Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 110 A New Method of Distinguishing Friend and Enemy

Chapter 110 A New Method of Distinguishing Friend and Enemy
When Hanyu Qingan arrived at the pier, the sky had already revealed a little twilight, and the people waiting for the interview in the warehouse each found a place, or sat cross-legged, or leaned against the wall, looking at the blood-red filled warehouse. Huahai was in a daze.

All kinds of monsters and ghosts crowded together with them, as well as the experience of this night, are like a dream that cannot be woken up. For some people, especially those who have been eliminated, it is still a nightmare.

"President." When Toru Amuro said hello, the remaining dozen or so applicants also stood up quickly, looking at Hanyu Kiyoan, who was dressed as an onmyoji, with inquiring expressions in his eyes.

Is this the person they are trying so hard to get close to?It doesn't seem to be anything special, but it has the aloof temperament of a master, but it looks a little younger.

"These are the people who passed the assessment?" Hanyu Qing'an's cold eyes swept over a group of masked people who were a bit embarrassed.

"Yes, they are all very capable, with strong learning ability, strong adaptability, and strong physical strength." Toru Amuro praised without hesitation, but those who were praised were not happy at all.

Hanyu Qingan took the small book handed over by Amuro Toru, which recorded the applicants' ratings. He glanced at them and found that they were all called by masks.

What ninjas, devils, hulks, vampires, etc., it looks like a gathering of extraordinary people.

However, Hanyu Qingan didn't care, and it was even better. It was not necessary for employees who were not his own to know the name of the other party. If they knew, would they still need to find out who was behind them?

Who else?It is nothing more than a chaebol or a high-level person. It is useless to check and check. It is good to know it well, so there is no need to waste time.

No matter what these people were doing before, after arriving at the funeral home, they all have only one identity-worker!

"Let me explain first that the funeral agency only recruits ordinary positions, and the salary is not high. The monthly salary is [-] yen plus bonus. Therefore, those who feel unacceptable can leave."

Even Amuro felt ashamed to hear Hanyu Kiyoan's temporarily imposed conditions. In this special industry, he was doing the hardest work, but he was paid such a low salary—only one tenth of what he had when he first joined the job. one.

This is not a master of yin and yang, he is simply an evil capitalist!
The masked people looked at each other in blank dismay. They had never considered the issue of salary, but even so, it was a bit too low...

This is Tokyo, with a monthly salary of 6000 yen (equivalent to [-] RMB). If the rent is included, they have to pay part of the food expenses themselves.

Is it okay to work part-time with subsidized funds?
Although everyone was muttering in their hearts, no one planned to leave.Looking at the abnormal reactions of these people, Hanyu Qingan knew that they were not serious people. Who would be willing to earn this level of salary in Tokyo to do this kind of work?

"Since no one is going to give up, let's close the door." Hanyu Qingan ordered, and walked into the warehouse.

The sun's rays were blocked out of the door again, and the warehouse fell into darkness again...

What it is?
Hanyu Qingan was stunned, why is there a fluorescent one?or green?That's okay too?

Are you afraid of the dark so give yourself light?
Fortunately, he is currently working as an onmyoji, and he can hold back a little bit, but his eyes stayed on the Hulk's face for a while, and then naturally moved away.

"Last chance, I will use the spell to identify hostility in a while. If anyone has an opinion on me, he will be injured. So, take advantage of the present, there is still time to leave."

After hearing Hanyu Qing'an's words, everyone felt guilty for a while, but no one planned to leave.Everyone has ulterior motives, but when it comes to hostility, there really aren't that many.

For example, Yuya Kazami, who was ordered to sneak in for surveillance and cooperate with Toru Amuro in carrying out tasks, he would not have any hostility towards Kiyoan Hanyu.

Like Kamel, he doesn't even know who Hanyu Qingan is. After this night, he just figured out something. He probably knows that not all the people here are members of the Black Organization. Bourbon seems to be in "other people's territory." lurking in trouble.

So in fact, he is only hostile to Toru Amuro who "cleared the identity of the organization's members". Before confirming the identities of other people here, he was just on guard. The difference between the two is not small.

Moreover, Bourbon's behavior when facing the president is obviously not the way he treats his colleagues or superiors in the organization. Kamel is also more interested in exploring and observing Hanyu Qingan.

As for the real members of the black organization, Calvados and others, the order they received was not to deal with Hanyu Qingan, but to lurk and investigate. Before coming, they were told not to act rashly and provoke the target.

Not only that, they were also told that the organization was trying to win over the target—just like buying and controlling those high-level people, so finding out Hanyu Kiyoan's handle and weaknesses was also part of their mission.

They are just here to complete the task, with the self-consciousness of a tool person, without personal emotions mixed in, there is no need to have any hostility towards the target the organization intends to recruit, let alone the idea of ​​attacking Hanyu Qingan.

Seeing that these applicants stayed with confidence, Hanyu Qingan also nodded in satisfaction. It seems that those people have "behaved" after the last time.

Taking out the talisman, just about to summon Kaguya Hime to open the illusion, Hanyu Qingan suddenly looked up at the roof of the warehouse, it seems... If it breaks, you will have to pay a lot of money, right?

"Follow me." Hanyu Qingan did not panic, and walked out of the warehouse very calmly, followed by Shikigami and a group of confused applicants.

What is going on?In and out for a while.

When he came to the open space in front of the warehouse, Hanyu Qingan summoned Kaguya Ji to open the illusion, so that people outside could not see what happened here. The pier in the early morning has gradually become lively, and it is necessary to cover it up a little to avoid scaring people. to passers-by.

Kaguya Ji's illusion can isolate the inside and outside, like a layer of optical invisibility curtains enclosing a place, unless someone happens to stray into the illusion, otherwise people outside cannot see the strange scene inside.

The scene of the blue dragon descending from the sky is naturally impossible to observe from the outside. At most, the strange dragon chant can be heard, but it is intertwined with the sound of the whistle on the beach, and it is difficult to attract many people's attention.

In contrast, the illusion of the Bianhua is different. It seems to be just a sea of ​​blood-red flowers all over the ground, blending with reality. It is really useless except to set off the atmosphere...

Hanyu Qing'an's expression froze, as if Qinglong didn't need to confirm the hostility, he remembered that Higanhua would not attack his own people randomly just because of being confused...

Although the Higan flower is not yet a physical body, the illusory attack is also an attack, and there are special effects of the attack. Hanyu Qingan looked at the sea of ​​flowers exploding at the feet of the "Hulk" from time to time and fell into deep thought.

This guy... who is it?
(End of this chapter)

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