This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 83 Red Name and Vendetta

Chapter 83 Red Name and Vendetta
In a blink of an eye, the second test has been conducted for 12 days (reality).

At dusk during the game time, the level 8 archer "Do you care if I shoot?" flew out from the treetops, turned several somersaults in the air, and landed steadily with his 14-point agility. Her favorite one-legged splits and half-kneeling look, which looks like a master.

"The idea is here, the idea is here!", he lowered his voice and shouted in the team channel.

Qiao Shan hurriedly said to the teammate who was ambushing behind him: "Everyone is in your place, don't make a sound."

"The fighter immediately charges, it doesn't matter if he can't be stunned, just interrupt his skills, the archer uses [Bound Arrow], be sure to immobilize that guy. The mage uses fireball, don't care about the singing time, let me spot it Explosion, don’t be afraid of accidental injury. This guy is said to be very powerful. He has several green outfits on his body. I don’t know if he has special skills. Everyone must be careful and listen to my improvisation.”

"Understood", "Understood", "Young Mistress, you are so long-winded", there was a burst of replies in the team with a different accent.

Qiao Shan nodded in satisfaction, and in a blink of an eye, seeing Zhen She still standing there stupidly, he kicked him and scolded, "What idea, Heizi, are you a martial arts novel?"

"Do you care?" He quickly dodged, with a look of indifference, "As for it, no matter how powerful he is, he is still alone, so why should we be afraid of five first-level careers?"

"Are you the conductor or am I the conductor?"


Qiao Shan knew that this guy must have some ideas in his heart, but he couldn't help it with the boss by his side. In order to maintain the personality of a master, he had to be strong.

He also said lightly: "The most important thing in team PK is cooperation. It is as precise as a machine and cannot make any mistakes. Whether the equipment is good or not is secondary. Brain and operation are king. You still have a lot to learn. .”

His teammates complained in the channel that he was pretending to be aggressive again. The boss couldn't hear this when he was not in the team. Hearing this, he said with admiration: "As expected of a famous young milk killer, he was killed by the main thread NPC and the high-level NPC in turn. Characters, tall, really tall!"

Qiao Shan's face turned dark when he heard this, and the team channel was full of strange laughter.

Alas, it seems that this stain can't be washed off, and the third test has to change the name...

I thought so in my heart, but this guy's face was so thick, he stood still as if he didn't hear it, nodded calmly, and stared indifferently at the battlefield where the ambush was planned in the distance.

The boss is a second-test player, with a pretty face, and he admires him even more. What he wants to play is a game. How can he be so good, and he spends no less than anyone else.


Another archer girl on the tree shouted from a thousand miles away.

As soon as the voice fell, a tall, sturdy, and burly player came out from the dense forest in the distance. Although his ID was hidden, the [red name] marked by the system made him carry a faint smile with him. The aperture is very conspicuous.

"Fuck, how many people has this guy killed to be so popular?"

"Is it necessary for Buhong to hide in such a corner to practice?"

"Blast him, blast him"

"Be careful, don't make noise"

The target's vigilance was extremely high, and he stopped vigilantly as soon as he entered the ambush circle. Qiao Shan was shocked when he saw this, what a high spirit, is this guy still a fighter?


It was too late to adjust, so he could only call for an early start.

Teammates immediately launched a [Charge] to fight the tiger tonight, and saw a black shadow rushing straight towards the target at high speed, the bushes and grass along the way were cut in half, and two archers also appeared from the trees , the skill [Bound Arrow] is ready to go.

Unexpectedly, the [charge] to fight the tiger tonight actually failed.

The target's agility was so high that he avoided his charging route, and then a [Battle Cry] interrupted the tiger's cry, and then launched a [Charge], straight towards the mage who started to sing [Fireball].

Qiao Shan didn't see it well at first sight. He was in a close position and couldn't save the mage in time, so he could only launch [Charge] to knock the mage teammate out of the opponent's charge line first.

At this time, the [Binding Arrow] that I shot for thousands of miles with my mother landed in the empty space.

In less than two seconds, everyone exchanged a skill. The target didn't stop at all. He raised his hand and slashed down in the void. A translucent light blade hit the crispy mage.
Fortunately, it was equipped with special skills, without additional basic attributes and skill damage. The mage was not killed in seconds, but he screamed in shock and retreated quickly.

Qiao Shan made a [Battle Cry], but what was interrupted was only the opponent's fake action to confuse him. The guy jumped on the spot again, flew more than ten meters, and landed beside the mage.

Another equipment stunt.

Qiao Shan was in a hurry when he saw this. The skills of him and the two fighters who fought the tiger tonight were still cooling down. The control skills of the two archers had just been used, and it was too late to stop them.


The mage chanted [Mage's Hand] in horror, and a huge palm made of shadows dangerously held the target who had activated the [Continuous Skill], and fled away with his hands and feet.

With this short two-second buffer, Qiao Shan finally rushed to protect the mage behind him, and the [Shadow Arrow] of the two archers also arrived. Unfortunately, it was a group attack. Got -6-4-5-3, a total of 18 damage.

There are still two seconds left on the cooldown of [Charge] to fight the tiger tonight. He has already run a suitable distance, and he just waits for the cooldown to pass before activating it.

Unexpectedly, the other party would cool down better than him, and a [Charge] hit him straight.
【You are stunned by the player Yourong Naida】

Then there is the four-stroke combo.
The last hit also hit a crit.

[You were seriously injured by the player You Rong Nai, you have limited mobility, are in a dying state of weakness, and continue to lose blood]

This is simply a shame.

Qiao Shan's eyes were so red that it burst into tears, and he [Charge] went over, but was dodged by the opponent again.

The team channel screamed again and again, the archer's [Binding Arrow] had not passed the cooldown time, only the mage's [Arcane Missile] flew around the corner, ignoring the target's dodge, and took away 13 points of HP.

The target is a [Battle Cry], which interrupts Qiao Shan's skills, and two damage values ​​of -4 and 5 appear on his head and the tiger's head tonight, but the red potion for tonight's tiger has just been fed to his mouth , was interrupted, the target bypassed Qiao Shan, the speed was astonishingly fast, and the last hit was -11, which made his blood bar empty and turned into a white light, and he went offline depressed.

"Ah, I wipe..."

"Haha!!", the other party laughed, activated the special skill of the equipment, rushed in front of [Binding Arrow] and in front of him, flew more than ten meters, fled into the woods without any reluctance to fight, and walked away.

The team channel was silent, only the sound of heavy breathing.

At this time, the boss came out from his hiding place, yelling dissatisfiedly: "That's it, that's it, you're still a master, and let someone kill one of five people, is it shameful?"

"Fuck, then BB I will kill you first!"

Qiao Shan was too shy to get into the sheath, since the commission failed anyway, so he said with a fierce look in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, this rookie who had just turned around was not afraid at all. With a stalk of the neck, he shouted: "Come on, come on, do you dare, I will smash you to death with money!"

Qiao Shan really didn't dare, he was the second-generation local tyrant who could spend tens of thousands of soft sister coins just to kill an enemy once, claiming that he would kill so much that he couldn't go online.

If you use this on yourself, you will be hunted down when you go online in the future, how can you play?
So he immediately changed his face, smiled back and licked the other party, "Boss, don't, I was out of breath just now, just treat me as farting, don't mind..."

"Apologize!", the boss yelled at him with his nostrils.

"sorry Sorry"

"...Really, a waste of my time"

"Boss, don't go, the task is not completed yet"

"Why, do you still want to come?"

Only then did Qiao Shan grit his teeth with resentment on his face, "This time I don't know his roots, you are the big one, hehe, the patriarch of the Yourong family, don't worry, I have a way to deal with him"

(End of this chapter)

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