Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 108 Ordinary Desires...

Chapter 108 Ordinary Desires...

The helicopter sent the people in the villa to the opposite side of the suspension bridge in batches, where the police car that arrived later was already waiting. As for the broken suspension bridge and the isolated villa, let the Suzuki family send someone to repair it after the incident.

"Didn't you say you were going to sell this place? Why are you thinking about taking good care of it now?" Suzuki Sonoko's sister whispered in her ear, but seeing the smile on her mouth, it was obvious that she was probing knowingly.

Suzuki Sonoko didn't respond. She was looking out the rear window distractedly. After all the lights were extinguished, this lonely villa in the mountains looked even more eerie, but... a little cute?

It feels very contradictory and strange. The style of this villa is obviously not cute, so it can only be that she has her own filter, and everything she looks at will be dyed pink.

Although people's mood cannot change objective things, it can easily change their subjective feelings about things. People who have just fallen in love will find everything beautiful, just like there are gods in their own world. It is a bright and colorful beauty.

"Then let's keep it as a souvenir. It's just a villa anyway." Although this is a bad memory for me, it is a good memory for my sister. Suzuki Ayako gently stroked Suzuki Sonoko's smooth hair , with a gentle smile.

All the way home, the sisters felt the "love" of Suzuki Shiro and his wife as soon as they entered the door.

"Ayako, what's going on? Also, Sonoko, what are you doing?"

This kind of obvious difference in treatment, if it is normal, Suzuki Sonoko will only fight hard with his mother, which can be regarded as the repertoire of the mother and daughter. Although they are noisy, the relationship will only be better.

It's just that Suzuki Sonoko's mood is already occupied tonight, there is no time to quarrel at all right now, the brisk melody is echoing in his mind, he is really not interested in this kind of thing.

"Okay, okay, just come back safely." Suzuki Shiro reassured.

Suzuki Ayako smiled softly, apologizing with guilt, "I've troubled you, and I haven't rested so late."

Especially her own father, who was supporting his waist, his face was full of exhaustion, which made Suzuki Ayako almost burst into tears.

Suzuki Shiro blushed, and quickly changed the topic, "Ayako, what happened?"

A few people sat down, Suzuki Ayako explained the whole story, but she didn't tell about Hanyu Qingan, she promised her sister to keep it secret, so it's up to the sister to decide when to tell the story.

Suzuki Shiro and Suzuki Tomoko comforted the eldest daughter, but they did not shake their education methods because of this. No matter what happens, it is a life experience, as long as the person is still good.

Then...the couple turned their attention to Suzuki Sonoko. At this time, the latter was sitting there with a sullen face and a serious face. He seemed very well-behaved.

Tomoko Suzuki looked at the obvious smile in her second daughter's eyes, and sighed, "Tell me, what kind of person is the other party?"

Suzuki Sonoko was still in a daze, Suzuki Ayako shook her shoulder lightly, which brought her back to her senses.

"Ah? What's wrong?"

Suzuki Shiro was also a little dumbfounded, and said: "Sonoko, let's talk about what you have done recently, the phone calls have not stopped tonight."

"What phone number?" Suzuki Sonoko looked blank.

"They all came to congratulate me, to compliment me on my unique vision and keen sense of smell, and to praise you for your beauty, wisdom, generosity and so on." Suzuki Shiro said looking at his second daughter.

"Ah?" Suzuki Sonoko was stunned, "Is this talking about me?"

Yuanzi's mother squinted at her, "You still have a little self-knowledge, so what did you do to cause such a big commotion?"

"What's the commotion?" Suzuki Sonoko thought about it carefully, as if she hadn't done anything but fall in love recently, she had even forgotten Hanyu Kiyosuke's Qinglong at the moment, and her mind was empty.

Love makes people stupid.

"None of those phone calls explained what happened, but a name was mentioned." Suzuki Shiro looked at his two daughters, "A master named Hanyu, do you know?"

Suzuki Sonoko's gaze began to wander, she finally recovered a little bit of her brain, and said that she hadn't done anything recently, so the sensational thing should have nothing to do with her, and sure enough, it was Hanyu-kun's fault.

But those people are also true, they were just in a relationship, and they actually found a home, shouldn't they go to Hanyu-kun's funeral service if they have something to do?

Suzuki Shiro thought that his daughter had something to do with a descendant of that master Hanyu's family, but Suzuki Tomoko had already seen some clues.

"Isn't that master Hanyu your love interest?"

"Eh?!" Suzuki Sonoko was startled, is it so easy to guess?
Seeing her reaction, Tomoko Suzuki understood, but instead of continuing to question her, she looked at her eldest daughter, "Ayako should have met her before, right? He is called a master, how old is he? What kind of master is he? An artist? "

Suzuki Ayako felt her sister's earnest eyes, but she could only return a helpless smile.

"I just met today. She looks very young, and she seems to be very familiar with Director Baima of the Metropolitan Police Department. Today, after learning about the accident at the villa, Director Baima specially took a helicopter to check the situation in the middle of the night."

Suzuki Sonoko secretly gave her sister a thumbs up, because she still knows the art of speaking.

"So, what kind of master is the other party? Painting? Sculpture?" Suzuki Tomoko knew her daughter very well, and she knew that her eldest daughter was deliberately picking one.

Suzuki Ayako smiled at her sister in embarrassment, with an expression of helplessness.

Suzuki Sonoko couldn't bear it any longer, and asked like this just after arriving home, really, "It's enough that the other party is someone I like, and other things are not important."

Tomoko Suzuki wanted to scold her, but after thinking about it, he held back for now, and taught:
"You are still young, and some things are not clear at all. Not to mention whether the other party has other thoughts, even if you really have pure feelings, with our family's financial status, can the other party really not be affected?"

"Not everyone can maintain their heart in the face of this kind of 'pressure'." Tomoko Suzuki shook his head with emotion.

"It's not that I have any prejudice against birth status, but if there is no equal living environment and knowledge, the difference in concept between you will lead to misfortune in your relationship sooner or later."

Although Suzuki Sonoko was not convinced by her mother's first half of the statement, she had to admit that her mother's last few words had some truth.

She also started to mutter a little bit in her heart, Hanyu-kun is no longer a mortal, is he?He still has to continue to practice, will the gap between his and himself become wider and wider?Will he become something like a hermit, completely losing interest in mundane things?

"What are you thinking in a daze again?" Tomoko Suzuki sighed.

"How can Hanyu-kun keep his ordinary desires..." Suzuki Sonoko subconsciously replied.

(End of this chapter)

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