This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 95 This is... Gundam?

Chapter 95 This is... Gundam? (Leader adds more)
"Mr. Yu, how many game devices are expected to be released in Canaan's third test?"

"This is based on the figures published on the official website"

"Mr. Yu, Mr. Yu, what do you think of the criticism of Fang Fang, a well-known Internet celebrity?"

"Who is Fang Fang?"

"Mr. Yu, foreign media broke the news that the US space agency is about to publish evidence in the near future, accusing China of discovering and mining "infinity" on the back of the moon, and announcing sanctions on Canaan Company and not allowing Canaan to be sold in the US. You What do you think?"

"The back of the moon? Since they already know, let them go, haha... As for the ban on sales in the United States, it is the loss of the players in the United States. Canaan's server resources are far from enough to meet these needs. At present, we mainly meet domestic market”

"Mr. Yu, did you switch from Huawei to Canaan because Huawei and Canaan have reached a strategic cooperation? Can you disclose the content of the cooperation?"

"Huawei and Canaan certainly have cooperation. Canaan uses some of Huawei's technologies and patents. Of course, Canaan is more helpful to Huawei. Let me reiterate that Canaan is a private enterprise. Who is it to cooperate with? What kind of company? Cooperation, as long as it is legal and compliant, no one can say anything more.”

"Could Mr. Yu reveal the content of the third test?"

"Will Zong Yu Canaan be listed?"

"Mr. Yu, all major Internet companies have announced the establishment of the Canaan business department. What do you think?"

"Mr. Yu, will Canaan become the second world? When will the concept of metaverse be realized, when will the connection with reality be resolved, and will new technologies be applied to the Internet of Everything?"

"Mr. Yu, do you think the new Internet era is coming?"


The landmark building in Shanghai, the top five skyscrapers in the world, has now become the headquarters of the newly established Canaan Company. As soon as CEO Yu Qingdong walked out, he was surrounded by reporters and cameras waiting outside. All the reporters seemed to be hungry. Like a wolf, under the obstruction of the bodyguard, he slammed into his face with the microphone.

After the press conference, the popularity of Canaan was astonishing, not to mention abroad, at least in China, it was the attention of the whole network, and the morale of the people has been greatly improved. Turn on Douyin, the intercepted screen of the press conference, and the short video content of Canaan’s game , coupled with the passionate, tense, grand, and tragic BGM, the blood of the viewers is boiling.

Even those who are not interested in Canaan have been brainwashed in disguise.

Canaan, Canaan, Canaan, nothing but Canaan is Canaan!
The official website of Canaan, relying on Aliyun, has become independent and has built huge hardware and software resources. Hundreds of millions of people visit every day, domestic and foreign, and the content of the official website has been translated into more than a dozen languages ​​and languages. Forum registrations in one language are skyrocketing.

Turn on the TV, no matter what the program is, it will talk about Canaan. Thanks to Canaan, the concept of metaverse is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. You can also say a word or two about VR virtual reality when chatting with people.

The Metaverse is hot, and Canaan is hot!

But public opinion abroad is not so harmonious.

Conspiracy theories such as aliens are much weaker, but news and so-called evidence are flying all over the sky that the government "stealed" [infinite mass] from the back of the moon. The US space agency has announced that it will invest 500 billion in emergency Appropriate funds for landing on the far side of the moon. The first step is to launch a relay satellite, which will be launched in a month.

Europe does not stop, and the weird words and deeds have reached a new height. From politicians to celebrities, from scientists to entertainment stars, they are all worried that if the so-called "infinite quality" is applied to the military, it will still appear in seemingly rigorous programs. On the Internet, some so-called experts and professors are invited to discuss the feasibility in a serious manner.

In this case, more than 900 players became popular again. Not long after the press conference ended, Miguo staged a show operation, quietly listing players with game qualifications and equipment as the first category of talents. If you provide a certificate, you will get a visa immediately, and you will be given a green card when you land, and there is also a special talent introduction reward of 20 yuan, not to mention nationality.

Embassies in Europe have followed suit...

Not to mention private capital.

The major Internet companies, the major real estate companies, the major car companies, the major, the major, the major... Anyway, those who are ranked first and who are famous all want to get in the car quickly. One is exaggerated, one is more jaw-dropping than the other.

Seeing that there is going to be chaos, the relevant policies that were originally planned to be relaxed will be tightened immediately—just kidding, players still have to play games if this continues. take such responsibility.

Therefore, in order to standardize the market order of the "new industry", in order to avoid the waste of resources under disorderly competition, and in order to smoothly carry out and carry out scientific research projects related to a century-old project, any act of recruiting players is strictly prohibited, and people with game qualifications and equipment are strictly prohibited from carrying 'Important strategic materials' leaving the country...

Ok, it's over now.

Players can't be recruited, let's cultivate the head office ourselves, right?
Then a voice came out.

The game equipment is too cheap, the price should be increased, and a group of higher-quality third-test players should be screened...

A large number of experts, professors, and Internet celebrities have come forward to express similar views, and they still refuse to change their words despite the overwhelming curse.

There are merits in their arguments, and they are not all for ulterior purposes. The price of 98 yuan is too low, and millions of people have already paid for it.

If it weren't for the early closing of the pre-sale page, it would be far more than this number now.

What do these millions of people say, no one else has anything to do with co-authoring the third test?

As soon as this argument was thrown out, these people suddenly changed from a minority to an absolute majority, and the motion to increase the price of game equipment is not so unacceptable. Otherwise, there are millions of people queuing up ahead, when will it be my turn?

Especially among these millions of people, accounts from abroad account for a large part.

Yu Qingdong rushed to the meeting just to solve this matter.

When he arrived at the destination, the meeting of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was over.

"He didn't agree"

"...The three tests?"

"Increase the selling price and increase the draw base"

"we can only do this"

"What about the analysis of infinite qualities?"

"It's a completely new substance, we can't even detect it microscopically..."

"He said he could provide this substance in exchange for our supplies, and he would also order some... machine parts"

"Ah, that's a good thing, welcome, welcome, what machine part?"

"……You see"

"This is... Gundam?"

 Thanks to the leader of the naive Brother Hao for the reward, add a new chapter, and talk about your heart
(End of this chapter)

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