This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 98 The So-called Right to Survival

Chapter 98 The So-called Right to Survival

After going offline, Du Shiyu copied the magic pattern that he had memorized, compared with the screenshots, and found more than a dozen mistakes, then marked them out, strengthened the impression over and over again, and then copied it again until it was exactly the same.

In fact, this kind of memory and copying is the mage memorizing spells. Now she lacks her own magic book and the correct spell configuration, and she already has the foundation to become a real magician.

After everything was done, it was already 4 o'clock in the afternoon. She felt her hungry and growling stomach, endured dizziness, cooked a pack of instant noodles and ate them.

Halfway through the tutor called, she endured her tired body and returned to the tutor's question, adding a very cumbersome diagram.

"Ah, the college entrance examination is not so tiring!"

After finally lying on the bed, Xia Miaomiao, her best friend, also went offline, and told her that the senior sister from the School of Communication would come to interview later, so she must not forget.

Du Shiyu covered her head with a pillow, moaned, and feebly drove her best friend out.

"Ah, is it so tiring to be a mage? I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on, what should I do, Xiao Yu..."

"Get out!"

It was not easy for her ears to be cleared, and she fell asleep as soon as she closed her eyes.

When I woke up, it was already dark outside.

"...Haha, really, no, senior sister, you know how to talk nonsense"

Du Shiyu immediately knew that an outsider was coming when the voice of his best friend came.

When I went out to have a look, it turned out that a senior from the School of Communication was leading an interview, as well as a video camera.

"Xiao Yu, are you awake? Come on, come on..."

Looking at the people in the living room, Du Shiyu frowned imperceptibly, and said with a smile, "I'll go wash my face first."

In the bathroom, she came out after mental preparation.

"Xiaoyu come and sit"

The senior sister of the School of Communication has the intellectual temperament of a big sister. I heard that she has already got an offer from a certain TV station. She is beautiful, tall, and in good shape. She wears a famous brand. She doesn't look like a student, but like an elite in society.

Du Shiyu sat down a little restrained, nodded to the crew, and showed a shy smile.

"Du Shiyu, Xia Miaomiao, you two are celebrities in our school, even the principal knows you, how many boys hang around your dormitory floor day and night, how many people ask me for your phone address, do you know? "

"Really? It shouldn't be so." Du Shiyu was secretly worried when he heard the heartless and silly music of his buddy Xia Miaomiao.

"I heard that you joined Professor Hu's research group?"

"En", Du Shiyu nodded.

"Yes, yes, we are responsible for the first-hand data, Quack..."

"Now all the people in Canaan are paying attention, and the topic of the metaverse is amazingly hot. As the lucky ones of the first test and the second test, what is your biggest feeling? Uh, let Du Shiyu talk about it this time."

"If you want to say that the biggest feeling is the truth, the second life opened by a second world that is almost real..." Although Du Shiyu is shy, her eloquence is also powerful, anyway, she just picks good things to say.

"Second life? Yes, I'm starting to envy you too. I heard that the time in Canaan is not synchronized with the real time, there is a double gap. In reality, 8 hours a day, Canaan equals 16 hours in two days, right?"


"Doesn't that mean everyone is living longer?"

"Oh... Don't tell me I didn't pay attention. I really feel that the time has been extended a lot. Sometimes I think that many days have passed, but I only know how long it is when I look at the calendar."

"Xia Miaomiao, what do you want to say?"

"Can we talk?"


"Jet lag. Players are used to it. After discussing it on the forum for a while, no one cares anymore."

"Oh, why?"

"I'm used to it. There are more interesting things to pay attention to. What a time difference is."

Du Shiyu felt that her best friend's tone was a bit aggressive, so she glanced at her strangely, she was very positive just now, what's the matter now?
Xia Miaomiao secretly rolled her eyes, and smiled softly when facing the camera.

"... Both of you are level 10, right? I heard it's not easy to level up now?"

"Well, the experience after level 10 increases exponentially, but the monster is still level 8 or 9, and the test is about to end, so I don't care too much..."

The interview continued like this. After more than two hours, Du Shiyu was already impatient, and the senior sister from the School of Media and Communication finally put the microphone away.

"You two don't forget, the day after tomorrow at two o'clock in the auditorium of political and legal students..."

Before leaving, I even assigned a task to the two of them, to be a student representative to speak at a report meeting. All the leaders from the city came. The theme of the report meeting was still about the Metaverse. I heard that there was another academician join……

This task could not be shirked, and after the senior sister left, Du Shiyu complained that the best friend agreed without hesitation, but the best friend hugged the doll and angrily ignored him.

"What's wrong?" Du Shiyu felt that her attitude was a little strange.

"Hmph, look down on me"

"What?" Du Shiyu was puzzled.

"You, them, all"


"That's what it was, you heard her say 'Du Shiyu this time, tell me', ha, it's as if she wanted to understand her..."

Du Shiyu was really angry and funny, so she simply ignored her and went about her own business.

Not to mention, I really forgot, the day after tomorrow is the 18th, the day when the second test is over, these days she has devoted all her energy to the promotion of the enchanter, she is so deaf to the outside world, she even forgot about it.

Enchanter task props have been soul-bound, and you can change jobs as soon as the third test is launched. Everything you do now is not in vain.

It was rare to go to the kitchen to cook a normal dinner, and the two of them watched the talk show on TV while eating.

The so-called expert called Beast in the program is making a big show of popularizing science to the public about what is the Metaverse and the significance of Canaan, etc. The audience actively speaks and asks questions. The atmosphere is very warm and exciting.

"Yeah, Xiaoyu, the price of the helmet has been reduced."


The day before yesterday, the game helmets started to be sold again, but the price was astronomical 99988. Once it was launched, it was like a hornet's nest, and all kinds of criticisms and criticisms were overwhelming.

No matter how Canaan Company explains or puts out the fire, it will not work. Some people point to conspiracy theories, thinking that the rich and elite are depriving them of their "right to live in the second world" in disguise.


Right to survive!
The general public does not care about the "technical content" and "supply and demand relationship". They only know that this helmet was only sold at 98 in the past. If you dare to sell 99988 now, it is a conspiracy to play tricks. How could 98 be sold before Canaan Company was not established? Now It won't work?

Seeing that the commotion was getting bigger and bigger, and there were more and more people talking strange things, the Price Bureau and the industrial and commercial management department took action to cooperate with the rectification notice issued by the Consumers Association.

"How much are you selling now?"


Du Shiyu smiled and said, "It's no wonder that he is Xiaomi's former CEO, so he's selling mobile phones?"

"94, since the establishment of Canaan Company, there have been frequent tricks. That Yu Qingdong looks quite honest, but I didn't expect him to be so treacherous!"

(End of this chapter)

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