an invitation to form a team.

How many times is this?

Hu Xinmin reluctantly joined the team and rushed to the coordinates.

The fight took place at the BOSS spawn point in Novice Village. Several teams were watching the boss's resurrection refresh time. After Hu Xinmin arrived, before he could figure out what was going on, dozens of players opened it up.

The PK system is too rough, there is no friend-enemy display, and no family or team members can't attack each other. He doesn't even know who is the enemy and who is his own.

He was yelling and stabbing people everywhere, he stood blankly for a while, and then he shot an arrow when he found a warrior who was chasing after Brother Ruoran and slashed at him.

[Bound Arrow], the range is 45 meters (excluding equipment bonus), physical damage is 7-15, the enemy is bound for 2 seconds, and the cooling time is 45 seconds.

"Good job old cousin!"

Brother Ruoran didn't care about the immobilized warrior, but launched a [Charge] at a mage who was still singing, leaving behind afterimages along the way, knocking the mage who was still chanting [Fireball] into a dizzy , and then a set of combo skills, with double-digit damage floating 4 times, successfully sending him off the assembly line.

At this time, Hu Xinmin was also immobilized by an arrow shot from nowhere, and then a [Arcane Missile] that made his blood bar drop to half. He was caught before he was released from the restraint time before he could see who was attacking him. A [Charge] stun, and then a set of [Combined Skills].

The blood bar is emptied, and the field of vision is completely black.

【You were killed by Rong Naida LV9】


I knew it would be like this.

Hu Xinmin also went offline depressed.

At this time, Bei Gaoyang also received a reminder from Xiao Ai.

He was sitting in the tavern of the abandoned camp, as if there was no one else around, and there was no sound.

Tasting a glass of ale, after listening to the whole story of "the release of PK caused the power consumption to soar", let Xiao Ai launch the red name punishment mechanism.

A heavy footstep appeared, it was a knight in full armor, even his face was hidden under a silver metal mask.

"Your Excellency, the Earl is waiting for your presence"

Bei Gaoyang smiled slightly, put down his glass and said, "Then lead the way."

(End of this chapter)

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