Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 132 Funeral agencies are all talented people

Chapter 132 Funeral agencies are all talented people

Hanyu Kiyoan just made a suggestion, but to the employees of the funeral agency present, this is actually not much different from an order. When ordinary beaters ask you to smile, it is difficult for you to refuse, let alone They are a group of undercover agents who will definitely end up badly after being fired.

For the members of the Black Organization, Kenzo Masuyama's remains are still being used for experiments, and they can see clearly that because of the failure of a mission, their identities became a little more sensitive, and they ended up like this.

That's the case with the elders, let alone these little fellows.

Similarly, both Kamel and Kazami Yuya have worked hard to get in, and they cannot be dismissed for such a trivial matter anyway.

"The president is right, you have to smile more when you come out to play." Toru Amuro said with a smile without any psychological burden.

The employees looked at each other in blank dismay. After the president and the manager said so, they could only smile hard. However, all of them laughed very hard, as if they were forcibly pulling the corners of their mouths away with a hook.

Suzuki Sonoko couldn't stand it anymore, she tugged Hanyu Qingan's sleeve, "Don't make things difficult for them, start quickly, don't dawdle!"

"I just want them to relax a bit, so let's play bowling first." Hanyu Qing'an said helplessly.

He felt that although his employees were very dedicated, they still seemed a little too reserved, but this was also the introverted person he had deliberately recruited before, and it was all expected.

"I'll come first!"

Suzuki Sonoko took the lead and ran happily to a promising fairway, picked a ten-pound ball on the side rack, put three fingers into the goal hole, grabbed it firmly, and then walked towards the walkway with the ball.

Slide, arm swing, ball out of hand, on the floor of the pitching area toward the pins.


The wooden pins in the target area were smashed into pieces by the bowling ball and rolled into the goal hole together, but there was still a wooden pin standing there safely.

"Ah... what a pity..." Suzuki Sonoko said unhappily, she has learned this thing specially, when she played frequently in the past, she could often get all hits, but she didn't practice for a while, and her hand feeling declined.

"Okay, let's start quickly. There are a bit too many people. If there are more than six, then the singles will be played. Each person will have six rounds."

"Okay." Mao Lilan smiled and was the first to step forward after Sonoko Suzuki. She picked the fairway next to Sonoko Suzuki.

The same ten-pound ball, Mao Lilan did not play bowling for as long as Suzuki Sonoko, but her motor nerves were much better than Suzuki Sonoko, and she easily knocked down all ten wooden pins.

"Okay~" Mao Lilan cheered excitedly.

Suzuki Sonoko feels that there is really no way, she can't surpass Xiaolan in terms of sports, oh, it seems to be the same in terms of studies...

Next was Conan, a primary school student, who could only hold the smallest ball, six pounds. Originally, Suzuki Sonoko was going to laugh at this kid after Conan got a low score, but he didn't expect Conan to hit a strike.

Sonoko Suzuki curled her lips unhappily, "Hanyu-kun, it's your turn, hurry up."

Hanyu Qingan was scratching his head, he had only played with this thing a few times before, it was many years ago, and it was not in this kind of formal stadium, but a bowling ball that he didn’t know where to get when he was a child, he was at home There are a few plastic bottles in the yard for casual play.

Picking up a thirteen-pound blue bowling ball, he recalled the feeling deep in his memory, well, he forgot all of it, so he had to imitate Yuanzi's movements and try it out.

After the ball was thrown, it seemed unsteady, but fortunately, the direction was roughly correct. However, when he was about to hit the wooden pin, Hanyu Qingan realized that it might not be right, at least the wooden pin in the farthest corner should not be hit.

He quietly stretched out his hand, walked around Suzuki Sonoko's back, patted her on the shoulder away from him, and while she turned her head, he changed into the onmyoji costume instantly, threw a spell at the wooden bottle, and changed Back to normal dress.

Suzuki Sonoko felt someone patting herself, but turned her head and saw nothing.

"I'm done, it's time for Yuzu, she can't wait any longer." Hanyu Qing'an smiled nonchalantly.

Suzuki Sonoko looked at the vertical bottle area, and it turned out to be a strike. It doesn't make sense. Hanyu-kun's movements are not standard at first glance, and the direction was obviously a little crooked just now.

Besides, who just patted her on the shoulder?She looked around suspiciously. The others were very far away from her, so it should be...

Conan the brat!
Only if he is so short can he not be noticed by himself.

Conan, who was glared at by Sonoko Suzuki, felt extremely wronged. Everyone except Sonoko saw Hanyu Qingan cheating just now, but Xiaolan signaled herself not to expose it.

Yuzu covered her mouth and snickered, and then took the initiative to cover up for Hanyu Qingan, pestering Suzuki Sonoko to let her teach herself.

Because she is too young, even the smallest ball is too heavy for her, so she just rolls the ball on the ground with both hands, and cannot hit a wooden pin.

Next, when it was the turn of the employees of the funeral home, Sonoko Suzuki became more suspicious of life. From Toru Amuro to Akemi Miyano, from Kamel to Rikudo Kusuda, it seemed that everyone was a bowling expert. all hit.

Obviously his actions are the most standard!These guys look like they're not professionally trained!
Suzuki Sonoko glanced suspiciously at them, and Kamel and the others couldn't help but feel a little guilty. They really tried hard to make a mistake, but sometimes making a mistake is harder than getting it right. Muscle memory is too tenacious.

The main reason is that they want to make mistakes more naturally. If they miss all of them, it is easy to handle, but it is a bit embarrassing for them to neither hit all nor miss all.

Hanyu Qingan had no chance to cheat anymore, Suzuki Sonoko had already suspected him and kept staring at him, so the results after the sixth round could only be said to be mediocre.

Others, including Conan, who was afraid of being beaten by Suzuki Sonoko, also found ways to make some mistakes. Their grades fluctuated, but they were generally maintained at the same level as President Hanyu, and they were very professional in running with them.

In the end, Sonoko Suzuki lost to Mao Lilan and successfully won No.2 in the bowling team building competition, which can be regarded as satisfying her.

Hanyu Kiyoan and Amuro Toru left the bill, and the others went out first. He mentioned to the cashier a little embarrassedly that it seemed that a wooden bottle was damaged, and Amuro Toru paid the corresponding compensation before going out.

"Ah, it's so relaxing, it's really fun to come out to play during non-holidays~" Suzuki Sonoko said to Mao Lilan with a relaxed face.

"That's right, I feel that the pressure during the exam has been vented." Mao Lilan echoed.

"Ah, by the way, I almost forgot. I'm going to the bank to help Dad cash the check today. It's almost three o'clock. It seems a bit late. Is there any bank near here?"

"Yes, there is a Dongdu Bank over there." Suzuki Sonoko pointed out to her very skillfully, "I will accompany you."

"Don't you need to accompany Hanyu-kun?" Mao Lilan joked in a low voice.

"Who wants to accompany him, let's go." Suzuki Sonoko took Mao Lilan's arm and walked away without saying a word, followed by Conan who was pulling the grapefruit.

Hanyu Qingan looked at his employees, "It's not safe for a girl to go to the bank alone, so let's go with her. Xiaolan's side should be over soon, and we'll have dinner together after it's over."

The employees naturally had no objections, and all nodded in obedience to the president's orders.

But Toru Amuro couldn't help but start to guess, the president said it was not safe, so what happened to this bank?Like the last TV station?What did the divination get?
In the bowling alley, the staff responsible for inspecting the facilities found a damaged wooden bottle and a strange blue spell...

"What is this for? It looks very special, so keep it as a bookmark."

He found the cashier, "I found the damaged wooden bottle, it was broken a little strangely, the cut was too smooth, I don't know what happened."

"It's good if you find it. I didn't expect this group of guests to look vicious, but they are actually very good people. They offered compensation."


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(End of this chapter)

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