This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 94 Cancellation

Chapter 94 Cancellation
Qiao Shan closed the live broadcast page, and saw that the discussion in the group was still in full swing, and the news swiped the screen.

One by one seemed to be on a stimulant, and they didn't know what they were getting excited about.

While many people were offline to watch the live broadcast of the establishment of Canaan Company, they successfully logged into the game.

The atmosphere in the game is also similar to that offline, there is everything on the world channel.

Taking advantage of most of the people's attention focused on one thing, he quietly found the system identification NPC, and nervously handed over an ancient copper ring.

"Paralyzing ring, all professions in the left hand, quality: green, equipment level 5, physical attack power +0-5, magic attack power +0-7, intelligence +2, strength +2, special effect: general attack has a 5% chance of paralysis Enemy for 1 second, special skill: roll back, clear the cooldown of a skill, and the cooldown is 5 minutes."


He waved his fist excitedly, put the ring into his backpack, looked left and right like a thief, and left quietly.

Went to the system grocery store again.

[Yarishi Otstman's Equipment Treasure Box: Designate a game item to be soul-bound, it will not be lost after binding, it can be inherited, it cannot be traded, price: 1 gold]

Looking at the newly launched props in this system, he calmed down and fell into hesitation and struggle.

Although the soul can be inherited to the third test after the soul is bound, it is very, very cheating if it cannot be traded.

Can not be sold, only for their own use.

If he sells it, he can only sell it now, but he is not sure whether he can maximize the profit. If he sells at a loss, there is no place to regret it. Now it is the second test after all. To be honest, the actual value of this ring is not as good as the price in the future. If it has not passed the test of time, it is also very risky to sell.

Contact the owners you know first and see what their offers are.

"Eh? Ring? Good thing, it's only level 5, and it will definitely be eliminated by higher-level equipment in the future, right? If you want to sell it, I'll take it for 500 yuan..."

I rub!

I met a little white who didn't know the goods.

Qiao Shan didn't even bother to answer him.

The second boss knows the goods.

"This ring is awesome, but I've already used the equipment treasure box. If you want to sell it for 5000 yuan, I'll keep it for a few days."


Qiao Shan was a little dissatisfied.

He thinks this ring is absolutely top-notch. Level 5 does not require a career change. It is precisely the most valuable part. It also has special effects and special effects. Nowadays, any equipment that has both special effects and special effects is still such an awesome attribute.

Basic attack with 5% paralysis, clearing the cooling time of a skill bar, this is simply a PK artifact.

Several bosses replied, but none of the bids exceeded 5000 yuan.

at the same time.

After the press conference for the establishment of Canaan Company was over, Bei Gaoyang and others canceled the special account 002 once it went offline.


The GM can only have one, and that is himself.

So far, he has fulfilled his obligation of cooperation and devoted himself to the design of the third layer of magic net.

On the white paper that was spread out, a complex and cumbersome magic configuration with three closed loops of magic power logic was almost completed. On each node of the magic power loop, he wrote a lot of annotations, what was realized in a certain place? The game function, leave it blank, and wait for the third test to be temporarily adjusted and filled... Everything is listed one by one.

This is the basic skill of being a mage. To be honest, it is as cumbersome and professional as the scientific research of the earth.

The spell level of [Magic Net] has been suppressed all the time, and now it shows a huge positive effect. The design difficulty is not high, and the "authenticity" does not have to worry about being distorted and corrected by "Book of Canaan".

From the third layer of magic net, it can be used by himself.

He can cast the spells of the third ring and below the third ring at will, without chanting or casting materials, as long as the system resources are sufficient, as long as they are within the coverage of the [Magic Net].

This has greatly improved his combat effectiveness and greatly eased the security situation.

It just needs the left hand to solve the security problem of the central hub of the magic net.

It will definitely not work like it is now. If you want to build a mage tower, you need to lay down heavy protection.

Mage Tower!

Will it be too loud?
Considering the [Magic Tide] and the invasion of centaurs... I am still undecided

Let's see again... he thought.

The centaur totem warrior Shayam climbed a small hill. The nearly three-meter-high burly body was made of fine iron. The muscles on her body were extremely streamlined. The naked upper body of a human was painted with mysterious magic patterns, which looked like a sinister poisonous beast. Scorpions, with the movement of limbs and muscles, seem to come alive.

He has "dirty braids" all over his head, and his sharp eyes can see the little black spots several kilometers away.


As a scout, he has long discovered that there seems to be a city where humans gather nearby. The leader will naturally not let these prey close at hand, but the shaman who came with the team said that there is a huge danger there, and the centaur is forbidden Close to the dividing line he marked.

Shayam didn't know what the huge risk was, the army of a certain human noble, or a trap set by the human Holy See, or the people of a spellcaster?

A shaman can't be wrong, Sayam is careful, despite his thirst for kumiss made from human blood.

After silently observing the actions of those black dots for a while, he found that they were very keen on hunting, and it seemed that each of them possessed one or several extraordinary skills... This aroused his vigilance.

professional! ?

Ordinary humans are not much stronger than the goblins in the wasteland, but professionals are indeed a completely different kind of creature, which is enough to pose a threat to the tribe and tribe.

Afterwards, he observed all human beings along the boundary that the shaman prohibited them from crossing.

The shaman was very old, and his exposed skin was like dry bark. He opened a pair of cloudy and blind eyes, stared at the empty space, and listened carefully. It took him a long time to show a smile, "I know Now, don’t provoke them yet, wait until the tribe migrates over.”

"Yes, venerable elder"

"Our most important job now is disaster prevention, and the ranch cannot be lost."

After Sayam left, the shaman took out a crystal ball from his arms, and his blind eyes almost stuck to the crystal ball, murmuring.


A few minutes later, he put away the crystal ball, wondering to himself: "Who is it, who is training an army of undead in the wasteland?"

Maybe try it out?
He thought to himself, so he rang a bell and called in a young centaur, "Tell Captain Jaeger that I need a Rubaum squad."

Rubaum means slave gladiator.

 Thanks to the leader of the naive Brother Hao for the reward, thank you, and add another chapter to talk about your heart

(End of this chapter)

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