Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 107 Wearing a fluorescent mask is too much! [Burning Snow Ten Thousand Rewards Added]

Chapter 107 Wearing a fluorescent mask is too much! 【Burial Qianxue Reward Added】

Hanyu Qingan's shikigami do not have their own thinking, they are more like puppets, they can only execute some simple commands, such as asking them to release skills, say a few fixed lines, and walk around on a fixed route.

At most, as it is now, let them act together with a fixed target. The little paper man on Kazami Yuya's head is the temporary command of Shikigami this time.

In terms of intelligence, the little paper man is a level higher than these puppet shikigami, slightly higher than the three-year-old Yuzu's IQ.

Seeing a group of grotesque monsters approaching, not only Yu Kazami's scalp was numb, but even the burly Kamel felt guilty. Although he was not afraid of bloody battles with real swords and guns, he faced such an unknown existence. Still not confident.

I have seen it in so many movies. The existence of ghosts is not afraid of physical attacks, and they can also use various witchcraft. No matter how powerful they are, they are only relative to humans.

Not only did the two of them have no idea, but the other applicants who were silently watching in the warehouse were also watching nervously, wanting to see what was going on with the two of them, and how to deal with them when it was their turn.

Some people knew some information about Hanyu Sei'an, Onmyoji, and Shikigami before they came, but those high-level officials who had actually participated in the funeral and witnessed it with their own eyes would not come in person, and those who could come have never seen it.

After all, there is a gap between hearing and seeing, and this gap must be dealt with by the individual's psychological quality.

Fortunately, both Kamel and Kazami Yuya are not simple characters. One is an FBI agent and has been tested for a long time.

One is the Police Department Supplement of the public security system, which belongs to the Police Planning Section of the Police Department of the National Police Agency. It belongs to the "ZERO" group and is also a subordinate of Amuro Toru.

The two stopped at the door of the warehouse without any overreaction, kept quiet on the face, and remained vigilant in the heart, until Bi'anhua, Gui Shihei, the one-eyed monk and a group of little ghosts surrounded them.

This kind of absurd and terrifying scene, if it were a normal person, it would have turned around and fled or its hands and feet were weak, and the two sides were fighting. This is one of the reasons why Hanyu Qingan made such an interview arrangement.

After all, good employees like Toru Amuro and Masami Umezawa are very rare. It is difficult for ordinary funeral houses to recruit suitable people, let alone Hanyu Kiyan's funeral house.

He is also an onmyoji and a shikigami. Working here really requires a big heart.Therefore, Hanyu Qingan did not reject those applicants who came with a purpose, and those who could come were probably relatively elite talents. In the end, he didn't even need to pay too much salary, and he was simply a perfect worker.

As for the cultivation cheats and cultivation secrets that these people want to get, Hanyu Qingan himself doesn't have one, so he can search it however he likes, and even wants to applaud him if he can find it.

Seeing that Shikigami surrounded the two of them tightly, and the scene seemed to be at a stalemate, Toru Amuro urged from behind: "Let's go quickly, there are still so many people waiting behind."

Hearing Amuro Toru's voice, Kazami Yuya felt a little more at ease. He believed that his boss would not harm him, so he moved his legs and walked straight towards the ghost in front of him without avoiding at all.

If there is no way, then face it!
No matter what is in front of you!
As if walking in front of a projector, Kazami Yuya passed directly through Kishiguro's body without touching anything, so are these ghost-like existences?

So that's what Shikigami looks like?

Kamel, who was walking behind the coffin, lowered his arms slightly, trying to let the weight of the coffin be on his side. The road ahead is still unknown. Although he doesn't know his current teammates, if he wants to pass the test , or the most reasonable method should be used.

Kamel also noticed the strangeness of the shikigami around him, his arms also passed through the charms and blood-red petals around the Bianhua, and even the other's calf wearing clogs...

It's just that he doesn't dare to look more, no matter how beautiful the other party is, they are synonymous with danger here. He doesn't know how many people from the black organization are here, and what is the so-called recruitment.

The only thing that is clear is that the person wearing the fox mask, code-named Bourbon, is a dangerous person in the organization, and this Bourbon recently appeared in a funeral home, and seems to be planning something secretly.

And his task is to lurk among the recruiters this time. It is best to apply successfully, and then figure out the purpose of the black organization, pass the information on to Mr. Akai.

The little paper figurine vigorously waved its arms, directing Kazami Yuya to move forward, and occasionally slapped his forehead angrily when he went in the wrong direction, as if to blame him for being so stupid.

Although it is impossible to hurt, or even just a little itchy, the calmer Kazami Yuya felt, the more ridiculous he felt. What happened to this world?

On the other side, Toru Amuro clapped his hands again, attracting everyone's attention, and then the warehouse door slowly closed. This was made by other little paper figurines, but the scene was dimly lit, and no one could see it. It felt like some kind of adventure movie The closed door kill in the house.

I was a little wary for a while, wondering if the fox mask in front of me wanted to kill everyone here, and then sink to the bottom of Tokyo Bay with cement?

No, this is unlikely, but what if some kind of mysterious spell is used to control oneself and others?
That's not good to say.

It's just that no one acted rashly, the door closed slowly, knowing that the last ray of light was...

Um?what is that?
Toru Amuro originally thought that the warehouse would be plunged into complete darkness, and then everyone would try to focus on their ears, be extremely vigilant, and any movement might cause riots. Such a high-pressure environment is the preset scene.

However, what he didn't expect was that someone was actually wearing a fluorescent mask, which was so dazzling that everyone's eyes were drawn to that green monster mask.

Fortunately, Toru Amuro had already arranged tasks for the little paper figurine in advance, and his distraction did not affect the continuation of the assessment. The projector was turned on, and the screen was projected onto the projection cloth behind Toru Amuro.

"Tonight's time is a bit tight, so when the first group of applicants is busy, you can't simply wait. Let's get used to the work content that we will face later. If you can't adapt, you can abstain at any time."

After speaking, Toru Amuro stepped aside, hiding in the edge of darkness.

Everyone could only stare at the screen, and soon, the forensic autopsy screen appeared, two or three ordinary professional elites who sneaked in sporadically began to feel their scalps tingling and their stomachs twitching. Organization as well.

This is too curious!

What is this assessment?

But apart from them, the rest of the applicants didn't care, and some even watched it with gusto...


(End of this chapter)

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