Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 109 Sonoko's father: I want to order this son-in-law!

Chapter 109 Sonoko's father: I want to order this son-in-law!

Tomoko Suzuki suspected that he had heard it wrong. What nonsense is this silly girl talking about?What are mundane desires?
Suzuki Sonoko quickly covered her mouth, shook her head vigorously, and argued in a muffled voice: "It's nothing, I'm just saying that Hanyu-kun is a practitioner, and I'm an ordinary person. There may indeed be differences in concepts in the future, so I'm wondering what to do. Just do it."

"It would be terrible if he wants to practice as a hermit in the deep mountains and old forests."

"???" Tomoko Suzuki frowned, this daughter is getting more and more crazy, and her words are getting more and more irrelevant, so let's just have another one.

Suzuki Ayako on the side saw her mother's doubts, and helped her sister explain:
"Sonoko didn't talk nonsense, and I saw it with my own eyes, and the reason why Director Hakuba and Hanyu-kun got along well is probably because of his extraordinary power. There should indeed be those legendary, unusual powers in this world."

Tomoko Suzuki was silent, yes, her eldest daughter was also taken stupidly, she turned her head to look at her husband in disappointment.

However, what she didn't expect was that Suzuki Shiro nodded thoughtfully.

"What did you see?" Suzuki Shiro asked gently.

"The talking head."

"A huge green dragon!"

Suzuki Sonoko and her sister answered at the same time.

"..." Tomoko Suzuki supported his forehead, feeling a little pain in his head.

"Oh?" Suzuki Shiro showed an interested expression on his face, "Tell me, what's going on?"

The matter could no longer be concealed, so Suzuki Ayako told the whole story of what happened in the second half of the villa, and Suzuki Sonoko interrupted from time to time to add, and by the way boasted about how powerful Hanyu Seian was.

"The resurrection of the dead... No wonder those people called me." Suzuki Shiro murmured, then looked at his second daughter, smiling happily, "It seems that my daughter is indeed very attractive, even such a character will be mesmerized by you."

Suzuki Sonoko blushed and lowered her head, giggling silly.Tomoko Suzuki was so angry that she didn't want to talk anymore. It was too difficult for her husband to be like this. She leaned back on the sofa, rubbed her temples and closed her eyes to rest.

Suzuki Shiro smiled and patted her hand, "You should trust your daughters more, what they said should be true, otherwise those who called me could collude with them and cheat us together? "

Tomoko Suzuki said weakly: "I'm not worried that they will collude to deceive me, but that they were cheated and even counted the money. Do you really believe such absurd things?"

Suzuki Shiro said as a matter of course: "Why don't you believe it? The world is indeed not as simple as it seems on the surface. Many things are just not made public. Only a small number of people can access these things."

Tomoko Suzuki wanted to say something else, but the phone rang again at this time, and Shiro Suzuki picked up the receiver skillfully, huh, huh, huh, huh, he'd been using this all night.

"Huh?! What you just said..." Suzuki Shiro hurriedly covered the microphone, looked at Suzuki Sonoko, and asked with some expectation, "Sonoko, that Hanyu-kun can also cast healing spells? Can replenish vitality to make people younger ?”

Suzuki Sonoko was taken aback for a moment, she scratched her head and thought, isn't it the resurrection of the dead?Is there any therapy?She doesn't know.

Seeing his daughter's bewildered look, Suzuki Shiro understood. He sat back and responded to the microphone for a while, and finally hung up.

Sensing her husband's rare eagerness, Tomoko Suzuki asked worriedly, "Is there something wrong?"

Suzuki Shiro shook his head slightly, and wiped the fine sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief, "Sonoko, when it's convenient for Hanyu-kun, let's find a chance to invite him to your house for a meal."

"Ah~?" Suzuki Sonoko made a long voice, obviously not happy.

Suzuki Shiro realized that he was a little impatient, and said again: "Then why not invite him to participate in the [-]th anniversary?"

Suzuki Sonoko still didn't want to agree, but being stared at by her mother, she finally acquiesced, but I don't know what Hanyu-kun thinks, obviously just confirmed the relationship, and the parents here are going to see him, no matter how you look at it, it's not a normal process, right?

When Hanyu Qingan returned home, he stood downstairs in a daze for a long time. The air after the rain was extraordinarily fresh, and the night sky was also very clean. The light of the moon fell to the ground unobstructed.

He's a little bit ashamed now, actually tricked a high school student into being his girlfriend, it's really... great.

Fortunately, this kind of thing is legal here, and the age of marriage here is relatively early, otherwise he would be in trouble.

After thinking about it, he went upstairs, gently unlocked the door with the key, and pressed the doorknob to minimize the noise after entering the room, and closed the door gently.

Umezawa slept in the room with grapefruit, and he couldn't get over it, so he lay down on the sofa with his clothes on. After such a toss, he didn't feel much sleepiness, but he didn't worry about it. Empty and bright.

Just under the moonlight, quietly feeling the passage of time...

Until dawn, Hanyu Qingan suddenly remembered that Toru Amuro seemed to be working tonight, so he got up, walked to the desk, picked up the phone and called.


Toru Amuro, who had been busy all night, was about to send the applicants home. Unexpectedly, he received a call from the president, who told him that he would come for an interview soon, and let the eliminated ones leave, and the rest waited in place.

Toru Amuro has been busy all day and night, and last night he was still thinking about Pisco's funeral in his spare time. Although he was professionally trained, he was starting to feel a little tired.

Two fingers touched the depression of the brow bone of the upper eye socket, and pressed it hard for a few seconds. After the heartache and numbness passed, he exhaled a breath of stale air, and then he regained his spirit a little.

Generally speaking, the recruitment went smoothly, and there were no troublemakers. This was not only because of Hanyu Kiyosuke's previous deterrence, and the subsequent "new business", but also because of Toru Amuro's own position.

He is not just an ordinary police officer, he is not a member of the Public Security Investigation Department, but a member of the Public Security Committee of the Cabinet Office. In addition to being responsible for monitoring criminal organizations, he also has the right to deploy members of the police department.

At the same time, the Public Security Committee also has a large number of scandals involving officials and politicians. These are "weapons" that Amuro can use, and they are also the real confidence for him and his boss Kuroda Hei to act.

Looking at the applicants who had carried the coffin and studied the job content before him, Toru Amuro clapped his hands. Some of them couldn't help but start to tremble, and the corners of their eyes twitched. Every time he clapped his hands, something bad happened!
"Thank you for your hard work, everyone. Now the ones I ordered stay, and the others can leave first. That is to say, those who left, unfortunately, you have been eliminated."

Amuro's smile was extraordinarily warmed by the dim lights, but in the eyes of the applicants, it was the devil's smile, scarier than the masks they wore.

The behavior of this man is simply outrageous!
Thinking of working under this fox mask in the future, many people who were selected to pass the assessment began to wonder whether they should give up.

When watching the video before, this guy's figure can be said to be elusive. It is estimated that even if he is successfully employed, it will be difficult to hide from him in the days to come to collect useful things...

(End of this chapter)

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