Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 115 Funeral agencies also have membership cards? 【Ask monthly ticket】

Chapter 115 Funeral agencies also have membership cards? 【Ask monthly ticket】

The main purpose of visiting Dr. Ali this time - the equipment for making diamonds. Hanyu Kiyosuke couldn't take it away in a car, and he had to ask someone to come back later.

Even though Dr. Ali's technology is already miraculous, there is no way to reduce the size too much, at least it needs to be transported away with a hearse.

Ultra-high temperature vacuum sintering furnace and high temperature hot pressing furnace, the former is used to extract the carbon element in the ashes, and the latter is used to crystallize the carbon atomic structure and recombine it into a diamond embryo.

With the efforts of Dr. A Li, these two necessary machines have achieved the same volume as the drum washing machine and the heat pump dryer. If it is not the noise problem, they can even be placed directly in the funeral home.

But even if Hanyu Qingan himself is used to corpses, he still has to consider Yuzu's feelings.Well, there is still a garden now, so it will be put in a rented warehouse for use like the hearse coffin.

When Kamel drove him and Yuzu back to the funeral home, he happened to meet Toru Amuro downstairs who had finished collecting the ashes. The timing was too coincidental, so Kamel had no rest time and was directly arranged to leave The hearse went to pull the machine.

After pulling it back, start working directly.

Back at the funeral club, Hanyu Kiyoan and Amuro Toru talked about the new business. Although it was not mentioned before, but with the example of Masuyama Kenzo, Hanyu Kiyoan did not need to waste much time to make Amuro transparent. status quo.

"At the moment, what I'm thinking about is that Director Baima's proposal is still relatively good, and blindly rejecting it will not lead to long-term stability."

"But I don't plan to waste too much energy on these things, so I consider setting aside an hour a day to take care of new business, so that the number of customers for new business per day is limited."

"What do you think is the most reasonable way to arrange quotas and fees?" Hanyu Kiyosuke looked at Toru Amuro expectantly.

Toru Amuro thought for a while, "Since there is a quota, the fee cannot be too low, but the number of people cannot be limited too small, because there will be many people who need this service."

"You can consider limiting the number of places and limit the number of times per week. Use the frequency of once a week per customer as a standard reference to determine the number of places and pricing."

"Since President, you can remotely summon Shikigami to release healing spells, and you don't need to waste too much time queuing up to cast spells, so the time can be shortened every time."

Hanyu Qing'an followed his train of thought and continued: "In this case, if calculated by one person per minute, there will be 1 people per day, and 60 people per week."

"Then make 420 VIP cards, give them to those people for free, and then sell charms, one for 500 million yen (about 30 RMB), what do you think?"

With a net income of [-] million yen a day, there is no profit at all. If it is not for the funeral of the development of the golden finger, and he does not want to spend all his time on work, this is enough for Hanyu Kiyosuke to be financially free.

"I think it is feasible, but I suggest that the president should not release these quotas all at once. First, 20 people per day, one hundred and four people a week, and then release some when the voice is strong later." Toru Amuro said.

"And it's best not to verify the user. As long as the person who calls and reports the VIP card number and password within the specified time, the 'treatment' will be provided directly."

"In this way, the VIP cards sent out will be automatically collected into the hands of those who are eligible to own them, and we don't need to do much extra."

After hearing Toru Amuro's suggestion, Hanyu Kiyoan nodded, thinking it was reasonable.

Whether it's the oppression from the top to the bottom, or the flattery from the bottom to the top, precious things will automatically flow to the upper layers. As long as they don't set up obstacles here, everything will naturally develop towards this trend.

It doesn't matter if one is missed occasionally, it just so happens that he can also be the maker of urban legends.

A lucky low-level person picked up a magical card. After discovering the secret of the card, he used it to cast "life magic" on people. Since then, he has soared into the sky, married Bai Fumei, and reached the pinnacle of life.

It's interesting to think about.

Hanyu Qingan finally finalized the matter, "Then do it this way, but the VIP card needs to be packaged, um, let's use the Omoru."

"You can directly use the seven sceneries—gold, wood, water, fire, earth, sun, moon, plus the heavenly stems and earthly branches as the serial number."

Toru Amuro nodded and wrote it down in his notebook. Although the word "seven sights" in the mouth of the president is relatively unfamiliar, but after hearing the gold, wood, water, fire, earth, sun and moon, he understood that it is another name for Seven Days.

"Put a spell in the guard as a trial product, and put a card with clear usage on it. Don't use the word healing, it's more appropriate to call it 'blessing'."

"In this way, when we have our own shrine later, it will sound more harmonious. At that time, the charms can also be sold at the shrine."

"I'll send you a copy after it's done. It's a benefit for my own people, and I can experience the feeling of being full of life."

Toru Amuro didn't have any expectations for "abundance of life". He always felt that it was not a good thing, but he was a little surprised by the shrine. "The president plans to build his own shrine?"

Hanyu Qing'an nodded, "Yes, so when you are free from work, you can first find out where there is suitable land in Tokyo to build your own shrine."

Toru Amuro is used to the sudden increase in workload. Anyway, he is still young and can resist, but when others wake up early and lament his hard work, he has never slept at all, so the problem is not big.

Not long after Amuro Toru left after finishing work, Suzuki Sonoko came to the door.

When the two met for the first time after confirming their relationship, she seemed a little bit at a loss, not knowing whether to be more intimate or reserved.

To say that when she was fantasizing about being in love, her mind was full of the greasy look of two people sticking together, but she was a little at a loss as to how to transition to that step step by step in the middle.

"I haven't seen you for a day, miss me?" Hanyu Qingan did not have her discomfort, and joked.

Suzuki Sonoko stopped being entangled in an instant, curled her lips, hugged the grapefruit and began to rub her face, "I miss grapefruit, who misses you."

Yuzu looked back and forth between the two of them with her beady eyes, sensitively aware of a little difference, but she didn't say it, she was just full of joy, and it seemed that her hard work was not in vain.

One step closer to having a complete home.

"I came today to tell you something." Suzuki Sonoko sat on the sofa with Yuzu in her arms.

"What's the matter?" Hanyu Qingan asked.

"I mentioned it once before. Our family business is celebrating its [-]th anniversary. There will be a big celebration in a few days. When the time comes... let's go together."

"Oh?" Qing An said with peace of mind that Director Baima had expected this kind of activity, and he really couldn't escape it, nor would he choose to escape.

"Will you see your parents then?"

"Hmm..." Suzuki Sonoko was so entangled to death that falling in love was obviously a matter between two people, but the family insisted on intervening, really.

Hanyu Qingan saw her boredom and asked, "Do I need to refuse?"

Suzuki Sonoko looked up at him, a little moved, but still shook his head after thinking about it.

Forget it, sooner or later there is still no escape, if we meet at this time, at least my parents will be very busy and won't have so much energy to focus on this matter.

"By the way, I don't know what your parents usually like? It's the first time we meet, so I can bring some gifts."

(End of this chapter)

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