This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 82 The First City

Chapter 82 The First City
The Earl Baldwin was once one of the few great nobles in the Altesdiman Empire. After the collapse of the empire, the independent Principality of Oran lingered for decades, symbolically retaining the dukedom with dwarven blood.

For hundreds of years, the dwarves have been used to a low-key life and do not easily "show their faces". Due to the racial talent in forging and smelting, the Principality of Oran is famous for producing excellent armor and weapons, and it has been continuously being used by the countries of the Human Alliance. Provide high-quality weapons.

Someone once naively thought that this situation would continue, making the Duchy of Oran the last reservation of all dwarves, but who knows... In the end, they still failed to escape the liquidation of the Holy See.

Bei Gaoyang's teeth itch with hatred when he mentioned the Holy See. He can't remember how much he suffered at the hands of those religious lunatics.

There are constant strange noises inside and outside the castle. Earl Baldwin is leading people to clear up those who refuse to retreat into the cemetery, and they can no longer be called human beings.

It's not killing, keeping them is for consideration in future copies.

Bei Gaoyang is very satisfied with Bai's city and a high-level dungeon. Leaking the secrets that he is most worried about is not a problem. The rest of the people can all be connected to the magic net and used as NPCs.

He is also planning to build a city on the basis of this camp, and after the second test is over, he will find a way to increase the population.

"Call it Buck City"

Buck means dawn in Dwarven, symbolizing that the darkest time before dawn is over.

After drawing the last stroke on the young Bob's back, Bei Gaoyang snapped his fingers, allowing Xiao Ai to join this thirteen-year-old boy with dwarf blood, and the magic net added a new member, a brand new high-level NPC.

All the work of explaining and teaching was left to Xiao Ai.

"You, and you... stand up," he said, pointing to a few people in the crowd.

The abandoned people who were named walked out of the queue tremblingly.

"Take off the burqa"

"grown ups"

"Don't worry, I'm not a ghoul"

The reputation of the 'thousand-handed demon' is much louder than that of ghouls. It's okay if you don't explain it, but once you explain it, these people will be even more afraid.

"Don't challenge my patience"

Even if there is no malice, this kind of attitude can be called bad. The survivors tremblingly took off their burqas, revealing several beards hidden inside.

Sure enough, there are dwarves.

Bei Gaoyang looked at several purebred dwarves with bright eyes. Dwarves are born masters of smelting and forging. Having them will greatly alleviate the increasingly prominent equipment problems of players and greatly reduce system power consumption.

"All the dwarves go out, and the others retreat."

In the end, fourteen dwarves were counted, with big beards, short stature, and thick limbs... just a little timid.

The temper of the dwarves used to be like a flame, but now they are all like quails?

The rest are not of much value and can only be used as ordinary NPCs.

"From now on, you are the reserve sergeant major of the rebel army," Bei Gaoyang said to the eccentric boy Bob who retreated from fear, "The lord of Buck City, Baron Bob"

The freshly baked young baron was stunned for a moment, then knelt down on one knee at the prompt of Xiao Ai, and began to read his lines: "Yes, my lord... Overthrow the oppression and rule of the church and the gods, and liberate Canaan... For, for the Alliance, for the Resistance"


With Xiao Ai here, there is no need for him to say anything more. Although this young man is immature, his identity and bloodline can play a big role if he makes good use of it.

The deserted people tribe on the abandoned wasteland is not the only one, and not every tribe will choose to cooperate with him like Earl Baldwin, but more of them are hatred, madness and struggle.

"Do it well, Sergeant Major, don't let them down"

The young sergeant major's eyes were red, and he choked up and said, "Yes, my lord."

"It's going to be buzzing in no time, my kids are going to love it lol..."

"...I have seen them, my lord"

"Oh, when?"

"About seven days ago... Grandfather said that they were a brand new kind of undead, and that he saw hope in them"

Bei Gaoyang laughed and said: "Okay, okay, hope, I like this word, although the old man Baldwin has a granite head, he still has good eyesight..."

In fact, Baldwin's original words were that Ramsviel was an evil and powerful mage who the Holy See wanted to get rid of quickly. Judging by his current appearance, there is no doubt that he is carrying out a huge conspiracy. The undead race may become a terrible plague, and one day it will sweep the entire world...

It is precisely because of this that he has chosen to cooperate.

The movement outside the castle gradually weakened. The tall, armored knight with a stench came in, dripping stinky juice and pus all the way.

"It's all right, sir," he said.

When Bei Gaoyang came outside the castle, he saw that the orderly town a few hours ago was already in ruins. A group of guards in armor and masks dragged a huge monster like an octopus towards the entrance of the open cemetery. go.

The blue blood dripped on the stone slab, corroding shallow pits one by one, the long tentacles dragged all the way, and suddenly pulled out like a long whip, whipping the last guard in the queue off the ground, heavily fell on a distant stone slab.

cough cough...

The blood clot vomited out by the guard was pitch black, and tangled granulation sprouted after landing. Just as he was about to get into the soil under the stone slab, he was nailed by a glowing long sword.

Earl Baldwin drew out his long sword, his gray hair was bleak in the breeze: "Hurry up, before the sunset"

The cemetery is located under the castle. It seems that it has been prepared for a long time. It is all built with hard stones. The inside is pitch black, and pairs of flooded eyes look out. It also mutates compound eyes similar to beholders.

Once the boulder fell, they were imprisoned underground, suffering unimaginable torment during their last moments of insanity.

Even Bei Gaoyang couldn't help feeling sympathetic.

The finishing work was soon over, leaving a ghost city.

Everyone entered the cemetery, and only Earl Baldwin strode towards this side. He didn't say anything, but touched Bob's cheek with trembling hands, then turned around and strode towards the grave.


Bei Gaoyang held down the boy who was about to collapse, and sighed faintly.

He has seen too many similar tragedies.

"Remember this moment, don't forget, I promise, there will be a day for your revenge"

"...Really, my lord?"

"I never brag"

Baldwin stopped at the entrance, took a last look at the sunlight outside, waved his hand, and the boulder rumbled down, completely sealing the entrance.

"From now on, this city depends entirely on you." Before leaving, Bei Gaoyang said to the young city owner, "The system will tell you what I want you to do. I hope that when we meet next time, you have learned to be strong and Forbearance, you know, the crying city lord lacks prestige in front of my children, they are curious and naughty, once you let them find out your details and temper, you will feel uncomfortable."

"I will work hard adults"

"Well, good job"

"My lord, can I be your student?"

"Why do you want to be my student?"

"I want to be as evil and powerful as you..."

"What the hell... Forget it... If it's just powerful, you don't need to be my student, and the dwarf blood's spellcasting talent is usually not good"

"Then, how can we become stronger?"

"Let me give you a set of player templates. As for what a player is, you will know later."

(End of this chapter)

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