Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 133 Bank Robber: Together?

Chapter 133 Bank Robber: Together?
Kamel, Kusuda Rikudo and Calvados didn't enter the bank to join in the fun, because they were dressed in black suits and looked gloomy. Just standing at the door, the security personnel in the bank were already nervous.

If you really go in, if you accidentally misunderstand, I'm afraid there will be accidents that you don't want to see.

A motorcycle guy passing by couldn't help but look at them a few more times, and then, under the gaze of the three people and six eyes, he lowered his head and parked the motorcycle in a corner, not daring to look this way again.

However, what he was thinking in his heart was not fear, but was there any accident in today's plan, did he meet his colleagues?
As soon as Hanyu Qing'an and others entered the bank, they were noticed very quickly. The president of this branch, Hai Laoze, rushed to greet them and greeted them warmly.

"So it's the second Miss Yuanzi. Is there something important to come here today?"

"Are you familiar?" Hanyu Qingan looked sideways at Sonoko.

Sonoko Suzuki nodded, and then introduced.

"It turns out that you are Master Hanyu. I didn't expect to have the opportunity to meet you. It's a great honor. Is there anything I can do for you?" Hai Laoze was very surprised, and bowed to Hanyu Qing'an to say hello.

Conan pouted aside, these two guys, one is rich and powerful, the other is famous and status, they are really a good match.

"Don't bother, we're just here with friends."

Suzuki Sonoko also echoed, "That's right, there is no need to specially entertain."

Hearing what they said, the president had no choice but to go about his own business, but when he was busy, he still glanced at this side from time to time, as if looking at something rare.

This is also because Hanyu Qing'an's reputation in the upper circles spread quickly, but only some people are eligible to get the photos. As a result, many people have only heard of the name, but don't know what the real person looks like.

She is really as young as the rumors say...

The president couldn't help feeling in his heart that there are indeed differences between people, but he is old and doesn't think too much. Now he is more than enough than the bottom, which is not bad, but if he has the opportunity to be "blessed" Enough……

I really want to experience the drive and passion of my youth again.

Neither Hanyu Kiyosuke nor Suzuki Sonoko intended to ask for privileges, so they sat with Mao Lilan on the waiting seat, and Conan suddenly coughed twice.

"What's wrong with you, Conan? Do you have a cold?"

Conan touched his itchy throat, "It seems to be..."

"The temperature has started to cool down recently, and there are indeed a lot of flu." Suzuki Sonoko reminded from the side, and carried the grapefruit to the other side so as not to be infected by Conan.

Feeling the disgust in Sonoko's eyes, Conan couldn't help feeling a little bit wronged, and it wasn't because he wanted to catch a cold, as for what.

"Here, little brother, these are throat lozenges, which are very effective for coughing." A male bank clerk walked up to Conan and handed him half a lozenge.

"Thank you uncle~" Conan took it with a smile.

The president, who was trying to make himself look busy, nodded in satisfaction with the performance of his employees. Taniguchi, a young man, was fine and had a wink.

Another employee looked at the mobile phone, then said to the president, got up and left with his briefcase, he had an appointment with a client, and the time was almost up.

However, just as he opened the side door that only bank insiders could pass through by swiping their cards, he was suddenly hit head-on. A man wearing a helmet broke in, pulled out a pistol and shouted:

"Stand where you are, and raise your hands!"

Toru Amuro's eyes widened immediately, and sure enough, he was hit by the president again!He hurriedly turned his head to look at Hanyu Qingan.

None of Hanyu Kiyoan's group panicked, Suzuki Sonoko has turned a blind eye to this level of danger since seeing Hanyu Kiyoan's Qinglong.

The same goes for Mao Lilan. She used to be terrified when she heard about monsters.But after seeing Hanyu Qingan's shikigami, he found that the monster is so beautiful, and most of the fear in his heart disappeared.

Of course, she is not afraid of the famous big monsters, such as the big tengu, who even wants to touch the fluffy wings, but she is more afraid of the strange little ghosts.

Mainly it's too ugly.

Hanyu Kiyoan thought about it for a while, and decided to bring out the result of his hard training privately—the skill of changing clothes in a second and then changing back again.

In the blink of an eye, a talisman flew out and directly slashed into the barrel of the robber's gun. The barrel was still hard enough, and it was only cut in half. Hanyu Kiyoan made another shot in time.

The most amazing thing about general attacks is that as long as you lock on the target and hit wherever you point, the opponent can't dodge at all, and can only resist it with other things at most.

So Hanyu Qingan's two spells were all cut at the same place, because the interval was very short and the angle was the same, directly cutting off the barrel of the gun.

At this moment, the robbers just noticed that there were still a lot of people sitting still, and from the corner of their eyes, they only noticed that there seemed to be something flying in front of them.

He subconsciously turned around and pointed the gun at Hanyu Qingan and the others, then froze...

Why is the gun so short?
Toru Amuro stood up and walked towards the robber, admonishing him with a smile: "It is also illegal to rob with a toy gun, and you will be punished."

The robber was stunned, seeing Toru Amuro walking towards him with a smile, he panicked, thinking it was his fault, the robber pointed the gun at him with trembling hands, and shouted hysterically:
"Don't come here!"

"Sit back for me!"

The next second, Toru Amuro appeared beside him in an instant, and with a click, the robber's hand dropped limply, and the half of the pistol in his hand fell into Toru Amuro's hand.

Seeing this, Kazami Yuya also came up to help clean up the mess, first picked up the two flying spells, and then began to appease the crowd.

Sonoko Suzuki skillfully took out his mobile phone and called Police Officer Megure, explained the situation and asked him to come and deal with it as soon as possible.

The other people in the bank finally came to their senses, put down their sore arms, and started whispering.

Under Kazami Yuya's efforts to maintain order, the order was temporarily guaranteed, but they all looked at Hanyu Qing'an and the others suspiciously.

Things happened so quickly just now, except for the president who already knew the identity of Hanyu Kiyoan, no one else figured out what happened.

Kazami Yuya comforted everyone and went to find the rope. When passing by a man with a walkman, his eyes stayed for a moment.

The robber's helmet was removed by Toru Amuro. He struggled and shouted for a long time but couldn't move. He was a little discouraged, but before giving up, he couldn't help but look at his accomplice inside the bank - Taniguchi.

Taniguchi tried to avoid his gaze, but everyone noticed the strangeness of the robber and looked at him one after another.

"Hehehe..." The robber gave a strange smile, and said to Taniguchi in a self-defeating manner, "It's useless to hide, the two of us have to be together all the time, go to the casino, eat throat lozenges, rob a bank, go to jail Of course it has to be."

Hanyu Qing'an secretly slandered, you two gamblers really love each other.

Conan on the side looked at the lozenge in his hand and started to get tangled up, did he get involved in something terrible?

Some colleagues who were familiar with Taniguchi looked at him in surprise. They didn't expect him to be this kind of person. Taniguchi was a little ashamed, but he couldn't refute it. Unless the other party died, there was plenty of evidence to prove that he had participated.

Half an hour later, police officer Mu Mu arrived late, and a group of police cars surrounded the three dangerous elements at the door.

"Don't move, raise your hand!"

(End of this chapter)

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