This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 81 Abandoned People's Castle

Chapter 81 Abandoned People's Castle
Everyone wears a mask, and everyone wraps themselves up tightly, as if they have leprosy and are afraid of being seen.

There was a faint stench on the street, as if abscesses were oozing out a little bit of stinky pus. There was no one on the straight stone road, and they all hid behind the houses and window sills on both sides, like a bird. A mouse that is afraid of light, peeping at this person who makes them fearful and greedy at the same time.

Can't tell what this greed is.

Guided by a knight in full body armor, Bei Gaoyang walked to the stone castle in the center of the town step by step.

This is a building with a strong Moorish style.

Flying eaves, tall towers, arched doorposts, relatively narrow skylights, stone steps piled up with stones, and those wind chimes hanging under the window sills.

Wind chimes are made of a very special shin bone, which is somewhat like a bird. The bone is hollow, and it will make a very crisp and pleasant sound when it is blown by the wind.

Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells...

It is a kind of irony and a kind of reincarnation that a remnant tribe of the Altesdimen has a Moorish castle and wind chimes.

The Moors are now the orcs.

A race of demihumans who have long forgotten their original civilization.

Like all kinds of demi-human races in Canaan, the predecessors of the orcs were the Moors. According to legend, the Moors had elf-like handsome faces and elegant manners, and were born with a pair of white wings. Legend has it that angels were shaped based on them.

So the Moors are also called the winged people.

In the last battle of the gods, the gods of the Moors were defeated. The gods either fell or fled to the unknown depths of the universe.

At that time, they had two options. One was to choose to convert and become a vassal of the three races (human, elf, and dwarf) of the Alliance, forgetting the past, discarding traditions, and living like pets and slaves.One is a stubborn refusal, and the price is becoming a [White Ghost]. On the one hand, he is cursed by the gods and cannot be tolerated by the civilized world. On the other hand, he has to bear the erosion from the abyss. , is crazy.

Just like the abandoned camp now.

It is ironic that the Ortes Diman Empire was able to rise by stepping on the bones of the Moors, and now, the former conquerors and destroyers are facing the same fate, isn't it just a reincarnation?

"Wait a moment, Your Excellency!"

The knight ascended the last step, speaking respectfully and in a low voice.

The door full of copper rust was opened, as if opening a tomb, and the stench became stronger.

"Come in, Your Excellency!"

Earl Baldwin was a half-breed with a part of dwarf blood, so he had a big beard, a burly figure, and a short stature. He was dressed in decent aristocratic attire, and greeted the arrival of the great magician gracefully and politely.

Of course, with a mask.

As soon as they met, Bei Gaoyang covered his nose, the smell was unbearable.

"You now have two choices, Earl"

The patience of the archmage was exhausted, and he went straight to the topic as soon as they met, "The first option is to keep the present until all of you are rotten and degenerate, just like the mud in a rotten pit, even if your flesh and blood are still there. Keep it intact."

"The second kind of conversion is under my command, and I convert it into another form of existence. It can help you get rid of the corruption of [Abyss Consciousness], and your gods who are damned and want to drag you into the abyss to be buried with them. How? So, I'll give you two minutes."

After finishing speaking, Bei Gaoyang ignored him, covered his nose halfway, and looked around in disgust.

The long dining table was filled with all kinds of delicacies, under the exquisite and luxurious crystal ceiling, only his shadow was shaking.

The maids, knights, and earls in the dining room were all motionless like statues, and two minutes passed quickly.

"What a disappointment!", Bei Gaoyang stood up and said, "Wait to rot, I will come back when you all become [White Ghosts], with the flame to purify you"

"Wait a minute!" Earl Baldwin said, his voice surprisingly young, "If we can abandon the tradition, we will not be reduced to this point, the powerful and evil 'Thousand Hands', don't you have a little bit of forgiveness? Is it possible?"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a sound of weeping in the restaurant.

"I grew up in the abandoned people tribe." Bei Gaoyang turned away from them, "I understand you, forgive me? I'm not a god, you asked the wrong person."

"As long as I can..."

"Impossible, how do you get the curse on your body?"

"It's your fallen gods who have become part of the abyss."

"Their residual divinity is cursing and furious in the abyss, and all the hatred and unwillingness are vented on you"

"The abyss is also using these to absorb nutrients from you. Your soul is rotting and deteriorating. How can you be free if you don't cut it off?"

Count Baldwin was silent for a while.

Bei Gaoyang was a little disappointed and shook his head, they were all granite heads.

The poison of faith!
Also, if they could convert, these people would not fall into such a situation. Those who could convert would have converted long ago, and the dwarves were not extinct. Those who chose to be obedient citizens can still live in the civilized world, being transformed into docile Incomparable, like pigs, horses, cattle and sheep raised in captivity.

Now the jihad is showing signs of resurgence again, but this time it is targeting the former allies—the elves.

The human race is finally going to win out of this tens of thousands of years of civilized competition. As a member of the human race, is it really something to be proud of?
"We no longer have the value of redemption, let us fall into the abyss and stay with our Lord forever"


How Yaris did the investigation is really a waste of my time.

"Come out, Bob," said Earl Baldwin behind him.

He was sure that the archmage would not really leave. If it was worthless, a notorious archmage would come over and tell them this?
He called out dozens of old and weak women and children as well as half-grown teenagers and children.

These people didn't wear masks, they were all in good health, and they didn't smell bad, but they all looked like quails.

"They are all clean." Earl Baldwin's blood and tears flowed under his mask. He tremblingly stroked the top of a boy named Bob, and said painfully and depressingly: "As you said, I have cut off the connection with the past." .”

"But take them, they will be useful to you... and here, this castle, belongs to you too"

Say it earlier, really.

"What about you?" Bei Gaoyang turned around and asked.

"We will enter the tomb and will not be a problem for you. When our sanity is completely extinguished, let your undead purify us. This is our only use for you."

"Grandfather!" Bob cried, kneeling down.

"Live well and respect Lord Rumsfeld as you respect me."

The restaurant was gloomy, and desperate cries sounded inside and outside the castle.

Bei Gaoyang rubbed his nose, suddenly felt that something was wrong, why did I look like a villain again?
(End of this chapter)

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