This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 92 Infinite Quality

Chapter 92 Infinite Quality

"Thank you friends from the media for your enthusiasm, but please abide by the order of the venue. During the on-site questioning session, each media has only one chance to ask questions, and the questioning time is limited to half a minute."

Everyone was overwhelmed. This shameless press conference was a "drama" for an entire hour. Regardless of the audience's reaction, the characters on the stage were like puppets. Guys who are making noise at the venue, please get out.

However, none of these usually proud or even arrogant international media had the intention to leave.

"Excuse me, what is this new...material discovered, the scepter of God?" A media reporter from the Netherlands asked sarcastically.

"This is a material that is extremely sensitive to people's thoughts and consciousness activities. It is synthesized through special raw materials and processes. The specific parameters involve state secrets. It is too advanced to be displayed."


"You have betrayed the interests of human beings on Earth!"

"You're making a deal with an alien devil!"

"The truth, we want the truth..."

The order of the venue suddenly became chaotic. Foreign media reporters, especially those from Europe and North America, were outraged. They waited for the security personnel to rush over before the protests calmed down.

The CEO of Canaan Company on the rostrum was always smiling, and he didn't mean to defend himself at all. On the contrary, the host of CCTV was a little embarrassed. It was the first time he had seen such a gunpowder press conference.

"Okay, next one"

Maybe it was because the general way of asking questions couldn’t answer the questions, so a special correspondent from the British BBC stood up and said, “Is your country’s activities on the back of the moon related to this new substance? Has your country found aliens on the back of the moon?” What is your opinion on the US space agency's claim that it has conclusive evidence that there is an "Area 51" next door to the northwest of your country?"

"Good guy, is this a question?" Canaan Company's CEO smiled and replied: "Sorry, it involves state secrets, and I don't have the right to answer without relevant authorization."

There was another uproar in the audience, and the third special reporter from the United States was even more aggressive, "When will you announce the truth and information about your contact with aliens? You have disregarded the safety and interests of all human beings and contacted foreign civilizations without authorization. In order to obtain technology beyond the earth..."

"Wait a minute!", the CEO's face turned serious, "There is no such thing as Area 51, and there are no aliens. Metaverse access equipment and Canaan games are technological innovations independently developed by my country with complete intellectual property rights. It's all conspiracy theories with ulterior motives."


"We want evidence!"

"the truth"


The domestic media has entered the melon-eating mode one by one, and the simultaneous live broadcasts on the Internet and on TV, comments, and bullet screens are also flying.


"The Canaan Company is mighty..."

"I don't know why I'm so excited, I can't wait to shout out..."

"Old Wang next door who has been paralyzed for many years got up and plowed ten acres of land in one go..."

"There should be BGM here..."

This time is different from the cooling and suppression in the past, this time it is a grand announcement, announcing to the world, so Yuanverse and Canaan spread across the country in an instant. Many people who heard it for the first time only felt magical, as if they had entered the world of science fiction all at once. Here comes a ***.

In this case, the viewership ratings are extremely high without statistics. Hundreds of millions of people around the world watched the gunpowder-filled press conference, and their reactions were mixed.

"Evidence?", the CEO's smiling face is particularly unbearable, and it also shows a different kind of self-confidence. Of course, in the eyes of Western media and audiences, it is showing off, complacency and arrogance.

This confident attitude has shaken the conspiracy theories in many people's minds, because no one has ever seen the so-called aliens, and the so-called media broke the news, and more of them are skeptical.

At this time, they were going to whisper in their hearts.

Is it really a technological breakthrough, and Canaan is really the secret weapon that Huaguo has been researching for a long time?

"Okay, the on-site questioning session is over, let me demonstrate... Uh, the evidence you are looking forward to!"

The venue immediately became silent, and watched helplessly as a pair of black suits entered the venue with a small silver suitcase guarded, and went straight to the rostrum.

"This is the new material named 'Infinite Quality'!"

The box was opened after cumbersome steps, blocking the view of the cameras and reporters under the stage all the way. After opening, a faint, faint blue light mist escaped.


Involuntary exclamations sounded from all corners of the world, inside and outside the scene.

It was a pinch of light blue powder, really only a pinch, on a transparent glass plate, exposed to all eyes.

"This new material called 'Infinite Quality' is extremely sensitive to human brain waves and magnetic field signals. After training, ordinary people can form a strange interaction with it. Now we invite our experimenters to demonstrate it on the spot."

A man in his thirties, wearing what looked like a spacesuit, ran into the venue and boarded the rostrum. A team of white coats pushed out a wheelchair-like thing with various unknown sensors attached to it. They operated it on the spot and made it This guy sits in a wheelchair, puts "patches" on his body, especially his head, and then takes out a helmet that is obviously half-finished...

"Helmet, gaming helmet!"

"Fuck, it's really our black technology!?"

"Awesome, I don't know how to describe it"

"Ah, what a chicken jelly!"

"Long live the Chinese Academy of Sciences..."

"...this prosperous world is as you wish..."

The experimenter put on a semi-finished helmet and a white coat with a glass plate in his hand and carefully brought the so-called "infinite quality" to the front. The atmosphere inside and outside the scene was almost suffocating, and all eyes were watching without blinking, for fear of missing it. any small change.

The experimenter closed his eyes and did not move or change for a while.

The invisible minute and second hands were ticking, and finally... a huge, subconscious exclamation came to mind.

Everyone saw it, and all the cameras captured it. A small pinch of light blue powder floated on the glass plate, and a large piece of distorted, translucent light and shadow evaporated. The light and shadow spread flat in front of the experimenter. Open up, forming a constant in the void, like a light curtain.

A flashing cursor prompt appeared on the light curtain, and then a Chinese character appeared...

"Welcome everyone, I am the experimenter Wu Haisheng."

The media reporters at home and abroad subconsciously made a "tactical retreat", and then, the sound of the shutter and the flashing lights became one.

"What I am demonstrating now is our latest scientific and technological innovation - infinite quality"

"The significance of infinity is that it can become a crutch for our consciousness and thoughts, simulating any pictures and scenes we imagine."

"Based on its characteristics, we made the Canaan game for experimentation and to open up our human soul's second home."

 Thanks to the naive Brother Hao for the rewards, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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