This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 90 Wang Chaoyang's Ambition

Chapter 90 Wang Chaoyang's Ambition
For the props in the game, Wang Chaoyang will have people make one-to-one models.

On the desk at this time was a replica of the top-quality staff.

He picked up a pair of smart glasses that were still in the laboratory stage, and easily combined them with his frame. Looking at the staff on the table, its name and attribute description appeared.

Since the concept of the metaverse became popular, Shengda Group has also made a layout early, and has related cooperation with several top universities at home and abroad. This pair of glasses is the latest access device that can be connected to the metaverse.

He raised his eyes and scanned his office.

In the field of vision, light green text and graphic descriptions automatically appear, and the 5-nanometer chip integrated in the smart glasses automatically interprets the names and information of related furnishings.

Beyond that, there are other features that sound handy.

Such as voice-to-text conversion and translation, calculation of movement trajectory and calories burned, timely reminders of speeches and PPT documents, sending and receiving emails, making phone calls, etc. All in all, it is a high-tech product with great ideas and high degree of realization.

If there is no Canaan, he will be very satisfied with his investment, and with the experience in Canaan... he will be even more satisfied.

Canaan is all good, but the separation from reality is too severe, and the Metaverse has been split into an online game. Of course, this online game is beyond the times. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as the second world, but it is still a bit short of something. .

The current lack seems to be made up for by this pair of glasses. Of course, it must be deeply related to Canaan.

Wang Chaoyang put the model of the staff on the container behind him. The container is also a one-to-one imitation game, and it is full of everything that Deep Blue Studio got in Canaan.

"Mr. Wang, they are still arguing"

"Well, I see"

With his status and status, it is a bit too cheap to personally seek out a game item under his command.

He also wants to do things beautifully, such as letting his executives do it, such as using the salary and expectations of promotion and treatment of talents to make them willingly hand over, but who made his executives not have game helmets? , who told him not to let the resources and accumulation of Shengda Group penetrate into the game.

"The glasses are very good, very good, but the connection with Canaan is not deep enough... I know, I know, our researchers are not qualified for the game and cannot grasp the first-hand data, but it can be done by using the public information Even better... Yes, yes, Canaan is still circulating in a small area, but we can plan ahead, make the built-in function first, and then launch it when it becomes popular, and it can be a hit.”

"Well, well, in short, you are professional in terms of technology, and I don't think it is complicated to implement...Okay, the additional third investment will be paid off soon...Don't worry about the company and patents, and the policy will be relaxed Yes, sooner or later."

After finishing the phone call with the head of the laboratory, Wang Chaoyang sat on the boss's chair and closed his eyes to think for a while, then picked up the landline and dialed a Yanjing number.

"Old Xue, it's me, Xiao Wang, Shengda's Xiao Wang, hello, hello, I interrupted you to rest."

"It's like this. Shengda Group is going to set up a company in the metaverse, and the target is Canaan... Yes, we have always been operating in a reasonable and legal way, and it is definitely not for speculation and raising the stock price... We are still A finished product has been made... Well, it is a kind of glasses, a portable wearable device of the Internet of Everything, which can simultaneously reflect the timely information and dynamics of the Internet of Everything to human eyes. We are going to establish a production base in Fuyuan, fully Utilize the supporting industries here, respond to the call of the country to develop the central and western regions, and work hard in the secondary industry and advanced manufacturing industry, with an initial investment of no less than 100 billion..."

"Thank you for your old suggestions, and please always supervise us... As far as I know, there is no similar product in China... Our progress is also the fastest abroad, and the patent has been applied for... Okay, thank you, thank you very much, don't bother you Rest, I wish you good health and success in work, goodbye"

Putting down the phone respectfully, Wang Chaoyang's expression gradually cheered up. After thinking for a while, he made a third call.

"How are the funds prepared?"

"Okay, except for projects with acceptable profitability, all others will be cut off"

"The real estate hasn't been liquidated yet? How did Lao Li and the others manage to discount the decisions made by the board of directors?"

"Old Wu, it's good news. The registration application of our deep blue company is about to be passed, which shows that the country's policies in this regard are finally going to be clarified. We are currently at the starting line, and we have even rushed ahead. It's exciting. .”

"I don't know, don't ask about the background of the Canaan game producer, it will cause trouble."

"It is estimated that the Canaan Company, which is jointly established by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, major domestic research institutes and several giants with national prefixes, will be established tomorrow and the day after tomorrow... Yes, the news is very accurate. I want you to do the following things well. First... ..."

Wang Chaoyang worked until late at night.

He was extremely excited, full of fighting spirit and ambition, and the passion he had when starting a business returned to him.

After everything was busy, he still didn't feel sleepy at all, and his body in his forties glowed with the physical strength and energy of his twenties.

He picked up the model of the ultimate staff again, and gently stroked the textures on its surface. In his eyes, neither this imitation nor the real object in the game can be easily defined by a game prop , it is an asset, a high-quality asset, just like the assets held by the companies under the group, and even more valuable.

20, 30, or even 100 million are serious underestimates of its actual value. The car he bought for his [-]-year-old son, who has just grown up, cost more than this price, and it was nothing.

Suddenly, Wang Chaoyang didn't want to play tricks, so as not to cause any trouble at such a sensitive moment.

When they knew that Zhang Miao and the others were still fighting fiercely, they lightly ordered their subordinates to bring new conditions, and easily ended the resistance of the five players.

"What, 200 million!?"

"No, no, 15 gold is only a few hundred thousand at best, can't it be a mistake?"

"What about the bidding agreement, is it also void?"

"If you take the 200 million, the agreement will be void, if you don't take it..."

"Crap, he is rich and powerful, with a carrot in one hand and a big stick in the other, what else can he do, kneel down!"

"Five million!"

"One person, 40 yuan per person?"

Zhang Miao was also short of breath, and her throat was a little dry.

It's not that they have shallow eyes, but less than a month ago, let alone 200 million, even 20 was an unattainable number for them.

But Zhang Miao was still a little unwilling, but when he saw that Brother Ruoran and the others who had been at odds with the capitalists a few minutes ago had been knocked out, he could only suppress this unwillingness in his heart.

Then he was also excited about the huge sum of money.

Elderly parents in my hometown look down on my relatives and classmates, and think he is a worthless ex-girlfriend who does not seek to make progress...

Well, so be it, the arm can't twist the thigh after all.

This is the reality.

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(End of this chapter)

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