This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 84 News of the 3rd Test

Chapter 84 The news of the third test

Knives cut a lonely.

Five people still ambushed, let others kill one, and retreated calmly, it would be embarrassing to say it.

This is not a crushing of levels and equipment, but a crushing of operation and consciousness, which makes Qiao Shan, who claims to be a game expert and a master of stream of consciousness operation, extremely difficult to accept.

The depressed and aggrieved mood was maintained until the offline.

In reality, in a rented house in an urban village, Qiao Shan wakes up from a bed full of dirty clothes and smelly socks. The computer case is still humming, and the broken fan should be cleaned up. He runs like an asthmatic. , coughing from time to time.

After taking off his helmet, he went to open the tightly closed doors and windows. As a result of the long period of no ventilation, the smell in the room was touching. When the fresh, cool breeze came in, he shivered violently.

The first thing to do after going offline is to log in to the official website of the game.

I browsed the forum first, but fortunately there was no game video about that battle, I was saved for the time being, and then went to the official news, and found a system announcement that was just updated half a minute ago.

Some notes on the end date of the second test and the update of the third test:
[Dear players, I am your lovely, amiable, pitiful, and respectable game producer The Wandering Traveler, haha...just kidding.

Since the second test, Canaan games have continued to be popular. Players have invested great enthusiasm and energy in the game. There are still many cloud players who do not have game equipment and qualifications to support Canaan day after day. These game production teams are watching in the eyes.

Through everyone's efforts, the number of people online on the server at the same time has reached 300, and a total of 927 players have entered the Canaan world. The problem.

This test will end on November 11th. Today is Singles’ Day, so it won’t affect everyone’s shopping.

The third test will be a file deletion test. By the way, spoiler. Although the third test is still a closed test, the number of people online at the same time and the game map and gameplay will usher in a huge leap. The game equipment that will be released will far exceed the past. Finally, everyone can Leaving the novice village of Dawn Town, head to the first city controlled by the rebels - Buck City.

At that time, more gameplay and game content will be opened, and the task system will be further improved. Dungeons such as [Kobold Mine], [Dark Night Camp], and [Baldwin Family Graveyard] will also be opened. How about it? Are you excited?
In addition, due to the large influx of players, the hostile camp has already noticed that a new force is thriving in the abandoned wasteland. The counterattack will definitely come, and the players will face a cruel and real test.

What do you think of?
Yes, monster siege, city warfare, and even national warfare are not far away.

Therefore, the three tests will officially launch the military rank system, player organization and command system, noble titles and territories. More combat and life occupations, more equipment and auxiliary props will be opened, and the prestige and meritorious system will be further enriched. Wait.

Well, let us look forward to the successful completion of the three tests and strive for an early public beta.


Your beloved game producer and planner.

Ah, by the way, there was a major offline announcement recently, it was about Canaan Company, hehe]

"Broken game, rotten game, dog planning, the game production team has a brain hole"

After reading the announcement, Qiao Shan was even more angry. It's only been a while since the second test, and it's about to end, so what about his revenge plan?
Isn't that only seven or eight days?
"Qiao Shan, Qiao Shan, when will you pay this month's rent!?"

The second landlord knocked on the door and yelled. Qiao Shan hid the game helmet cursingly, opened the door, and yelled: "Scream, I won't rent it next month."

After yelling, regardless of the second landlord's ugly face, he closed the door vigorously and started packing up the moving things.

He doesn't want to stay in this crappy place for one more day, and the money he earns in the game is enough for him to move to a better place. He has already made an appointment with a friend he met in the game. Two bedrooms and one living room, and the rent is shared equally. The location is also good, close to the university town, you can see beautiful female college students passing downstairs every day, maybe you can meet one that day, hehe.

Thinking of these beautiful things, his mood improved a lot. Games, isn't it common to be abused by RMB players in the past?

Why is it hard to accept now?

This is floating!
Halfway through packing, the phone rang, and it was his mother calling. After answering impatiently, his mother said that he had arrived downstairs.

"Shan Shan, you are..."

His mother is a rural woman in her fifties who works as a handyman in a farmer's market. Seeing her sweating, Qiao Shan asked, "Did you walk here again?"

"No, no..."

"You have asthma, are you dying?"

His mother bowed her head submissively, muttering in a low voice, it's not far away, just a few steps away...

Qiao Shan rolled his eyes, how many steps is a dozen stops?In order to save a few dollars, if you get sick, you should ask someone to justify it. Why don't you understand such a simple truth?

"Shanshan hasn't eaten yet, look, I brought you your favorite food..."

"I won't eat it, you can eat it yourself." Qiao Shan lost his temper. If he has the money to buy this food but can't afford to take the car? "I'm moving, don't come to this place in the future."

"Ah!?", his mother hastily put down the roast chicken wrapped in oil paper, "Where to move, it will cost more...", she started to help him pack it up.

"Don't touch my stuff"

Qiao Shan snatched the game helmet from his mother's hand, and hurriedly checked if it was damaged. His mother rubbed her hands together awkwardly, squirmed her mouth twice, and didn't say anything.

Seeing her like this, Qiao Shan blamed himself again, and became even more irritable.

He took out the money he had just withdrawn from the bank yesterday from under the quilt, and stuffed it into his mother's arms, "Here is [-], and you can use the money to go to the doctor tomorrow...I'll say it again, this is the last time, you Then send the money back to that gambler, we don’t know each other, do you understand!?”

"You, you got so much money, Shanshan, don't go in crooked ways..."

"I earned it, and I'll earn more in the future...Forget it, you don't understand what I'm telling you, remember, go to the doctor, I'm not kidding you..."


The moving company came, and his mother wanted to help, but Qiao Shan stopped her and said that he had paid for it.

His mother felt sorry for the money, so she asked him in a low voice, if I help myself, can I calculate the money less?

Qiao Shan rolled her eyes again and ignored her.

He got in the car and went straight to the vicinity of the University City. When he entered the new home with clear windows, his mother looked left and touched the right happily, as happy as her own home.

"In the future, I will buy a bigger and more luxurious house than this one, and I will take you here to live with me," Qiao Shan said softly.

His mother kept clutching the [-] yuan in her pocket, her pale face wrinkled with smiles, "Then I'll wait... Actually, you don't need such a big house, the one you used to live in will do..." In Joe Under Shan Shan's provocative eyes, the more he spoke, the weaker his tone became.

When he resolutely stuffed his mother into a taxi, paid the fare in advance, and watched the taillights of the car disappear around the corner, the bitterness that was suppressed in his heart surfaced.

When he went upstairs, he had already thought about it, and when he returned to the house, he contacted the boss and rejected the order.

Eating the roast chicken that his mother secretly left behind, he said to himself, wake up, Qiao Shan, you are not playing games, you are making money, you are trying to survive, what are you playing for pleasure and hatred, honestly move you Brick it!

(End of this chapter)

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