Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 116 Attending Your Own Funeral? 【Ask monthly ticket】

Chapter 116 Attending Your Own Funeral? 【Ask monthly ticket】

"Hmm..." Suzuki Sonoko thought for a while and hesitated, "There is no need to prepare anything specially. My father has a wide range of hobbies. It seems that there is nothing he doesn't like. He seems to be interested in everything."

"How old is your father?" Hanyu Qing'an suddenly turned a little weird, and asked tentatively.

"51 years old, what's wrong?"

Hanyu Qing'an suddenly realized that, generally speaking, when a man, especially a middle-aged man, starts to have all kinds of weird hobbies, it's avoid something.

"I know what to give your father." Kiyoshi Hanyu settled down, "Your mother has also thought about it."

Anyway, for women, getting younger is always the best gift. Although it is only in the evening, most of the large-scale banquets and the like are after the evening, which is just right.

However, I just don't know if this will turn all the upper class people in Japan into night owls, or is it more appropriate to say "vampire"?
Both like nocturnal activities and get younger at night, which...

It sounds more like an urban legend...

Seeing his mysterious look, Suzuki Sonoko turned away dissatisfied, and one or two of them didn't speak clearly.

But after a while, she couldn't help but asked again: "Have you had any entrustment recently?"

Hanyu Qing'an understood, smiled and said, "Yes, Miss Miko can start working, right?"

"It's not impossible to work, but you should make up the wages in arrears first." Suzuki Sonoko rubbed Yuzu's small face and said.

Hanyu Qing'an knew that she didn't care about the little money, just for fun, but he let her go.

He got up and took out a stack of Fukuzawa Yukichi from the drawer of the desk, and before handing it to her, he suddenly asked: "I don't know how much salary will make Miss Miko willing to work for me for the rest of her life?"

Suzuki Sonoko's cheeks were flushed by what he said, but she looked at him without showing any weakness, "It's not enough to give me all your income, hum~"

Hanyu Qingan nodded, "Understood, I will hand over the passbook to you later."

"Who wants your passbook, let's go, Yuzu, I've paid my salary, treat you to a big meal~"

Suzuki Sonoko didn't even look at him, snatched the banknote from his hand, got up and went out with the pomelo in his arms.

"Oh~ have a big meal~" Yuzu happily echoed and shouted.

"Don't you ask the boss for dinner? You can't be in the workplace like this." Hanyu Qing'an shouted towards the back of the two of them.

"How can there be any reason for an employee to invite the boss to dinner?" Suzuki Sonoko disagreed, "If you want to eat, follow along."


"How are the new employees doing?"

Two days later, Hanyu Seiyasu and Suzuki Sonoko sat in the back seat of the black car, and the former asked Toru Amuro in the driver's cab.

Today is the day of Kenzo Masuyama's funeral, but according to his granddaughter's wishes, the time to wake up the dead is also arranged today.

This also means that Masuyama Kensan will attend his own funeral with the guests who came to mourn him...

Although I don't quite understand it, this is the request of the deceased's granddaughter. As Party B, they naturally have to respect Party A's wishes. It's really hard to say anything. It's better to let them handle housework by themselves...

Toru Amuro looked up at the rearview mirror, smiled and said, "It's all good, and they work hard."

"Are the employees getting along harmoniously? Didn't any conflicts happen?"

Amuro said that apart from Kamel, they all seem to be his "insiders", "No, they are all good. Although they don't talk much, they are all reliable at work."

"Isn't Kazami uncomfortable? Out of the four, I'm actually most worried about him. He looks more sunny and outgoing. I thought of you, Amuro, when I chose him."

Hanyu Kiyosuke's words made Amuro Toru's heart skip a beat, did the president know something?
"The shrewd and capable sense of reliability is very similar to you, so I thought it would be good to ask him to help you with chores, otherwise I would not have chosen him."

"..." Toru Amuro heaved a sigh of relief, it turned out that it was just like this, "Kazemi seems to be getting used to it now, nothing unusual, handling chores is also as neat as you expected, President, thanks to him , I've been a lot more relaxed recently."

"That's good. If you feel that any of them is not suitable, just bring it up and recruit next time."

"Okay, President." Amuro replied with a smile.

"I said, is the work done? Can you let me go?" Suzuki Sonoko leaned close to Hanyu Qingan's ear and whispered, while struggling symbolically twice with the clenched hands.

Hanyu Qingan pretended not to hear, and continued to chat with Toru Amuro, "By the way, Amuro, you were wearing a fox mask the night of the recruitment, right?"

Toru Amuro was taken aback for a moment, remembering his identity as the president of his family, and wondered if there might be something wrong with the mask, so he asked cautiously: "That's right, is there a problem?"

Hanyu Qing'an said with a serious face: "It's true, there are demon foxes among the shikigami..."

Toru Amuro used to be a person with firm beliefs, but since the Sanguan was shattered by Hanyu Qingan, he has been unable to make any firm judgments on matters related to gods, gods and ghosts.

For things you don't understand, it's better to listen to professionals.

"The fox mask is not suitable for people with dark face, it is unlucky."

"???" Amuro Toru has a question mark on his face, is it related to his black face?What is the principle?Is it the so-called blackening of Yintang?
He also recently bought a lot of Chinese ancient books for research.

Sonoko Suzuki curled her lips, but this time she realized it before Toru Amuro, Hanyu was just talking nonsense, deliberately rambling.

There is something called the ladder effect. The principle is roughly a little bit of temptation, and each time you go one step further, accumulating, you will reach your goal unconsciously.

This principle is very common in the process of getting along with people, especially in the process of love, for example: just hug, never move...

Therefore, when Hanyu Qingan found that Sonoko was brave on the surface but not decisive enough in his heart, he began to try to make the other party get used to the intimate contact between the two. Physical contact is always the only way to get closer.

Suzuki Sonoko looked suspiciously at Hanyu Qingan rubbing his thumb on the back of his hand, always feeling that this guy seemed to have malicious intentions, was he being cheated?Did you really not see his true nature clearly before?
Without giving her any time to think, the car soon arrived in front of the villa of Kensan's family in Masuyama. Hanyu Qingan let go of her hand, and changed into the onmyoji's attire very neatly, and then his temperament changed accordingly.

"Miss Witch, it's time to work, don't be in a daze."

Suzuki Sonoko didn't react a little bit, his attitude changed a little too quickly, he was a little frivolous just now, but now he suddenly became so serious, like a stranger all of a sudden.

The contrast between before and after made her feel confused for a while, what's going on, really!
 Yesterday's renew is not counted, and four chapters will be added with a monthly pass of 20.There should be a chapter at 00:[-] in a while, which is considered to be an update in advance, and the remaining three chapters will accumulate a wave of daily million in a few days.

(End of this chapter)

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