Chapter 93 GM Online
About three days ago.

" know, we need some convincing evidence."

"Uh... what evidence?"

"Hehe, for things beyond imagination, science and understanding, it is best to have a material that can explain the working principle of the access device, and it is plausible, leaving enough room for imagination... Please."

"But I can't go back now"

"Is that so... can it be obtained from the game helmet? Don't get me wrong, we are not spying on the secrets of the helmet, but..."

"Okay, now you bring a helmet over here, and I'll tell you how to disassemble it... There is a small bump at the position of the induction circuit 4 in the back of the head, found it? Okay, touch it with your fingers, sense it, and go to it with your heart need to believe and focus all your attention on the touching finger...yes, you are unscrew it"

"...It's amazing, how come there is a... switch here, why can't we scan it out, it's amazing."

"Uh... It's hard to explain the principle. You take out the powder inside, be careful not to use your hands, and don't make any contact with your body. I'm not sure if it will have any impact on your health... Well, after taking it out Pack it in a sealed container, and when you need it, you can..."

"Can I ask what this is?"

"...Magic powder, you can just understand it as a battery."

"Magic Powder..."

The so-called magic powder is the current "infinite quality". It is made by grinding magic stone into powder and adding several other neutralizing materials. It is often used for the continuous operation of small magic circles. In the environment of the earth without magic, is a necessary component.

Time goes back to the present.

After demonstrating the singular characteristics of "Infinite Quality", the press conference was completely silent. After such a short demonstration, the powder was consumed, and along with the light curtain, it turned into gradually dimming crystals and melted into the air.

The experimenters and the white coats left the stage without saying a word. The CEO of Canaan Company looked at the domestic and foreign media in the audience with a smile and coughed lightly, "We have prepared another piece of evidence."

As soon as the words fell, a brand new gaming helmet was carefully carried up by the staff and placed on the chairman's table in front of him.

"GM Authority of Canaan Games"


Comments and bullet screens on the Internet began to explode again, and there was an uproar both online and offline after being shocked by the "infinity quality".

"For this press conference, we prepared a live broadcast."

With that said, the CEO picked up the helmet and put it on his own head.

At the same time, the large LCD screen behind him also started working. When he put on the helmet, the big screen began to play his encounters in "virtual reality" simultaneously.

His voice came out of the loudspeaker at the press conference.

"It feels pretty good," he said.

On a pitch-black screen, it displayed [GM authority 002, welcome to log in], and then a beam of light appeared, and began to move forward rapidly around the invisible camera. A thick and simple gate appeared in the beam of light ahead. The field of vision slowly opened up and became larger and larger until the light filled the entire screen.

Then it dimmed, showing a scene of a hall.

This scene is naturally the character selection hall.

Humans, dwarves, and elves that ordinary players can't choose are also always on. "Choose an elf." The CEO's arrogant and beating voice sounded again, and an elf character walked out of the selection stage, and the center of the lens flew like him.

The screen became dark again, and then a pair of real eyes opened in the square of Chenxi Town. The white light of the resurrection point flickered. Several players logged in with him at the same time, but they all left with their heads buried. No one noticed that there was an unusual newcomer beside him. .

The GM's field of vision is naturally different from that of ordinary players. The biggest and most obvious difference is the completely different game window. The densely packed tools and buttons are not prepared for the game experience at a glance. Next, it will make all the players who are watching jealous. A scene appeared.

"...Upgrade to level 10 first, then just turn into a mage."

Then the character of the GM will go straight to level 10, and the job has been changed.

"... Another set of equipment"

The GM's character, a level 10 elf, teleported to the front of the system store in an instant, randomly picked up equipment from the shelf and put it on.

And the NPC turned a blind eye to his robbery.

Not only that, the usual equipment immediately became radiant when worn on him, and he also showed the magic staff in his hand for everyone to see.

[GM002 Staff of Authority (set 1/7) +12, two-handed staff, quality: purple, weight: 4, intelligence +10, spirit +10, physique +5, magic attack power: 199-381, physical attack power 97-191, additional fire element damage 50-188, additional thunder element damage 41-77, special effect: blessing, all attributes +5%, special effect: thunder and lightning surround, 20% chance of melee attack to paralyze the opponent for 2 seconds, additional 100 % Thunder Elemental Damage, Special Skill: Summon Fire Elemental Envoy, lasts 30 minutes, cools down for 10 minutes, summons up to 3, Fire Elemental Envoy's damage +5, skill +3.Stunt: flash, teleport to the position locked by the eye, sing for 0.5 seconds, cool down for 1 second, cannot be interrupted.

Enhancement +12: Weapon basic attack +12%, mosaic hole 4 (unmounted gems).

Set attributes (7/7):

"What the hell did I see, Reinforcement?"

"Does this game also need krypton gold!?"

"I have a bad premonition..."

"Okay, okay, strengthen, wow haha..."

"The African chieftain suddenly felt that Yali Mountain was big..."

"What to do, what to do, the Canaan Company started to fail as soon as it was established..."

"Ahhh, so excited..."

"Can it still be inlaid?"

"This staff can only be carried by the GM, it's too fucking affecting the balance of the game."

Players and cloud players screamed in excitement, and there were freezes on all major live broadcast platforms, but there was not much movement at the press conference, and they were all stunned, especially foreign media reporters.

"It's not bad." The CEO is just a tease, deliberately provoking the emotions of the reporters on the scene, "Then we will go to our BOSS to report."

His game character flashed again, appearing inside a mysterious laboratory, and the main thread NPC was sitting on a huge experimental table writing and drawing.

"I have long said that the NPC in the main thread is played by a real person, so this is a real blow!"

"Ah, even the CEO is only 002, so is he 001?"

"Wandering traveler?"

"Boss, please ask for a thigh pendant..."

"I was wrong, I actually thought he was an NPC"

"Maybe high-level NPCs are all played by real people..."

"Game producers are really insidious"

I don't know what the players and cloud players were excited about, but Bei Gaoyang couldn't feel it. He looked up at the guy holding the GM002 and said according to the agreed line: "Uh, you're here?"

The CEO doesn't dare to make mistakes now, and everything that should be said is stipulated, "Yes, many people are watching the live broadcast"

Bei Gaoyang smiled and looked directly into 002's eyes, which was equivalent to looking directly at everyone watching the live broadcast, "Hi everyone, welcome to Canaan."

(End of this chapter)

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