This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 97 Class Faith

Chapter 97 Class Faith

"System Power Consumption Continues to Reduce"

"Eh? Did you do something?"

Xiao Ai reminded Bei Gaoyang to put down the work at hand. The design of [Magic Net [-]] has been completed. What he is doing now is the design of the production process of [War Golem]. Practice hands for players, that part orders from the earth, etc.

Reduce costs, save time, train players, kill three birds with one stone.

"No, the situation has changed, you see"

Xiao Ai calls up the background chart, and you can see that on the graphic column array representing various system expenditures and incomes, the red graphic filling representing expenditure is continuously decreasing, and the green graphic filling representing income is slowly increasing.

This decrease and increase further increased the surplus of the system, which is even gratifying to watch.

"That's weird"

Xiao Ai didn't do anything, and she didn't make any big moves herself. How could there be such a change inexplicably.

Since there is no problem with the system, it can only be caused by the players.

When he connected to the Internet on the earth, he saw what was happening on the earth at this time, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect such an unexpected harvest. The scarcity of Canaan caused the player's identity to appear in advance, and there is a special The self-consciousness of the group is different from the ordinary people, so it leads them to identify with, believe in, respect and be more cautious about Canaan. This is a kind of "like belief". aspect?"

"Also, it's just that I don't know what it is." Xiao Aiyou called up a graph that had never appeared before, "This is the "adaptive graphics demonstration" of the magic net in Canaan, in order to maintain the continuous operation of the magic net. , a part of system resources must be consumed to adapt to..."

"Adapting to the environment and conforming to Canaan's underlying rules"

"Yes, this part of the power consumption is also decreasing now. A new kind of income that is different from spiritual power and similar to soul power has greatly increased the "adaptability" of [Magic Net] in Canaan, just like adding 'lube'."

Bei Gaoyang clapped his hands and said with a smile: "The metaphor of lubricating oil is good, yes, mystery is idealistic, and only faith, faith from many, many spirits and souls, can it obtain the "rationality" of its existence. With the endorsement of "The Book of Canaan", it can now be transferred to the players."

"Little love, do you know that the essence of faith is to believe in the power of the gods that people intend to believe in, so the gods have power. The church often uses sheep to describe believers. What is a qualified sheep? Obedience, faith [-]. Believe in the church’s interpretation of the gods to the world, and accept it from the heart, is the qualified flock. Such flocks are useful to the gods. This is also the reason why religious wars are so cruel, because faith does not tolerate any impurities! "

"So players have developed faith in the Canaan game?"

"It's still too early to say, but we're on the right path. Haven't you noticed that your own "subjective spirituality" has also greatly increased? Back then, you were more like an artificial creature in a science fiction story about Earth." Intelligence, real artificial intelligence, and now you are more like a special life form."


"Don't be afraid. In the world view of mysticism, a life like you is nothing. Don't worry about what I will do to you. There are many more weird, powerful and even dangerous creations than you. And at the beginning of the design of the magic net, I anticipated this situation, so even if you grow up again, there is no threat to me."

Xiao Ai was silent for a while before saying: "I am very happy and grateful."

Bei Gaoyang chuckled, the change that he had been waiting for and looking forward to finally appeared. Unexpectedly, the identity of the group of "players" had already been formed so early, before the third layer of magic net started. It seems that He Huaguo The cooperation is right, that Canaan company, just let them go.

When I put myself into work again, I feel extraordinarily happy, and the extremely tedious design drawings are not so boring at this time.

In the next few days, this trend has been maintained until the date of the end of the second test is approaching.

Bei Gaoyang also finished the design work of [Magic Net III] and [War Golem] before returning to Earth. The related drawings were bound into a thick booklet, and the materials that needed to be purchased were also densely listed.

And the players became more and more nervous, as soon as they went online, they were in a hurry, as if someone was chasing after them.

Everyone is busy, and they don't know what they are busy with. After the price of copper coins soared to the highest level, it fell back again. The prices of props for life and occupation tasks, powerful and unique equipment, etc. soared all the way.

On the World Channel, there are basically no people chatting, and the task spawning has basically stopped. Taking advantage of the last time, the undecided people are hurrying up and working hard, and everyone is extremely dedicated and serious.

"Xiaoyu, I received it, finally received it, the quest item for the enchanter"

Du Shiyu used all her property to buy a new enchanting blueprint, and was hurrying to learn it. Xia Miaomiao's voice made her smile, but the smile was quickly replaced by surprise: "Why are you an enchanter? Aren't you recruiting blacksmiths?"

"The blacksmith is too difficult to accept, and the warrior is not suitable for me, I have decided, I should change to a mage like you."

Du Shiyu rolled his eyes. From archer to warrior, and then from warrior to mage, the hobbies of his buddies have been changing. The typical thing is that one mountain looks at another high, and it's okay to see things differently.

After accepting everything, I didn't bother to persuade her, let her quickly go to soul binding, so as not to change her mind, and what else would happen.

"In the future, you will teach me about enchanting and meditation, it's all up to you."

"I know, I know"

"Have you learned your new blueprint?"


"When I passed by the BOSS of Xinshou Village, they were still fighting in groups. There were one or two hundred people, and the fight was so dark that even I was almost affected. Fortunately, this girl is quick to understand..."

"Do you have anything else to do?"

"I hate it... I have no money, I can't bind it, please support me, please"

"What, the 2 gold is gone?"

"It's not like you don't know the price of gold coins now. They asked for RMB in the first place, and I was the one who tried hard..."

"Okay, okay, come here and I'll unload the equipment on your body for you, it should be enough to sell it to the grocery store..."

"Xiaoyu is the best, okay?"

Du Shiyu shook her head, closed the chat window, and took advantage of this time to take a break.

Her face is a little pale, which is a manifestation of excessive use of the brain. The more complicated enchanting blueprints already have the meaning of "integrated circuit design drawings". It was unthinkable to memorize them with the brain before, but now I can try my best. And go.

Looking back at the beginning of the game, she really felt the change in herself.

Most players have this feeling more or less, which is also an important reason why they are becoming more and more devoted and serious.

(End of this chapter)

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