Chapter 96
Deep Blue Game Studio is going to be dissolved.

The definite ban has been handed down to Wang Chaoyang, and the Canaan Yuan Universe Business Department, which is about to launch, is also aborted.

No one expected such a development.

One day ago, the situation was good. The Canaan Company announced its establishment. The press conference was like a blockbuster, which opened up a smooth road and opened up a bright prospect for a new type of industry.

Unexpectedly, due to excessive hype and irrational sentiment in the market, the higher authorities would kill a vibrant new industry so arbitrarily across the board.

Wang Chaoyang was very depressed.

Judging from the information collected from various sources, the higher-ups are very determined, there is no need to discuss it, and there is no side-ball to play. Deep Blue Game Studio is the first among them, and it has already been included in the key monitoring list.

Why is this! ?
He was puzzled.

In fact, such a ban has its deep logic.

Under the overheating of the market and the dominance of irrational emotions, the result of the excessive influx of capital will inevitably lead to excessive concentration of players and game equipment in capital and entities. Controlling players and game equipment is equivalent to controlling Canaan games. Bei Gaoyang hasn't noticed it yet, maybe when he finds out, the capital has completed its barbaric growth and began to control the players to control the content of the game.

How is this possible?

Out of "respect" for Bei Gaoyang and the consideration of maintaining the current cooperative relationship, it is only natural to step on the brakes.

"I'll tell you, I almost became an American, haha, my parents and my sister were both persuaded by some immigration agency..."

"There were also people who approached me, and after being rejected by me, they went to my family..."

"American? Tsk tsk..."

"What about Switzerland and France... ghosts and monsters have jumped out..."

"It's all right now, I can't even keep the studio, it's funny"

"It doesn't matter, anyway, we can't take away our qualifications, we'll be fools there, we'll have a bite to eat..."

"Yeah, yeah, I've completely turned over now, haha... I went on a blind date the day before yesterday, and when the other party heard that I was a Canaan player, it was called being enthusiastic and proactive. Unfortunately, I don't like her."


The last break-up meal was held at the function center, and everyone was indifferent to the disbandment of the studio.

At this time, most people already have the awareness of "scarce talents", and the unanimous heated discussions and pursuits of the whole society have made many people inflated. They only feel that the world is so big that a game helmet is enough.

To Wang Chaoyang, he is not so "convinced" anymore. In the past, he was "begging", he was the boss, and he was the superior and subordinate. Now I can sit here to save face for you...

Wang Chaoyang was very annoyed by this, but he still had to put on a smile and said that everyone can continue to cooperate in the future, exchange information, share resources, and there is still a family in the game...

He can only say these things, and he can only let them go, and he can only greet them with a smile.

——this is bloody shit!

Let you build a tall building, let you entertain guests, let you jump as high as you want, a piece of official document can reveal your true colors.

After eating the breakup meal, Zhang Miao and the others also started to think carefully.

They couldn't understand it today. For people who spend most of their energy in the game, they always have to be a few beats behind the changes in reality.

Now what they were thinking in their hearts was whether or not they should sell that superb staff to Wang Chaoyang.

With such popularity, it seems that 200 million is nothing.

If Brother Ruoran went out last night, quietly, and when he came back, he told a few people that someone was going to invest in him, such as angel investment, personal, and he didn’t need to do anything. Anything in return, and advertising in the game.

Are there ads in the game?

Zhang Miao was dumbfounded, but after some analysis, it really worked.

Now players’ game videos, pictures, guides, and various sharing experiences have a high click-through rate and spread. What is this? This is traffic. What is traffic? Traffic is eyeballs, economic effects, and money. .

Why can't I advertise?
Advertising is still rudimentary, and there are many places where it can be operated.

At this time, they discovered that Canaan can bring so many benefits, so great.

That one game item that can be used in the third test and can give people a great advantage in the early stage, how much is 200 million?
Doesn't seem like much?
But that's a full 200 ​​million.

Really tangled.

"I feel that everyone is not so pure now." Zhang Miao sighed.

The other four felt the same way.

Looking at the food of this breakup meal, there is no shortage of villainous and arrogant faces, as if the status of a player is superior to others, maybe it was suppressed hard before, and now it rebounds, and there are all kinds of unrestrained behaviors.

In the beginning, everyone just played the game, excited for this epoch-making game, and it can even be said for faith...

Now that it has been mixed with too many interests, it has changed its taste.

"Don't worry, hiccup, that is offline, everyone is the same once you enter the game, do you think they are still following crazy?"

A burly man from the Northeast with a game ID with a full face raised his glass. Hearing what they said, he hiccupped and said, "About an NPC? A joke...About a player? Your level is higher than mine, your equipment is better than mine, and your operation is better than mine. , bullshit! So I will only work harder, cherish more, and be more fucking shameless. There is no lower limit, and I am the same, including you"


Zhang Miao smiled, stood up and clinked glasses with him.

"Where are the brothers going?" Er Niu asked with a full face.

"I don't know, I haven't decided yet," Hsieh said, "We are a fixed team, and we will live together if we want to live together."

"It's up to me. It's not safe to live there. Why don't you just follow the government's advice and live in Apartment 101. There are special security measures for us. At least you don't have to worry about someone taking your helmet off while you're playing games."

"You have decided?"

"Well, this matter really depends on the government."

"The player's apartment..." Zhang Miao and the others looked at each other, "Okay then, let's move there too."

Er Niu patted him on the shoulder happily, "Okay, we live together, and there is also a care."

After sending off this drunk guy, it's almost game time for everyone.

The more than [-] players all seemed to have an alarm clock in their hearts. When they broke up, they didn't even say hello to Wang Chaoyang, so they just came and dispersed.

Only the mess of the scene was left.

Wang Chaoyang's face was gloomy, and he was stunned for a while. The executives of Shengda didn't dare to touch his bad luck at this time, and they all tried their best to reduce their sense of existence.

"That... President Wang..."

"Speak, hesitantly"

"They said that the game item is not for sale!"

Wang Chaoyang was stunned for a while, then threw the wine glass and cursed: "Bastard!"

(End of this chapter)

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