Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 117 Masuyama Mami?Belmode! [Monthly ticket plus 1]

Chapter 117 Masuyama Mami?Belmode! [Monthly ticket plus 1]

"Nice to meet you, I'm Masuyama Mami."

Hanyu Qingan took a little look at the blonde young woman in a black workplace suit in front of him, then gently held her fingers, shook her symbolically, and then let go.

"Hayuki Kiyoan."

The greeting was also very brief, but fortunately, Masuyama Mami was also direct.

"plz follow me."

Hanyu Qingan looked at Masuyama Mami's ponytail flicking back and forth, and felt that she was really a very neat woman, and she could give people a very capable and decisive posture as soon as they met.

Before I came here, I thought that I would face a crying girl, which would be really difficult. Although Kenzo Masuyama’s death was caused by himself, since he has something to do with him, it’s not reasonable to say To be clear, this is arguably better than expected.

Suzuki Sonoko, who was wearing a shrine maiden costume, secretly tapped Hanyu Kiyoan's arm with the ritual fan in his hand, and when he looked over, he turned his head away again without looking sideways.

"Huh? You even brought the gold and silver fan?"

Hanyu Qingan noticed the fan in her hand.One side is gold, which symbolizes the sun, and the other is silver, which symbolizes the moon.Generally speaking, this is used by Shinto priestesses, but this kind of symbol of yin and yang, no matter how you look at it, is also passed down from the yin and yang way.

When Suzuki Sonoko heard what he said, she felt bitter in her heart. Did I tell you to read this?You are here to work, what do you want to do by staring at people like this?
"Didn't you bring the Kagura bell?" Qingan Hanyu was still asking.

Suzuki Sonoko replied angrily in a low voice: "Keep it in a wooden box, so as not to jingle on the road."

"Thank you, this is what I should have thought of." Hanyu Qingan seemed to have not noticed her temper.


Following Masuyama Mami all the way to the interior of the villa, I have to say that this place is not comparable to the villas of Okiyu and Nakamoto Katsuhiko, it is almost like a medieval European castle.

In Tokyo, where every inch of land is expensive, having a castle of this size is enough to show the status of Kenzo Masuyama.

"Please sit down."

Masuyama Momi brought the three of them to the living room, and a maid brought tea, and she said straight to the point:

"President Hanyu don't need to think too much. I know why my grandfather passed away suddenly, and I won't blame you unreasonably."

"This time I specially invited President Hanyu to preside over the funeral because I learned something beyond my imagination from my grandfather's friends."

"My grandfather's sudden death caught everyone by surprise. His company has already fallen into chaos and the situation is about to get out of control. I have been busy with these things for the past few days when I rushed back."

Hearing what she said, Hanyu Qingan felt very reasonable, at least much more reasonable than his granddaughter wanting his grandfather to be publicly executed. Looking at the other person's eye sockets, it was true that the bags under his eyes were heavy and the dark circles were obvious.

"I understand, the sun is about to set, and I will wake up your grandfather in a while, but this kind of awakening can only be maintained until the sun rises again, that is, between the two encounters."

After a pause, Hanyu Qingan felt that the other party was so sensible, and he should pay back a little bit.

"Also, if you need it, and if you don't mind, I can help Miss Masuyama replenish your vitality a little bit. Although Miss Masuyama is very young, there won't be any obvious changes, but at least it can make up for the energy that has been lost recently. Of course, It’s also only valid tonight, it’s a little thought.”

He said he didn't mind, of course it was because the source of his grandfather's death was here, but Hanyu Qing'an brought it up because she was more sensible, and she looked really tired and needed "treatment".


A subtle light flashed in Masuyama Momi's eyes, and a beautiful smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. She seemed to relax a little bit, and she felt a little more weak and tired than she was capable just now.

A strong woman, suddenly showing a weak side, is very attractive.

"Then please."

Hanyu Qing'an didn't think too much about it. He is working now, and he is still dressed as an onmyoji. He is more rational, and he is facing the family of the deceased, so he will not have strange thoughts.

It's just that Suzuki Sonoko next to him couldn't help becoming vigilant. Although she knew that the occasion was obviously wrong, she, a girl, couldn't help but have a protective desire for Miss Masuyama Momi just now!
This... How could a man be able to hold on to this!Suzuki Sonoko cried out in her heart, she couldn't stand it anymore, she wanted to go up to hug him and comfort him.

Masuyama Momi looked at her as if feeling something, Suzuki Sonoko who was caught upright hurriedly lowered her head.

Toru Amuro didn't speak, just watched Belmode's performance quietly. Fortunately, the president's performance was very calm, and there was no sign of being confused at present. He was really worried that the president would be caught by this "thousand-faced" Witch" what to say.

Thanks to Sonoko Suzuki's presence, Toru Amuro was a little thankful that Ms. Suzuki was the first to act decisively. As the driver, he was well aware of the small movements of the two of them in the car.

Suddenly there was some noise outside, Masuyama Momi nodded apologetically to Hanyu Qingan, "Please sit down a moment, I'll deal with it, I'm sorry."

After Belmode left the field, the atmosphere became a little more relaxed. Hanyu Qingyasu asked Toru Amuro: "You have been busy here these days, have you learned anything?"

"No, President, what do you mean..." Toru Amuro tentatively asked.

I'm afraid that someone is full of sympathy and wants to protect others... Suzuki Sonoko thought in her heart, laying down on the table with a listless look, she knew it was not the time to lose her temper, so she had to sulk alone.

"I felt that something was wrong, but I couldn't figure it out for a while." Hanyu Qingan shook his head slightly.

"What's wrong?" Toru Amuro was a little surprised. Even though he knew the inside story and knew that it was Belmode, he still couldn't see any flaws.

"A kind of... feeling, I can't explain it for a while, you can understand it as the spiritual sense of an onmyoji."

"Spiritual perception?" Toru Amuro paid a little attention to this word, but in fact he didn't want to ask further, because this is really not a suitable place.

He was quite sure that the walls had ears, but if he didn't ask further, he would definitely arouse suspicion, and now he could only hope that the president would speak less truth.

Toru Amuro's worries are completely unnecessary, Hanyu Qingan is now in a state of fooling around, there is no way there is a single truth in his mouth.

"You should have heard me read the nine-character mantra before, right?" Hanyu Qing'an shook the paper fan, there was nothing else to do when the sun went down, so he just chatted.

Toru Amuro thought about it, "You mean, all fighters march forward in formation?"

"That's right." Hanyu Qing'an nodded, "This is the motto in the ancient Chinese book "Baopuzi", and it is also a method commonly used by practitioners. Even ordinary people can take advantage of the power of these nine words to scare them a little bit. Weak wild ghost."

"To put it simply, Lin is the cultivation of the body and a strong will; Bing is the energy stored in the body, which means the vitality of prolonging life and rejuvenating..."

As soon as this sentence came out, it seemed that the surroundings suddenly became quiet. Although the noise from the next door could still be heard, it was obviously weakened.

People inside and outside the house were all focused on the "secret" that Hanyu Qingan said, and for a while it seemed that this place became his teaching hall...

 [-] monthly tickets reached ~ Thank you for your support ~ Adding corrections is working hard ~

(End of this chapter)

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