This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 91 Establishment of Canaan Company

Chapter 91 Establishment of Canaan Company
"Xiao Liu, what's the matter?"

In Canaan, Bei Gaoyang sat in front of the control center of the magic net and got in touch with the earth through the magic net.

"Oh, I see, is it today?"

"Yes, the press conference will be in two hours"

"Okay, I will cooperate with you"

After the communication with the earth ended, Bei Gaoyang looked at the darkened screen and smiled, before re-entering the design of the third layer of magic net.

The third layer of magic net should be a three-ring spell.

When we get here, we have to popularize science, the origin of the so-called first ring, second ring, third ring and other spell levels.

The "ring" in the first ring and the second ring refers to how many "logically closed" magic pathways there are in the spell configuration. Just like a circuit, a pathway can usually only achieve a very simple spell effect.

The second ring, as the name suggests, is two pathways that can also interact, promote, amplify, and change, so as to achieve more complex and powerful spell effects.

The so-called Tao produces one, one produces two, two produces three, and three produces all things.

Starting from the third ring, there is a qualitative leap in the configuration and difficulty of spells. It is also from the third ring that the spell is called [Composite Path], and the spells above the third ring are called [Composite Spells], which is the beginning of the middle-level mage. , far exceeding the beginning of other professionals.

[Magic Net], which is equivalent to the third-level spell, naturally has more sufficient "design space" than the first and second [Magic Net], so as to realize game functions and content far beyond the first and second tests.

Whether it is the first test or the second test, Bei Gaoyang is counting resources almost with his fingers. Although some game functions and content have been launched, due to the limitations of [Magic Net] itself, the work is very rough, and it is always one level behind. mean.

The most obvious example that makes most players complain is pinching their faces.

The third layer of magic net is different, from Celeron to Core Duo, from a netbook worth [-] to [-] yuan, to a graphics workstation worth tens of thousands of yuan, the previously castrated and unavailable game functions can be put on the agenda .

For example, the obviously unsatisfactory [Monster Art]

The third layer of the magic net is to first solve and optimize the dungeon, second to launch a complete system of military rank, prestige, title, and family territory, and third to optimize and solve the player's combat experience, game equipment, props, life occupations, and applications. For the expansion of the scene, the fourth is to relocate the center of the game content to Buck City to further improve and enrich the task system. The fifth is to introduce two new professions, thief and priest, as well as the adjustment of the racial talents of humans and dwarves. Such mediocrity.

As for the monster's refresh mechanism, the considered [Magic Tide] is about to erupt. In the context of the bloody battle in the abyss, there is no need to worry. The resources saved are used to check for omissions and make up for vacancies at any time.

Also, the level and career design of the second turn are also on the agenda.

This is a huge project that will really test Bei Gaoyang's brainpower. Fortunately, there are a lot of game materials and templates to learn from.

Get into the work and forget about the time until a special player comes online.


At 11 a.m. on November 7, Yanjing time, Canaan Company, which had been in labor for a long time, finally made its grand debut in the midst of the world's shock, uproar and controversy.

The scene of the press conference for the establishment of the company.

A huge LCD screen was erected behind the rostrum. When the time came, the newly-baked management of Canaan Company walked out with smiles.

Ka Ka Ka, the shutter sounded.

The well-known host came out with the most steady typhoon, beamed and spoke about the opening speech, introducing the organizer, guests and the theme of this press conference.

The images of the live broadcast were simultaneously reflected on large and small TV stations and online platforms at home and abroad. I don’t know how many people looked at all this with complicated emotions.

"...We have a brand new material. We found that the physical and chemical properties of this material can be perfectly applied in the field of brain-computer interaction, almost completely bypassing the existing technical paths and all patented achievements, and pioneering a new way. A new chapter in the field of brain-computer interaction"

"...Yes, this huge breakthrough happened three years ago. Because it is too advanced, it is inconvenient to show it. It has been tried and expanded in application as a top secret."

"...Patent? We do not intend to apply for a patent. Whether it is a domestic patent or an international patent, the material is still top secret. It is related to the national interest and there is nothing to discuss."

"...We are not afraid of technical leaks. The public distribution of game equipment shows that we have enough confidence. It will not be able to be deciphered for at least [-] years."

"...Caanan was chosen after careful consideration. As for why Western magical stories are used as the main content of the game... Hehe, doesn't this just show our tolerance and openness? Besides, Canaan is not all magical backgrounds, more or less The narrative that has been improved by the local people is like Mahayana Buddhism, which took root in our land and finally prospered until now. In terms of dealing with excellent foreign cultures, our history and traditions are tolerant to all rivers, taking the essence and discarding the dross.”

"...Wrong, state-owned capital only accounts for 49%. Canaan Company is still a private company. The largest investors and shareholders are scientists who have made major scientific research and application breakthroughs. As for their identities, it is out of security considerations. Keep it secret for the time being, as for the management, development and operation of the company, well, everyone has seen it, let us welcome the CEO of Canaan Company, the former rotating chairman and CEO of Warwick Company..."

"Thank you, thank you all. It is a great honor to be appointed to take the helm of this epoch-making company. From now on, my colleagues and I will take over the company's offline operations in an all-round way. Nan’s support, we decided to draw 100 lucky viewers on the spot and give away game equipment for free. Please see the bottom of the screen for the participation method..."

The atmosphere at the scene was warm and harmonious, as if it had been rehearsed hundreds of times, but that was not the case off the rostrum. The media and reporters from all over the world seemed to be watching a stage play, and they still ignored the stage. The stage play under the audience's reaction.

(End of this chapter)

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