This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 85 Lizardman Wetlands

Chapter 85 Lizardman Wetlands

Lizardmen Wetlands.

The light in the afternoon is just right, not as intense as at noon, nor as dim as in the evening. This is the time when the lizard people like to bask in the sun the most. The team formed by Zhang Miao and Hu Xinmin hid in a "refresh point". Quietly wait for the lizardman to come ashore.

"Xiao Er, have you sold your gold coins yet?"


"How much?"


"It's not bad. You're rich. By the way, how did you save enough 4 gold? Is it really that profitable to make potions?"

Zhang Miao could only smile wryly at this.

These four gold coins were worth 4 at their highest price, and there was no market for them. Now they can only be sold for 12 because of the company's blessing, and they can't be sold at this price outside.

Since the end of the second test was released from the official website, the game currency has experienced another dive. This time he finally recognized the situation and chose to cut the meat. The price difference has been 10 times.

"Shh, here we come"

While chatting on the team channel, a lizard man tentatively landed.

It is a level 6 ordinary monster, with brown-green skin, nearly [-] meters tall, with short arms and long legs, and a crocodile-like tail dragging behind it. The iridescent hole is upside down, amber in color, and the eyes of the cold-blooded monster are very piercing.

The team was full of players with level 8 or above, and a level 6 monster couldn't satisfy everyone's appetite, so no one acted rashly. After a while, as expected, more lizardmen came ashore.

Although the intelligence of this kind of monster is not as good as that of goblins, it still has basic advantages and avoidance of disadvantages. These days, players have been plagued by players for a long time. It is already known that there is a kind of natural enemy that is often waiting on the shore, so these lizardmen go ashore. They didn't disperse in a hurry, but gathered together to guard for a while.

After about 5 minutes, the vigilance of the lizardmen gradually relaxed, and one or two lizardmen lazily left the team and crawled away.


"Come one by one, don't surprise them"


Everyone's cooperation is already proficient. The 8th-level archer Hu Xinmin (big cousin) has the highest agility. He sneaked out quietly, picked the outermost lizardman, and shot an arrow with a level A.
This damage value is really touching.

The lizardman felt a little pain, and realized that a 'cowardly' humanoid monster had attacked him, so he let out a muffled growl and rushed over.

Don’t be fooled by the lizard man’s slow movement. The agility of this creature is actually very high. Its speed is comparable to that of a [-]-meter sprinter. The general minions snorted like he was thrusting in from behind.

Hu Xinmin is not what it used to be now, the back of his head and his long-eyed waist twisted, and he avoided the monster's attack in time, and staggered his position, giving way to brother Ruoran who had already pounced on him.

First, there was a [Battle Cry] to interrupt the monster's movement and hold back the hatred. Brother Ruoran took the time to pull out the enchanted green shield to block the monster's counterattack.

He didn't fight back, but blocked it with his shield. Another full-attack fighter, Xie Changting, stunned the monster with a [charge], and then a set of [combo skills] dealt considerable damage.

The monster's health was over half, and it was screaming and trying to escape, when an arrow shot from behind made him restrained in place.

In the end, Zhang Miao's arcane missile emptied its blood bar.

Wushang brushed a lizardman, and everyone was surprised. Seeing that nothing had exploded, Xie Changting cursed and began to gather and skin it.

The main purpose of everyone coming here to spawn monsters is the skin of lizardmen.

This kind of leather armor made of leather has a high probability of contributing attributes of strength, agility, or intelligence and agility. The market price is very good, and many people will buy it again.

Both Zhang Miao and Hu Xinmin lack this kind of leather armor. Mage is okay. For archers, their agility is low. How agile are you.

After peeling off the skin, the lizard man's minion system black shop also recycles it, but the price is impressive, but no matter how small the fly is, it is still a piece of meat. Zhang Miao saw that they would not accept them, so she collected them and put them in her backpack.

The second and third lizardman brushed calmly, and when their physical strength dropped to almost half, everyone stopped to rest tacitly.

When the physical value is above 50%, the recovery is the fastest. Once it falls below 50%, various negative states may appear, and the recovery is slow, so the most efficient way to spawn monsters is as it is now, which is reasonable Control the rhythm of spawning monsters to achieve the highest efficiency.

The game experience of the players is increasing day by day. The maps near the Novice Village have become as flat as they are on the ground. Even the bosses of the Novice Village have become less unattainable. Form a team of good players and lead those new testers to clear the level. It has become the most common way to move bricks.

However, there are fewer second-test players who do not have the certificate of bravery, and the competition is fierce. The price has dropped again and again, which has not aroused Zhang Miao's interest.

"Have you read the announcement on the official website?"

"See, what?"

"It said there was a 'big move offline', what kind of big move?"

"do not know"

"Could it be that alien black technology is about to surface?"

"Don't mind our shit, just stop the game from being pornographic"

"How many helmets will be issued in the third test, the forum is full of explosions"

"The forum often blows up, it's strange if it doesn't blow up"

"I estimate that a lot of helmets will be distributed this time. Didn't it say, 'the number of people online at the same time will increase dramatically'? Can a few hundred or hundreds be called a huge increase? At least a thousand?"

"Thousands of people online at the same time?"


"Hehe, I can't recognize all 300 people now..."

"It's fun to have more people. Besides, it's not 300 people now, it should be 927 people."

"It's good to leave Novice Village earlier, Buck City, I'm really looking forward to it."

"Okay, let's do it"

After recovering their physical strength, the five of them raced against the clock, and they still lured one by one. When the fifth lizardman was brushed, Hu Xinmin suddenly found a special lizardman, and sneaked back to say it.


"At least an elite"

"Lizardmen Elite haven't brushed yet"

"Do you want to do it?"


But that special lizardman was always followed by two younger brothers, and it didn't lie on the wetland to bask in the sun like other lizardmen, but patrolled back and forth.

Hu Xinmin waited for it to patrol nearby, and shot an arrow, which attracted its attention.

Unexpectedly, this lizard man was a long-range monster. When he was running back, a ball of light suddenly flew behind him, -17, and he grinned when he hit him.

"Fuck, lizardman wizard!?"

"It's a BOSS"

"Level 9?"

"What should I do?"


Hu Xinmin didn't dare to stop at all, and the others didn't dare to fight outside, so he could only let him stare at the injury and run back.

When he ran back, only one-third of his blood was left, Ruoran jumped out with his eyes shining, and shouted: "Don't be reluctant to drink the red medicine, old cousin", after shouting, he challenged the boss who rushed into the encirclement. charged.

Zhang Miao didn't use the Arcane Missile anymore, and concentrated on singing [Fireball].

(End of this chapter)

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